This week in Washington we are writing to protest the outrageous actions of the Environmental Protection Agency. According to Reuters, the EPA has withdrawn a proposed Obama-era rule change for uranium mining. The aim of this change was to tighten health and safety compliance rules for uranium miners. The proposal from EPA was to regulate byproduct materials produced by uranium recovery activities with a focus on groundwater protection and restoration. This week call EPA acting administrator Wheeler and let him know you feel strongly about protecting groundwater and protecting the environment from toxic uranium at (202) 564 7700.
GUN CONTROL 10/28/2018
This week in Washington we are writing to energize Amewricans in favor of gun control. The time has come to close the "gun show loophole, that allows people to purchase firearms without undergoing a background check. First, we ask President Trump to close the gun show loophole so that we can keep our communities safe. Second, we ask for a ban on "saturday night specials," small, low quality, in expensive hand guns that can be easily concealed and used to take often innocent life. Third, we ask for a renewal of the assault weapons ban. Weapons of war have no place on the streets of America. The White House can be reached at (202) 456 1414.
This week in Washington we are writing to protect voting rights. Two weeks ago the Supreme Court dealt a strong blow to the civil rights of Native Americans. The Court did so by allowing a restrictive voting rights identification law to stand in North Dakota. This law stipulates that voters are required to show identification with a residents instead of a PO Box. Americans living on reservations often do not have these kinds of street addresses, living in a traditional setting. Some 70,000 voters in North Dakota don't have an identification card that qualifies them to vote in the new system.
18,000 Native Americans don't have documentation that supports their new document system with their local Secretary of State. This week call North Dakota's Secretary of State and ask that he accept PO Box's as valid ID's on election day. Call Bismarck North Dakota toll free at 1 (800) 352 0867.
Endangered Species Act 11/7/2018
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the Endangered Species Act from extinction. Interior Secretary Zinke is partnering with Congress to imperil grizzly bears and gray wolves. Big Energy Companies are pushing for authorization to engage in deforestation, mining, fracking and the right to drill for oil in the habitat of some of our most precious resources our wildlife.
Interior Secretary Zinke is making it easier to remove species from the endangered list by conducting cost-benefit analysis of species on the endangered list. 273 university scientists as well as 9,000 working biologists have signed a letter opposing this move by the Interior Department and Congress. Polar Bears and Condors may not share a lot in common but they could both be extinct if we fail to act. E-mail Interior Secretary Zinke today @ www.doi.gov/contact-us
IMMIGRATION 11/21/2018
This week in Washington we are writing to protect undocumented Americans from persecution by the federal government. Washington is working through the Department of Homeland Secuity to force a choice between public assistance and citizenship for immigrants. Immigrants applying for public assistance like Medic Aid & Food Stamps would be denied visas, green cards and even have grounds for deportation under a new proposal from DHS. There is a three week comment period within which we urge our membership to contact DHS to postpone or reject this new rule. This rule would effect 24 million people and we strongly admonish the Administration to reconsider. Call DHS at (202) 282 8495.
Health Care 12/14/2018
This week in Washington we are writing to preserve and protect health care for eligible Americans all over this nation of ours. The Administration is attacking constitutional rights to birth control, cancer screenings and safe & legal abortions all across America. The Administration has imposed a 'gag rule' blocking women from having access to contraception and we call on the Department of Health and Human Services to relent it's assault on our rights. Call DHHS & (877) 696 6775.
Health Care for Service Members 11/21/2018
This week in Washington we are calling to amend the Federal Tort Claims Act to allow service members to pursue medical malpractice claims. In the event of an injury or death it is critical that military members have a legal recourse in pursuing justice for a family member or an individual. We call for a repeal of the "feres" rule so that soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines can claim basic medical rights that most Americans take for granted. This week call 202 224 3121 and ask for your Senator by state.
Safety on Campus /
Women's Rights 1/14/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to create safe and secure campuses for women across the country. We ask Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to abstain from first, relieving schools of the responsibility to investigate harrasment and assault unless survivors report to specific, designated employees. Second, we ask that Secretary DeVos not require universities to dismiss complaints about off-campus incidents. Third, we ask that the standard of evidence lean towards the rights of the women reporting the assault. Fourth, we ask that victims have the right to cross examine the perpetrators. Call Betsy DeVos today at 1-800-647-8733.
Wall Street
Reform 1/28/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to support the "Stop Walmart Act." Wealthy companies should be prevented from buying back their stock unless they pay their workers, part time employees, contractors & franchisees at least $15 an hour. We ask that employees receive seven days of paid sick leave. Third, we ask that the CEO & highest paid employee not make more than 150 times the median salary. Call the United States Senate @ (202)-224-3121 and ask for an equal economy for our country.
Big Pharma 2/1/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the American people. We call on Congress to pass the Schakowsky-Warren bill to break up big pharma cartels to lower generic pharmaceutical prices by publicly manufacturing generic drugs. The World Health Organization critical "essential medicines," should be available at affordable prices. In addition, if only one or two companies control the rights to a pharmaceutical the government should have the right to manufacture it to make it more affordable. We need to get the government in the business of saving lives by providing these critical life saving pharmaceuticals. Call Congress this week at (202) 224 321 and ask for your Senator by State.
Big Pharma 2/14/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the health care of the American people. Representative Ro Khanna (CA) 17 is taking on Big Pharma through legislation that will reduce prescription drug prices. This legislation will make American Pharmaceutical Companies set rates matching the rest of the industrialized world. If pharmaceutical companies refuse to lower their prices this legislation will introduce competition for generic drugs using free markets to increase competition and reduce cost. The Prescription Drug Price Relief Act will work with a newly created Office of Drug Price Manufacturing that can set prices at fair market values through competition to protect health care for the American people. Call Congress today and ask your representative to support the Prescription Drug Price Relief Act @ 202 224-3121
Rights 2/28/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect Women's Rights. Whether you are a daughter, a mother, a grandmother or a sister your rights should be protected by the law not compromised by the law. We are writing today to 1) lift the global gag rule on family planning organizations imposed by the Department of Health & Human Services. 2) We demand equal pay for equal work. 3) We would like to see Planned Parenthood fully funded so that a safe and legal abortion is once more the law of the land not an expensive entitlement for the rich and the few. 4) We want to see Title IX protections enhanced not stripped so that sexual assault survivors are protected not intimidated into silence. Call Betsy Devos today at 1-800-647-8733.
Save Apache
Holy Land 4/1/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect freedom of religion for Apache tribes. Resolution Copper is conspiring to build a copper mine on the Oak Flat in Indian Country in Arizona. Our friends in Congress are fighting back with the introduction of the "Save Oak Flat Act." Since the mining industry is exempt from the Clean Water Act the project would damage the Native American Tribes water supply. The Oak Flat is great and does not need a two-mile wide, 1,000-foot deep copper mine. Call Congress today and ask your Representative to vote in favor of the "Save Oak Flat Act," @ 202 224
Student Debt
Relief 3/28/2019
This week in Washington we are writing for student debt relief. Forty-four million Americans are carrying the burden of student loan debt, totaling $1.5 trillion dollars in 2017. Buying a home and starting a family are goals that are out of reach for Millenials due to these crushing obligations. One million Americans default on their student loans every year. By 2023, 40 % of borrowers will be in default of their student loans. We ask Congress to pass the Student Loan Forgiveness Act in order to bring relief to those struggling with student debt. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 and ask them to help those in need.
