As we approach the sixtieth anniversary of the passage of the Voting Rights Act, there is no better way to celebrate the success of the civil rights movement than to cast a ballot in an upcoming election. Voting is as crucial as ever. In the contested election and court case of Bush vs. Gore the country came to understand the impact every vote can have on an election. It is crucial that we as a country do all we can to count every vote and to assure that every vote counts.
Apollo Project works to keep the flame of democracy burning brightly by increasing civic participation. Registering as a new voter or updating an existing registration can keep our civil servants accountable at the polls and add to the vibrancy of our democracy. Voting is the strongest way to assure the preservation of civil rights that generations have struggled to achieve.
First time voters and those seeking to update registration can register by clicking here ==> National Voter Registration Form anywhere in the United States.
Apollo Project supports same day registration is order to increase participation. A change in address may mean that it's time to re-register in your new neighborhood, city or state. Our future finds its foundation in the commitment of our people to democracy. Every election is an opportunity to express yourself and to make your voice heard. Join our celebration of democracy by voicing your choice.