HIV/AIDS 3/1/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Currently PrEP also known as Truvada is a medication that has proved that it can drastically cut infection rates. Unfortunately, it's high cost of $ 1,700 dollars places it out of the reach of every day Americans. We would like to see PrEP become a covered part of preventative care. The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force announced that PrEP should be offered as a major form of HIV prevention. 1.2 million people are at high risk of contracting HIV but only 80,000 had access to PrEP in 2016. In the same year there were 40,000 new cases of HIV. Let's make HIV history by making PrEP an essential part of preventative care in the United States. Call the House Ways and Means Committee and ask for the Sub Committee on Health @ 202 225 3625.
New Year's Day 1/1/2019
Christmas Day 12/25/2018
Thanksgiving Day 11/22/2018
Martin Luther King Day 1/21/2019
Chanukah 12/2-10/2018
Facebook 2/7/2019
This week in Washington we are writing the Federal Trade Commission to initiate change at Facebook. A recent New York Times article found that Facebook gives away information on its 2.2 billion users to more than 150 companies. This is a situation that cries out for oversight. Since 2010 Facebook has made secret agreements to share private information from Ford Motor Company to Microsoft. We ask the FTC to; 1) conduct a public review of its practices, 2) hire an executive- level user advocate, 3) issue a public report with recommendations to improve the situation, and 4) create a task force to see implementation through. The FTC can be reached for comment at its Consumer Response Center at 1 877-382-4357.
Security 3/14/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to expand social security. Rep. John Larson has introduced the Social Security 2100 Act that will keep the program solvent for 80 years. If signed into law this Act will; 1) increase social security for all of us, 2) compel millionaires and billionares to pay the same rate as everyone, 3) protect low income workers by increasing monthly benefits, and 4) protect against inflation by indexing benefits. This Week call Congress at 202 244 3121 to protect social security.
President's Day 2/16/2019
Armistice / Veterans Day 11/11/2018
Ash Wednesday 3/6/2019
St Patrick's Day 3/15/2019
Reform 4/7/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to initiate immigration reform. The crises at the border with Mexico demands an immediate and compassionate response. We ask that the Department of Homeland Security take the following steps; 1) stop prosecuting everyone who crosses illegally, 2) stop separating families by taking children away from them, 3) stop tightening asylum standards, 4) stop slowing down the number of people allowed to apply for asylum every day, 5) stop forcing asylum applicants to remain in Mexico as they wait for their court dates. Our Statue of Liberty asks us to grant protection to "huddled masses yearning to breathe free." We ask that you call the Department of Homeland Security to keep this promise. Call (202) 282 8495
Against Women Act 4/14/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act. We would like to see the United States Senate expand VAWA to include protections for survivors who are facing evictions from their homes because of their abuser's actions. Further, we would like to see a ban on firearms from stalkers and abusers looking to settle old scores. VAWA expired in February of this year and it was left out of a spending bill needed to keep the government open. We implore Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to act for the sake of the safety of women across the country. These women are our mothers, sisters, nieces, daughters and grandmothers. Call Senator McConnell at 202 224 2541.
Education 4/28/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to make higher education affordable. We applaud and welcome Sen. Elizabeth Warren's plan to reduce crippling student debt as an investment in our country's future. Warren's plan would forgive up to $ 50,000 in student loans for Americans in household's earning less than $ 100,000. This would provide relief to 95 % of the country's 45 million Americans with student loans according to CNN. Sen. Warren's plan would also make public 2 and 4 year colleges free. This plan would be financed by a 2% tax on wealth above $ 50 million and a 3 % tax on wealth above $1 Billion. The time has come to end a lifetime of debt for our idealistic young Americans. Call Washington today at (202) 224 3121 and demand an end to student debt.
A Green
New Deal 5/1/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to create a Green New Deal. We know that the fate of our Earth hangs in the balance. Today we ask you to call Congress in favor of H. Res 109 and join Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to limit greenhouse emissions. This legislation would first force our country's largest polluters to cut emissions. Second, this legislation would require certain buildings to be retrofitted with solar panels and wind turbines. Third, this legislation would establish a renewable energy loan program. Fourth, H. Res 109 would study the feasibility of ending oil and gas power and replace these with renewables. Fifth, this would create thousands of well-paying blue collar jobs. Call Congress today at (202) 224 3121.
for All Act 5/7/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to enact universal health care. In the House of Representatives H.R. 1384 and in the United States Senate S. 1129 are the Medicare for All Acts of 2019. If enacted into law this legislation would create a single payer system that would include coverage of the more than 34 million Americans that lack health insurance. This legislation would be financed by increasing taxes on the wealthiest Americans and we believe it is time for all to do their fair share. According to National Public Radio this legislation would expand coverage while eliminating deductibles, copays and premiums. Dental and vision care would finally become a reality for millions of Americans who often are compelled to pay out of pocket for basic medical expenses. Health care costs are a leading cause of bankruptcy even though America is the wealthiest country in the world. Call the House of Representatives Capitol Switchboard today @ 202 224 3121 and affirm your support for H.R. 1384 by asking for your Representatives vote.
Woman Act 5/21/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect a woman's right to choose. In this Administration we are witnessing an unprecedented assault on a women's reproductive rights and there is critical legislation pending before the Congress to remedy this situation. The Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance E.A.C.H. Woman Act would ensure "that every woman who receives health care or insurance through the federal government will have coverage for all pregnancy-related services, including abortion," according to the All Above All campaign. This legislation would block the Hyde Amendment an annual budget rider preventing federal funding for abortions. The EACH Woman Act would repeal this rule and make a safe affordable abortion a right for women everywhere in the United States. Anti-Choice policies have a disproportionate effect on Americans with low-income and people of color according to Rewire News. In the House of Representatives this legislation has the support of Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and Diana DeGette (D-CO). Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask for Congressional Support for H.R. 1692.
Resources for
9/11 First Responders 6/1/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to keep faith with our first responders. After the horrific attacks of September 11th many first responders developed illnesses from their service at Ground Zero. Many workers developed cancer due to exposure to asbestos, burned jet fuel, burned computer parts, concrete and other toxic substances. People of good will are once more answering the call to serve. The James Zadroga Health and Compensation Act provides health screenings and medical benefits to our first responders and we must re-authorize it in order to keep faith with America. In two years, the Victim Compensation Fund will close. 10,000 Americans have been diagnosed with cancer and 184 of those are New York City Fire Fighters who have died as a result of their illnesses. Call the United States Senate today and re authorize S. 546 in the Senate and H.R. 1327 the Never Forget the Heroes: Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act. We will never forget the service of our first responders and this legislation will help us keep the faith. Call the Capitol Switchboard today @ 202 224 3121 ask for your Senator by state and ask to re authorize S. 546.
Domestic Workers
Bill of Rights 6/14/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect service workers in our 21st century economy. We ask Congress to pass the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. This critical legislation would extend labor laws to cover domestic workers. They would get the following benefits; Occupational Safety and Health Administration protections, help in cases of discrimination and harassment, the right to overtime pay and the ability to form unions. In addition, the bill would extend essential new protections - like retirement savings, affordable health care, training and development, the right to meal breaks, rest breaks, paid sick days, federal agency protections, contracts on paper, privacy and knowledge of their schedules in advance. These protections could set a standard that could have a ripple effect spreading protections to Amazon contractors and ride-share drivers. Domestic workers exempt from basic labor laws are often the target of abuse and exploitation. This legislation would reverse that trend. This week call Congress and support the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights @ 202 224 3121.
E.Q.U.A.L. Act 6/7/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to strengthen our democracy. The Ensuring Quality Access to Legal Defense E.Q.U.A.L. Act would put limits on public defenders' workloads, raise their pay to match prosecutors' salaries, and increase federal funding for training opportunities and student loan repayment programs. Publicly funded criminal defense attorneys must have the same resources and support as prosecutors. In many jurisdictions public defenders are overworked and underpaid. This legislation would remedy this egregious situation. This Week we ask that you call the United States Senate and support the EQUAL Defense Act of 2019 @ 202 224 3121 ask for your Senator by state.
A Family Bill
of Rights 6/21/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to strengthen American families. We stand with Sen. Gillibrand in her call for a Family Bill of Rights. If enacted into law this legislation would provide for the following; i) paid family leave, ii) universal pre-k in our nation's schools, iii) automatic enrollment for new borns into the Children's Health Insurance Program according to a press release from her office. Sen Gillibrand's proposal would give children access to Medicaid's Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment program. This program would be funded by higher taxes on Wall Street transactions with a .03% tax on all their transactions. This proposal would harvest $777 billion over ten years. Sen. Gillibrand's proposal has called for action in the first 100 days of her Administration. This proposal also calls for extending protections to same-sex couples while also safe guarding a woman's right to choose. A refundable tax credit would be available to couples choosing to adopt. It is critical to our democracy to safe-guard new familes and their children so that they can grow strong. Call Washington today and ask for your Senator by state today @ 202 224 3121.
Social Security
& Wall Street 6/28/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect Social Security. We ask the Senate to "reject the provisions in the SECURE Act that would allow annuities providers," to cheat retirees amd taking away their "hard earned savings," as documented by CREDO. We believe in expanding Social Security through the passage of the Social Security 2100 Act that would expand benefits and make a comfortable retirement a reachable goal for the many not an accessible luxury for the few. "Safe harbor," allowing "annuities based on kickbacks" is an unsafe investment strategy. We can't afford to roll the dice on retirement and we stand with CREDO, Social Security Works and every organization aiming to protect the savings of retirees. Annuity companies could declare bankruptcy and workers would have no right to sue their employers to recover their savings. Public employees have been left to the mercy of the elements and this is unaffordable, unfair and unnecessary. Call the United States Senate today @ 202 224 3121 and oppose the SECURE Act.
Rights 7/7/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect gay rights. We ask that the United States Senate pass the Equality Act. This path breaking legislation would apply the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to the LGBTQ community. According to CREDO Mobile this legislation would "ban discrimination in education, employment, housing, credit and federal jury service." We ask the United States Senate to stand with us in expanding the scope of civil rights to include the gay community. Civil rights should be protected no matter who you love. Americans have come a long way since the Stonewall Riots in New York City in the 1960's. The time has come for this urgently needed reform. Call the United States Senate @ 202 224 3121.
Mother's Day 5/14/2019
Memorial Day - 5/27/2019
Easter Holiday 4/21/2019
Passover Holiday 4/19/2019 - 4/27/2019
Independence Day Festivities 7/4/2019
Debt 7/14/2019
This week in Washington we are writing for our country's future. We ask the United States Senate to take up and pass the Student Debt Cancellation Act of 2019. In the United States student debt is greater than $ 1.5 trillion. 40 % of Americans are expected to default on their loans. Student debt prevents people from starting families or opening a new business. In addition it keeps families from purchasing a new home. Unlike other forms of debt, student debt cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. The Student Debt Cancellation Act would prevent predatory practices by lenders trying to lure unwitting students into irresponsible debt and protect public education. This legislation would eliminate and forgive student loans. Ask the Senate to stand with us by calling the Capitol today and ask for your Senator at (202) 224 3121.
Crises 7/21/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the American Dream. The refugee crises at the border requires the immediate attention of the Department of Health and Human Services as well as the Department of Homeland Security. They must unite families that have been separated not divide them. We stand with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees and ask that the U.S. first, expand infrastructure capacity at all ports of entry and border stations. Second, we ask that the United States improve reception conditions, including child-friendly spaces. Immigrants should be greeted with warm food and blankets not kept in cages and prevented from using the bathroom in privacy. Third, we ask that America provide specialist care to meet humanitarian needs including medical and psycho-social support, child welfare and care for survivors of violence aned trauma. There have been 175 protests in 40 states with 800 letters being delivered to Congress asking for them to intervene in this crises. We proudly stand with organizations like United We Dream and the American Friends Service Committee in demanding an end to these practices. Call Congress today at 202 224 3121.
Rights 7/28/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect American workers. We call on Congress to "expand and restore overtime pay," by supporting the Restoring Overtime Pay Act. Barack Obama's Administration expanded overtime pay to 4 million workers. The current Administration through the Department of Labor has watered down this critical reform that would cost 8.2 million people overtime pay. Congress has introduced legislation to protect the integrity of the American worker. Since 1975 the percentage of workers earning overtime has plummeted from 65 % to 11 %. For 41 years the threshold for overtime pay has been stuck at $ 23,660. Earning more than this amount would make you ineligible to receive overtime. In addition, corporations often label workers managers in order to avoid paying them overtime. The Obama era regulation would set a new threshold of $ 47,000, rising with inflation, to secure the American dream so that families earning above $23,000 would be able to receive overtime. Tell Congress to support the Restoring Overtime Pay Act today by calling 202 224 3121.
Bastille Day 7/14/2019
A Wall
Street Tax 8/1/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to tax Wall Street. We can accomplish this objective by imposing a small tax on each financial trade like a sales tax for Wall Street Banks. This measure if enacted would reduce speculation and raise billions of dollars. Progressive champions in Congress include Rep's Pramila Jayapal & Alexandra Ocasio Cortez who have stood behind the Tax Wall Street Act. Recently, Representatives Barbara Lee and Sen. Bernie Sanders have introduced there own version of the legislation the Inclusive Prosperity Act there are minor differences in the bill but they both share the same objective, creating equality by sharing the responsibility of raising government revenue. The Wealthiest 10% of Americans own more than 85 % of stock market wealth. High speed traders turn a profit by gaming small fluctations in price. A small tax would discourage dishonest financial transactions and level the playing field for every day Americans. The United States once taxed Wall St. transactions as recently as 1966. Forty countries around the world have a financial sales tax and we ask Congress to stand with us and make equality an American value again. Call Congress today at (202) 224 3121 and ask them to support the Tax Wall Street Act.
Stamps 8/7/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the food security of the American people. The current Administration is trying to remove 3 million people from Food Stamps. New regulations would curtail the leeway of states to automatically enroll welfare recipients. If income is less than 200% of the poverty level Americans should be automatically enrolled. We are the wealthiest country in the world and no child or family should ever grow up in the shadow of hunger. Call Congress today at (202) 224 3121
Civil Rights
& Fair Housing 8/14/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect civil rights. Despite decades of progress in integrating colleges & universities, assuring equal access to public accomodations and transportation and access to housing has remained a continuing challenge in civil rights. Sen. Kamala Harris has laid out a bold proposal for change; 1) Invest $ 100 billion to provide down-payment and closing cost assistance to 4 million home buyers who rent or live in historically red-lined communities, 2) strengthen anti-discrimination lending laws and implement stricter enforcement and 3) ensure these new home buyers have the necessary financial literacy to stay in their homes by increasing funding for the Housing Education and Counseling Program. Three quarters of white households are home owners while only 45 % and 47 % of black and hispanic families are. The time has come for peaceful social change. No American should be denied the right to purchase a home on the basis of the color of their skin. Change for Progress asks that Americans be judged by the content of their character. We ask that you call Congress today at 202 224 3121.
Control 8/28/2019
In the last few weeks the country has mourned the loss of 20 people cut down in the prime of their lives in El Paso Texas with dozens injured. Nine were killed in Dayton Ohio with 27 injured. For too long weapons of war have haunted the streets of American cities and countryside. Thoughts and prayers are not enough to stop the epidemic of gun violence in America. In February, Congress passed two pieces of legislation designed to close loopholes in background checks for gun purchases. H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112 are the cures to the epidemic gripping a fevered nation. The Bipartisan Background Checks Act & Enhanced Background Checks Act are the first steps toward a more peaceful nation and the beginning of the end of the fever of violence that has been a part of our national dialogue for far too long. Call the Senate today and ask for your Senator by state at (202) 224 -3121.
The Death
Penalty 8/21/2019
This week in Washington we are writing in opposition to the death penalty. In past Supreme Court decisions the Court has ruled in opposition to this barbaric action. In Furman v. Georgia the Court ruled against the death penalty citing it's violation of the constitutional violation of the 8th Amendment, the prohbition against "cruel and unusual punishment." We ask the office of the Attorney General to abide by this idealistic standard. The application of the death penalty is neither swift, quickly applied, certain applied with consistency or severe enough, as criminals often face a deadly death on the street. The death penalty hasn't been right in the past for the people and it should no longer be applied. We ask the Attorney General to stand with the people in the application of the standard conferred by the Court in Furman v. Georgia and discontinue this barbaric action. Call Attorney General William Barr today and ask for an end to the death penalty at (202) 727 3400.
Security Act 9/1/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our election system. Senator Amy Klobuchar has shown leadership in identifying the means to solving our electoral problems in the United States. The ranking member of the Senate Rules Committee with oversight of federal elections, Klobuchar has introduced the "Election Security Act." This critical legislation can accomplish a number of goals; a) require backup paper ballots, b) provide $ 1 billion in election security grants to the states for cyber security audits and improvements, c) strengthen federal response to election security interference and d) establish accountability measures for technology vendors. Securing our elections is a step towards increasing the quality of our democracy and we ask that you call your Senator by state @ 202 224 3121 on the Capitol switchboard.
Parenthood 9/7/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect Planned Parenthood. In recent days the organization was compelled to withdraw from the Title X family planning program. This 50 year old program provides testing for sexually transmitted disease, birth control and screenings for cancer and additional health care services for young Americans. In addition this program covers people without insurance and the underinsured. The Gag rule enacted by the Department of Health and Human Services makes it unlawful for doctors, nurses and health care professionals to discuss abortions with patients. We ask the head of the DHHS to revoke the gag rule. Call the Administration today at 202 690 7000.
Airlines 9/14/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our safety in the skies. American Airlines is outsourcing the jobs of maintenance workers outside the United States to low-bid third party providers that are unregulated. In addition American Airlines is also outsourcing the work of facilities maintenance, fleet service logistics and other ground support in its push for profits. We want to make sure that American Airlines are fit for flight. Critical jobs like de-icing and cabin security are at risk because of the race to the bottom to maximize profits at the expense of quality flight service. Call American Airlines today @ 1 800 633 3711
Security 9/21/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to expand Social Security. If Senator Elizabeth Warren's plan is enacted into law it will increase Social Security benefits immediately by $ 200 a month -- $ 2,400 a year. In addition it will extend the solvency of Social Security by two decades by asking the top 2% of families to contribute. This plan will lift 4.9 million seniors out of poverty cutting the senior poverty rate by 68 %. These reforms will reduce the deficit by more than $ 1 trillion over the next ten years. Call the United States Senate today and ask your Senator to support the Warren Plan today @ 202 224 3121
Labor Day 9/2/2019
United Auto Workers
& General Motors 9/28/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the American worker. Fifty thousand U.A.W. members at General Motors factories across the Midwest and the South are headed to the picket lines according to The New York Times. The union is pushing General Motors to do the following; 1) improve wages, 2) reopen idle plants, 3) add jobs, and 4) narrow the difference between pay for new hires and veteran workers. General Motors has been earning record profits $8.1 billion globally yet still has idled 3 plants. We ask General Motors to be generous in responding to the requests of workers across America. Lincoln in a different conflict once said that "there is a great invisibile strength in a people's union." E-mail General Motors today @ mediaservices@gm.com
Strike 10/1/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to save the environment. Mayor Pete Buttigieg has outlined a visionary plan to save our planet and we support his plan. First, we believe that we can and should achieve 100% clean electricity and zero emissions for new cars by 2035 with Net Zero Economy wide emissions by 2050. Second, we call for a price on carbon with revenue going back to low and middle-income Americans who disproportionately feel the effects of climate change. Third, we stand with the Mayor and ask to create 3 million clean economy jobs by 2030. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121
Housing 10/7/2019
This week in Washington we are writing for affordable housing. We agree with Sen. Sanders plan. If enacted it would end homelessness and limit rent increases across the country with a national rent control standard. According to The New York Times this plan would expand public housing, cap annual rent increases nationally and increase the availability of affordable housing. The time has come for reform Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121
Campaign Finance
Reform - Disclose Act 10/21/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to enact campaign finance reform. The Disclose Act is a critical step forward for our democracy. First, this legislation would require all corporations to report campaign expenditures of $10,000 or more to the FEC, the Federal Elections Commission within 24 hours and to disclose all campaign-related expenditures to shareholders and members. Second, this legislation would strengthen the foreign money ban by prohibiting foreign nationals from participating in decision making about corporate campaign spending. Third, this legislation creates a 'stand by your ad' provision so that groups who are running and funding a political ad must state that they "approve this message." The 'Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections,' the Disclose Act can pass with your support. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121.
Housing 10/28/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to preserve, protect and expand affordable housing. We echo the plan of Sen. Michael Bennett of Colorado that according to The New York Times would; 1) create "affordable housing units in areas where good jobs are available, 2)increase funding for housing vouchers and 3) provide tax credits for down payments on housing units." Bennett rightly identifies tax incentives that must be restructured to encourage affordability in communities with good schools and job opportunities. Bennett's plan targets the construction of 4 million units of affordable housing as an immediate goal for the country. We face a shortage of 7.2 million affordable rental homes. Bennett correctly argues that we must lower the cost of living in good homes "in thriving communities to ensure that people are able to afford a decent life." Call Congress today and demand that Congress get on the right side of history @ 202 224 3121.
Columbus Day 10/14/2019
for All 11/7/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to expand health care. We laud Elizabeth Warren's plan to expand our nation's health care system. First, Warren's plan would not raise anyone's income or payroll tax. Second, according to Bold Progrgressives this plan would enact Medicare For All instead of private insurance with accompanying predictability and lower costs. Third, the remaining cost would come from "taxing the super wealthy and big corporations" and closing corporate tax loopholes. Fourth, everyone wouled receive coverage creating a universal system. Fifth, there would be no premiums, co-pays, deductibles or out of network doctors. Sixth, there would be full benefits including vision, dental and long term care. Call Congress today at (202) 224 3121 and ask your Congressman to support the Warren plan.
Finance Reform 11/21/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to enact campaign finance reform. Bernie Sanders has released an excellent new plan that would enact mandatory campaign finance laws for all federal elections. Second his plan calls for passage of a constitutional amendment that makes clear that money is not speech and corporations are not people. Third, his plan would ban all corporate donations for presidential inauguration events & cap individual donations at $500. Fourth, the Senator would abolish the FEC and replace it with a Federal Election Administration a law enforcement agency. Fifth, Sanders would ban former members of Congress and senior staffers from becoming lobbyists. Finally, Sanders would ban advertisements during presidential primary debates. Call Congress today at (202) 224 3121.
Armistice Day / Veteran's Day 11/11/2019
A People's Union 12/1/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the right's of workers to unionize. The current Administration is trying to "roll back critical protections for working people," according to Daily Kos. Graduate teaching assistants and other student employees are trying to exercise their right to organize through collective bargaining and this rule change would rob them of their rights. The National Labor Relations Board ruling would prevent unionization at private universities. Students teach "university-level courses, publish work, do research that bring institutions prestige, grant money and patents." Students receive pay checks and performance evaluations and experience the university as a workplace. Call the National Labor Relations Board today and ask that they honor the work at Universities @ (510) 673 3300
Thanksgiving Day 11/28/2019
Public Housing &
the Faircloth Amendment 1/7/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to expand and protect affordable housing. In 1998 Congress capped the number of available housing units at 1999 levels creating the Faircloth Amedment. We ask Congress to lift the ban on building new public housing units. Two decades later America's population has grown by 50 million people and every public housing authority in the United States faces a crises according to Daily Kos. Thousands are on waitlists across the country with terms of nearly 7 years in some cases. The Faircloth Amendment was wrong 20 years ago and it is wrong today. We ask that the Federal Government place its' enormous resources behind the American people and place its' hands on the scales of justice in order to increase affordable and accessible housing. Call Congress today at (202) 224 3121.
Rights 1/14/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect civil rights. In 2012 the Supreme Court repealed key provisions of the Civil Rights Act. Several weeks ago the House of Representatives passed the Voting Rights Advancement Act ro restore critical voter protections. We ask that the Senate follow the lead of the House in passing this legislation. VRAA would create a new formula to determine which states and localities must "pre-clear any proposed changes to election laws and procedures with the Justice Department." Examples of voter suppression across the country include Georgia which recently sought to purge 4% of its voter roles, violating the constitutional rights of Georgians. A second example is in Wisconsin where a county judge purged 200,000 voters in a neighboring jurisdiction. Civil rights are under assault across America and the VRAA would provide a shield to protect our most vulnerable Americans. Voting rights are critical to our every day democracy. The Voting Rights Act has had bi-partisan support from both the Republican and Democratic parties. The time has arrived to honor this critical legislation with passage. Change for Progress asks that you call Congress at (202) 224 3121 to renew our American Democracy.
Happy Chanukah 12/22/2019 - 12/30/2019
Tax Excessive CEO Pay Act 1/28/2020
This week in Washington we are writing for social equality. Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Representative Barbara Lee have introduced the Tax Excessive CEO Pay Act which would make corporations close the pay gap between CEOs and working Americans according to Daily Kos. Many corporations pay their workers the minimum wage forcing workers to rely on social services such as public housing, food stamps and Medicaid. The american tax payer is footing the bill for income inequality. 80 % of CEO's for S & P 500 companies receive more than 100 times the pay of a median employee in 2018. This legisltion would remedy this problem by imposing a "graduated taxes for companies that pay their CEO more than 50 times the pay of the median worker. The wider the pay gap the higher the tax penalty. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Representative's support for the Excessive CEO Pay Act.
Social Security 2/1/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect Social Security. On January 16th 2020 The New York Times published an Opinion Editorial by a former Legal Aid lawyer Johnathan M. Stein. In this editorial Stein documents the Social Security Administration's "announced proposal to conduct roughly 2.6 million additional eligibility reviews of adults and children currently receiving Social Security disability benefits in the next decade." Thousands could lose their benefits. Reducing federal spending should not come through a purge of the disability rolls. In the Eighties similar efforts by the Reagan Administration caused "serious harm to thousands." The current Administration claims increased reviews will create more efficiency. We already know getting on Disability takes years under the current system. Call Social Security today and ask that the Federal Government abstain from creating a 4th category of "Medical Improvement Likely." Social Security can be reached at 1-800 772 1213.
This Week in Washington
Martin Luther King Day 1/20/2020
N.P.R. 2/21/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect National Public Radio. The present Administration recently retweeted a call for NPR to be defunded. According to 314 Action, National Public Radio has 120 million listeners, 34 bureaus worldwide and 27.4 million weekly on-air listeners. NPR is the "national syndicator for a network of over 1,000 public radio stations" across the country. It is critical for Americans to defend the public's First Amendment rights. Free speech demands that we be able to criticize our democracy without fear of retaliation. The answer to bad ideas in our national debate are good ideas, not silence. Creating a marketplace of ideas in order to answer inaccuracy is the cure to the fever of words we are encountering in our national debate. Call the Administration today at 202 456 1111.
Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation & Pay Day Loans 2/7/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to appeal the recent actions of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation also known as the FDIC. The organization is supporting the "rent-a-bank" rule that is impoverishing the American people. According to Color of Change the FDIC's conduct would allow "predatory lenders to evade state interest caps." Over the last 200 years, state usury laws have been able to reign in irresponsible practices of bank that allow predatory practices by banks and we ask Chairwoman Jelena McWilliams to heed our call for sound financial governance. Fifty years ago the Fair Housing Act and the Community Reinvestment Act compelled banks to serve everyone equally. We once more call on our nation's banks to act responsibly. Call the FDIC today at 1 877 ASK FDIC 1 877 275 8322
President's Day 2/17/2020
A People's Union 3/1/2020
This week in Washington we are writing in support of a people's union. The University of California - Santa Cruz recently fired 54 graduate students on strike asking for higher pay to accommodate a high cost of living. In December of last year 200 teaching assistants witheld fall quarter grades after administrators refused their request for a monthly pay increase of $ 1,412. In February of this year grad. students created a full work stoppage, refusing to teach, hold office hours, conduct research or post grades. According to the LA Times 17 graduate students were arrested at a campus protest Feb. 12th. These workers are paid $2,400 a month while the Universities endowment soars into the hundreds of millions. This week in Washington we ask UAW Local 2865 to support the striking students. Call the Union @ 1 800 243 8829.
Civil Rights 3/7/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect affordable housing. We strongly support the plan put forth before the Congress by Rep. Cortez and 'the Squad.' If approved this plan would take the following measured steps; 1) Establish rent control, limiting annual increases to 3% for landlords with 5 or more units, 2)strengthen tenant protections against unjust evictions, 3) provide $ 6.5 billion dollars for right to counsel, allocated by the Secretary of HUD for tenant eviction proceedings, 4) amend the Fair Housing Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1968 to prohibit discrimination by landlords on the basis of the use of housing vouchers, federal assistance or lawful sources of income. Ask Congress to protect our people @ 202 224 3121.
Coronoavirus 3/21/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the American people. The World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 a global pandemic and we call on Washington to respond to this crises with force. H.R. 6201 if signed into law would "expand access to free testing" according to Live Science.com. In addition it would expand sick leave so that those that are impacted by Coronavirus can heal without concern that they would lose their job. The United States is a minority among industrialized nations in so far as denying sick leave is concerned. South Korea is performing thousands of tests a day while the United States is forced to ration testing due to a shortage of test kits. Testing should be easy and accessible. Even Anthony Fauci the Head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease has said that we have so far "botched the response" to the illness. We call on the US Senate and the White House to pass and sign H.R. 6201 that would also provide food assistance to the most vulnerable. Call the Senate today @ 202 224 2121.
St.Patrick's Day 3/17/2020
Economic Stimulus 3/28/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to stimulate the economy. The stimulus put forth by the Administration and signed by members of both parties is a beginning not an end. The pandemic faced by the nation will likely go on for months if not years. Encouraging signs are millions of dollars for hospital and unemployment benefits. Discouraging signs are millions for corporate bailouts with modest oversight. An Inspector General answering to Congress is an encouraging sign. This week Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts has released an excellent plan. Included are several remedies to treat the pandemic; 1) full paid leave, 2) an unemployment insurance boost, 3) more aid to state governments, 4) funding for vaccine development, 5) Social Security benefit increases and 6) student debt cancellation. Personal protective equipment is a must for first responders as is a good test for the Coronavirus. Call Congress today at (202) 224 3121 ask for your Congressman & Senator by state to request a people's stimulus.
Reform 5/1/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the right to vote. Several states already have the right to vote by mail and we are writing this week in order to expand the franchise. According to Daily Kos Americans face "long lines, limited polling place hours, difficulty getting time off from work, electronic machines that are vulnerable to hacking, inconvenient polling locations, transportation challenges and voter suppression and intimidation." Voluntary vote by mail is the cure to these social ills. Generations of Americans have fought and died in order to protect the right to vote. It is a dishonor to their memory that we do not make the franchise accessible to all. Coronavirus can spread in American polling places and we ask for a safe alternative so people are not risking their lives in order to cast a ballot in an up coming election. We hope to expand participation among seniors, working families, disabled Americans and young voters. Bad weather should not prevent voting and mail in voting is the cure to Coronavirus fears. Call Congress today at (202) 224 3121.
Foods 4/1/2020
This week in Washington we are writing for Whole Foods. Recently, Whole Foods workers went on strike in order to demand safer working conditions. Whole Foods workers are calling in sick for "paid sick leave, hazard pay, funds to cover the costs of coronavirus testing and treatment, common sense safety measures like adequate sanitation at stores and warehouses, and more," according to Massachussetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. Safe grocery stores workers make for a safe America. Where workers are on strike we ask that shoppers not cross the picket line & get groceries somewhere else. Whole Foods workers are getting sick doing their job and this is an outrageous injustice that requires an immediate remedy. If Whole Foods workers had paid sick leave they could take time off to heal. We echo the demands of these workers and ask that Whole Foods reinstate health care coverage for part-time and seasonal workers. Call Whole Foods today @ 512-477-4455 and ask for equitable working conditions.
Reinvestment Act 4/21/2020
This week in Washington the current Administration is letting the FDIC, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the OCC, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency water down the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). These measures when taken in combination could facilitate red-lining in low-income and African-American communities. Americans rely on this critical legislation to buy homes and start small businesses. The CRA protects people from the discriminatory lending practices of banks and is a critical civil rights tool. We ask that the current comment period be open beyond April 8th.
Passover 4/8/2020
Easter 4/12/2020
Tribe 4/28/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the American Indian. The U.S. Department of the Interior has ordered that their land be disestablished. The Wampanoags have occupied the same land for 12,000 years. The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Reaffirmation Act (H.R. 312) can support and protect them. This is the Tribe that welcomed the Pilgrims in the 1600s and has lived in peace ever since. This legislation would create millions of dollars in funding for clean water, children's education, emergency services, housing and substance abuse. In addition, this legislation creates specific funding needed to combat the opiod epidemic crises. Call Congress today and support H.R. 312 @ 202 224 3121.
Housing 5/7/2020
This week in Washington we are writing for a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures during the COVID-19 emergency. We believe that there is no need for non-essential evictions. Landlords of residential dwellings should not be able to terminate tenancy or send notice to quit for non payment of rent. In addition, landlords should not be able to charge a late fee for non payment of rent or give data to a credit reporting agency if a tenant is late with rent. We oppose foreclosures and ask creditors and mortgage companies to abstain from these actions. Finally, we ask that there be no eviction actions in court. This legislation would prevent courts from accepting filings, entering judgements, issuing executions for possession or scheduling a court event for non-essential evictions. We ask Congress to pass H.R. 6515 with "all deliberate speed." Call the Capitol today @ (202) 224 3121 and let them know that you stand for justice.
A Coronavirus
Response 5/14/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to manufacture ventilator machines. We call on General Electric Health Care, Medtronic, Ventec Life Solutions, Hamilton Medical, Vyaire Medical and the organization that lobbies for them, Adva Med, to allow hospitals to fix broken ventilators. Ventilators are a life saving tool being used to treat Coronavirus but they are in short supply. We ask that these companies lift the prohibition on repairing these critical tools to protect the American people. There are only 62,000 ventilators across the country and New York alone needs 30,000 according to Color of Change. There are as many as 100,000 ventilators stored across the country in hospitals and warehouses. Call Congress today and ask them to lift the prohibition on repairing old ventilators @ 202 224 3121.
10 Point
Corona Response 5/21/2020
This Week in Washington we ask Congress to follow our 10 point plan. We ask that Congress; 1) halt all evictions and foreclosures during the pandemic, 2) provide first responders necessary PPE, 3) expand unemployment benefits, 4) extend loan forgiveness to struggling students, 5) lift the cap on income tax deductions, 6) expand SNAP eligbility, 7) enocurage the FDA to streamline the manufacture of new ventilators, 8) empower Defense to produce PPE, 9) provide mobile service centers for Veterans and 10) create tele-work for Federal Employees. Call Washington today @ 202 224 3121
Workers 5/28/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect domestic workers. The National Domestic Workers Alliance has taken "long strides towards freedom" in calling attention to the unjust conditions that domestic workers face. According to The Nation (NDWA) has argued that house cleaners, nannies and health aides suffer from unequal working conditions and need to be treated more equitably. Women and minorities make up an increasing share of this workforce and historically have had no protection. These workers deserve "good jobs with living wages, benefits and legal protection." Call Congress today ask ask for justice for our domestic workers @ 202 224 3121.
HEROES Act 6/1/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to pass the HEROES Act. The House of Representatives has shown path breaking leadership in advancing this legislation. According to Bold Progressives the $3 trillion coronavirus bill provides "meaningful relief, protections and government services Americans need." This legislation adopts key components of Sen. Warren's Workers Bill of Rights: workplace safety, hazard pay, child care and paid sick leave. This legislation also adopts proposals by both Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren including student debt cancellation and anti-corruption according to Bold Progressives. This proposal draws on the idea of contact tracing, public manufacturing and sending every voter a ballot to vote from home. Call the Senate @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Senator by state to support of the HEROES Act.
Saving Our
Streets Act 6/7/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect small business. The SOS Act can provide grants of up to $250,000 to community businesses and non profits to help weather the crises. Eligible organizations are those with 10 or fewer employees. 75 % will be set aside for minority and veteran owned businesses. Stand with small business today by urging your Representative in Congress to support this critical legislation. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121.
Citizens United 6/14/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our Democracy. We are calling on Congress to reverse the disastrous Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court. We call on Congress to restore the McCain-Feingold restrictions in effect under the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act which prohibited corporations and labor unions from making "electioneering commnications" within 30 days of a primary and 60 days of an election. Unrestricted communications are eroding the quality of our democracy by empowering the wealthiest among us to make exorbitant expenditures to buy elections. Television can be an informative tool but it is being employed to give special interests a decisive hand in legislative affairs. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 and ask Congress to overturn Citizens United.
Health Care 6/21/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect American access to health care. Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Pramila Jayapal have introduced the Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act. If passed and signed into law this legislation would empower Medicare to cover the cost of all treatment for the uninsured and cover all out-of-pocket costs for those with insurance for as long as the pandemic continues, including the cost of coronavirus testing and an eventual vaccine, according to Daily Kos. Health Care can and should be a civil right and we ask Congress to recognize its importance and to shield the most vulnerable among us in order to increase the quality of our Democracy. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 and ask your Representative to pass the Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act.
Voting Rights 6/28/2020
This week in Washington we are working to protect voting rights. In Georgia this week according to the Working Families Party & The Washington Post voters faced a number of challenges: 1) broken machines, 2) ridiculously long lines, 3) untrained poll workers, 4) closed polling locations, 5) absentee ballots that never arrived, and 6) not enough provisional ballots. Americans who wanted to vote in person were forced to wait 3, 5 even 7 hours. Voters in some areas waited until midnight to cast ballots. According to The Nation there is legislation pending before the Congress to strengthen the quality of our democraccy, The National Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act would create vote-by-mail, early voting, and no excuse absentee voting. Call Congress today for this critical legislation @ 202 224 3121.
This Week in
Washington Juneteenth 6/19/2020
This Week in
Washington Father's Day 6/21/2020
Mother's Day 5/10/2020
The People's Justice
Guarantee Act - H. Res 702 7/21/2020
This week in Washington we are writing for prison reform. The People's Justice Guarantee Act H. Res 702 calls on the United States to comprehensively remodel the criminal justice system and reshape our nation's approach to crime prevention according to the Congressional Research Service. First, 702 calls for Congress to prioritize decarceration and dramatically reduce jail and prison populations. Second, the Justice Gurantee Act would transform conditions for incarcerated individuals, including the elimination of solitary confinement, forced labor practices, and life without parole. Third, this critical legislation would end wealth based discriminatory practices such as cash bail and commissary price-gouging. Fourth, this legislation would invest in diversion programs, restorative justice, reentry support, and rehabilitation. Fifth, this would reallocate resources from prisons and detention centers toward public housing and other critical resources. Call Congress to support H R.S 702 today @ 202 224 3121.
This Week in Washington
Independence Day Festivities July 4th
This Week in
Washington Bastille Day July 14th
Disability Reform 7/28/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect and expand disability rights. We ask Congress for more community-based services, competitive employment and greater disability representation in government. We welcome Joe Biden's slew of changes that he is proposing in an effort to bring about "full equality" for those with disabilities. Biden's disability plan would: 1) boost Supplemental Security Income benefits, 2) fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 3) phase out subminimum wage, and 4) increase support for direct care providers as well as family caregivers, In addition, Biden's Plan would 5) review laws to make sure that individuals are able to exercise self-determination in line with the Americans with Disabilities Act. A sixth point to his plan is that he would appoint a director of diability policy at the White House and seven, he would work to pass legislation guaranteeing the choice to receive services in the community that was affirmed by the Supreme Court's Olmstead v. L.C. decision . Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121.
The Poor People's Campaign 8/1/2020
This week in Washington we are writing for social justice. We ask Congress to implement vote by mail for the November 2020 elections. Second, we ask that the Congress reinstate key protections of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Third, we ask for Congress to enact federal legislation that protects and expands the right to vote. Fourth, we ask that Congress make Election Day a National Holiday. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121
Gun Control 12/14/2019
This week in Washington we are writing for gun control. We call on Congress to ban saturday night specials which are small-caliber, compact, inexpensive hand guns that menace our nation's people in big cities and small towns across the country. We ask for an assault weapons ban, the kind of gun that has been used in countless school shootings across America. The Brady Bill has been an asset to law enforcement in the past and can once more be used in the future. High capacity magazines must also be banned to assure that the violence that plagues our country never comes back to haunt us again. We ask for a universal background check which a majority of Americans support and the ability to sue gun manufacturers for selling dangerous products. The Department of Health and Human Services must be able to study the effects of gun violence as a public health epidemic in order to secure the peace in our nation's universities, hospitals, farms, communities and our cities. Call Congress today at (202) 224 3121 and ask for your Senator by State to support this critical list of reforms.
Open & Safe Schools 8/7/2020
This week in Washington we are writing for open and safe schools. We need a plan keep students, teachers, staff and families safe during the pandemic. We ask Secretary Betsy DeVos to closely follow the guidelines set forth in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. The guidelines as she has suuggested are not "meant to be flexibile" and are not "merely guidlines." We ask for a mix of in person education combined with remote tele learning so that students can return to college campuses and universities as well as primary, secondary & high school education. School should not be a deadly game. The CDC guidelines call for "enhanced social distancing." Desks, the CDC recommends should be six feet apart combined with increased hand-washing and mask wearing schools can begin to open gradually watching for increases in COVID cases call Secretary DeVos @ 1-800 872 5327
Domestic Workers - Bill of Rights 8/14/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect domestic workers. We welcome candidate Joe Biden's plan to make benefits more accessible as many workers toil without recognition. According to Bold Progressives Biden's plan will: provide caregivers more dignity and respect through increased pay, benefits, and career training, improve workers' rights and conditions through the Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights, ensure access to high-quality affordable child care and offer universal preschool to three and four year olds. No family will spend more than 7 % of their income on child care. In addition, this plan will expand acccess to a broad array of long term services for older Americans by eliminating the current wait list for home and community services under Medicaid. This initative will expand home and community-based alternatives to care that allows unpaid care givers to work and improve care giving in our nation's most underserved communities by adding 150,000 community health workers. Call Congress today at (202) 224 3121
Infrastructure 8/21/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to rebuild our nation's infrastructure. We support Vice President Biden's plan that will: 1) create millions of new union jobs, 2) modernize our crumbling infrastructure, 3) retro-fit buildings and 4) manufacture clean cars. In addition this plan will 5) create a carbon-free America by 2035 while also 6) create environmental justice for Flint, Michigan with 40% of green investments going to disadvantaged communities. Seven, this plan will create zero emissions in public transportation in our cities and 8) add a new climate division at the Department of Justice. Ninth, this plan will create a $2 trillion investment in clean energy while also retro fitting 4 million buildings, making housing cleaner and more affordable. Call Congress today @ (202) 224 3121.
A People's Union 9/1/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to build a people's union. According to Bold Progressives Vice President Biden's plan for our country would allow workers to be free to organize a union without interference from employers and achieve union recognition. In addition, this would insure certification from the National Labor Relations Board with majority sign up through "card-check unionization." Biden's plan would impose stiff penalties for employers who obstruct workers from forming unions. Biden would end "right to work" laws that weaken unions and make us less safe as a nation. Joe's plan expands collective bargaining rights to all public workers while also protecting and expanding the right to strike for millions of private sector workers. Joe's plan would make the Employee Free Choice Act the law of the land. This would expand the right to strike beyond window periods outside of contracts so that the loathsome legacy of the Boys Markets Cases handed down by the Rehnquist Court would be repealed. Call Congress today and ask for support for the Employee Free Choice Act @ 202 224 3121.
Labor Day September 7th
The Postal
Service 10/1/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the postal service. Speaker Pelosi has called Congress back into session and passed the Delivering for America Act. This critical legislation would provide the postal service with $25 billion. The postal service delivers prescription medications to seniors and the disabled, pay checks, unemployment benefits, rent checks and utilities. It is used by small business and Americans voting by mail during the pandemic. 26 Republicans joined their Democratic colleagues in supporting this law. We ask Senator McConnell to pass this legislation immediately. Call the Capitol Switchboard today and ask for your Senator by state and urge them to vote for this legislation @ 202 224 3121.
Child Care
is Essential Act 10/7/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect American children. The Child Care is Essential Act will provide $ 50 billion in grants that can be used by child care providers for a wide array of costs associated with reopening. Associated legislation, the Child Care for Economic Recovery Act enhances the Child Care Tax Credit, doubles the amount that can be contributed to a dependent care flexibile spending account and creates a new refundable payroll tax credit for employers who offer dependent care services. These critical reforms harness the power of the free market to offset child care costs. This legislation invests $10 billion to improve child care safety through practices such as social distancing and sanitization. Lastly, it provides $ 850 million to support family care for essential workers. Call the Senate today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Senator's support by state.
Civil Rights
& Fair Housing 10/14/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect civil rights. We would like Secretary Carson the head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development to re instate Obama Administration guidances on civil rights to prevent racial discrimination. According to The Hill, the Affirmative Furthering Fair Housing Rule requires local govt. to prove federal subsidies for housing projects would not go to developments with zoning laws or other discriminatory regulations. Call HUD today and let Ben Carson know you stand with America @ 202-708-1112
Act 9/14/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to pass the Equality Act. If passed and enacted into law this legislation would strengthen civil rights for the LGBTQ+ community. Legal protection would expand in the following key areas; health care, housing, credit, public spaces and services, education, federal assisted programs and jury service. The House of Representatives passed this critical and ground breaking legislation in May of 2019 but the United States Senate is missing on this issue. Like many pieces of legislation this one has cleared the House only to languish in the Senate in legislative limbo. LGBTQ+ Americans raise children, pay taxes, get married and serve in our armed forces. It is time to recognize their full rights of citizenship. Call the US Senate at 202 224 3121 and ask for your Senator to support the Equality Act.
Rosh Hashanah 9/19-20/2020
Yom Kippur 9/28/2020
Happy New Year 1/1/2020
Merry Christmas 12/25/2019
Health Service 11/1/2020
This Week in Washington we are writing in order to protect Native Americans. On June 12th 2020 the Navajo Nation reported 100 new COVID-19 cases and 5 new deaths. Overall "6,740 Navajo have tested positive for the virus and 322 have died" according to Daily Kos. On a per capita basis the Navajo Nation faces higher COVID-19 rates than New York State. COVID-19 persists in Indigenous communities partly due to a lack of funding for the Indian Health Service (IHS). All Native Americans are entitled to health care through the IHS. Unfortunately, like many civil service agencies they face chronic underfunding. For every $35 the federal government spends per capita on IHS facilities it spends $ 374 per capita for the nation as a whole. In addition to the IHS being underfunded federal and state authorities are refusing to allow tribal epidemiologists access to COVID-19 data while some states won't make agreements with tribes regarding contact tracing. Call the United State Senate today @ 202 224 3121 and demand justice for the American Indian.
Columbus Day 10/12/2020
Student Debt 10/28/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to end student debt. Recently, Vice President Biden embraced cancelling $10,000 of student debt for millions suffering during this pandemic. According to Bold Progressives Biden also proposes "forgiving all undergraduate tuition-related federal student debt from public colleges and universities and private Historically Black Colleges and Universities for people earning up to $125,000. The current Administration has proposed ending the program that provides student debt relief for those who are in public service. For young Americans, "Biden wants to double the Pell Grant and make public colleges and universities tuition-free for all families with incomes below $ 125,000." Call Congress today and support this critical and path breaking reform @ 202 224 3121.
Debt 11/7/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to end student debt. In the last several weeks Senators Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren introduced a bold plan for how the the Executive Branch can use executive authority to deliver meaningful relief to struggling Americans and broadly cancel $50,000 in student loan debt per student. "Over 40 million Americans are being crushed by over $1.5 trillion in federal student debt" according to Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. This debt prevents Americans from starting a business, buying a home, starting a fanily and makes many Americans drop out of college before completing their degree. In the middle of an economy badly hit by the pandemic student debt prevents a swift recovery. Many have lost their jobs and are laid off unable to find work. This debt represents a mortgage on the future of our youngest Americans and inhibits them from enjoying the blessings of our democracy. Congress through the Higher Education Act has already given the Secretary of Education the ability to modify, compromise, waive or release student loans. Call Secretary DeVos today @ 202 260 7867 and ask for student loan forgiveness.
Fair Share Act 10/21/2020
This week in Washington we are writing for equality. The Fair Share Act is a proposal in Massachusetts to create an additional tax of 4 % on the portion of a person's annual income above $ 1 million. The new revenue in Massachusetts alone would be approximately $2 billion a year. This money would be spent on quality public education, affordable public colleges and universities, and the repair and maintenance of roads, bridges and public transportation. To ensure that the amendment continues to apply only to the highest income taxpayers, who have the ability to pay more, the $1 million threshold would be adjusted each year to reflect cost of living increases. This would create new revenue necessary to improve our public schools and pre-K programs, rebuild crumbling roads, bridges, sidewalks, and bike paths, make high quality public higher education affordable, and invest in fact and reliable public transportation for all. Call Congres today @ 202 224 3121 and ask your Representative to support a fair share for all Americans.
Armistice/Veterans Day 11/11/2020
Worker's Bill of Rights
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the American worker. This year a great number of workers that are essential are working in "high-risk conditions without appropriate protective equipment, adequate safety standards, or basic job protections," according to Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. A Worker's Bill of Rights would ensure safe working conditions, fair pay, paid leave, health care security, support for child care and more. The labor movement has brought us the weekends, the 8 hour day, closed sweatshops for children, paid sick leave, the 40 hour work week and more. With many front line workers risking their lives due to the pandemic it is more crucial than ever that we honor the sacrifices of working people. We need an America that works for the many not just the few. Grocery workers for example should receive hazardous duty pay as they are on the front lines of the pandemic. Universal health care must become a reality for every day workers not just those who can afford it. Call Congress today at 202 224 3121 and ask for an Essential Workers Bill of Rights.
Equality Act 12/1/2020
This Week in Washington we are writing for the Equality of the American People. It is critical that all Americans have equal access to employment, education, housing, health care and public accommodations. Legislation like the Equality Act that prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation and gender identity is critical to securing our democracy. In addition, the Every Child Deserves a Family Act that bans federally-funded foster care or adoption agencies from discriminating against children, families and individuals because of their religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and marital status are important steps towards an equal public sphere. Access to social services should be available no matter who you love. Call the Capitol Switchboard today at 202 224 3121 and ask for your Senator by state to protect equal rights under the law.
Security 11/21/2020
This week in Washington we are writing to protect Social Security. Earlier this year Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee's Social Security subpanel, John Larson introduced a bill to nullify IRS guidance implementing the Social Security payroll tax deferral according to The Hill. Chairman Larson also introduced a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to overturn the IRS guidance. The federal government is set to defer payroll taxes for its employees. Congress has expressed concerns about the impact of the payroll tax deferral on Social Security. Larson desecribed these steps as the "first step in defunding Social Security." This program is a sacred trust that is ued to protect seniors and the disabled and it must be protected. Call Congress today at (202) 224 3121 and your Representative to protect Social Security.
Equal Taxation 12/21/2020
This Week in Washington we are writing for equal taxation. The top income tax bracket must be restored. According to The Boston Globe the top tier can be restored to 39.6 percent from 37 percent, the level that taxation was at before Washington cut taxes in 2017. This increase would only affect "individuals earning more than $518,400 and couples filing jointly who make more than $622.050." The Democratic party's plan to reform our nation's tax system includes "upping the corporate tax from 21 percent to 28 percent, (a 50 percent repeal of the Trump cuts) and raising the capital gains tax from 23.8 percent to 39.6 percent for the highest earners." The Biden campaign stressed that Biden "won't ask a single person making under $ 400,000 per year to pay a penny more in taxes, and will in fact enact more than one-dozen middle class tax cuts," including an expansion of the child tax credit, as well as credits for home buying, health care and child care.
Native American Voting Rights Act
This Week in Washington we are writing for the American Indian. Native Communities have been hit hard by the Coronavirus pandemic and the partial repeal of sections of the Voting Rights Act. Tribal Americans were compelled to "close some early voting locations in New Mexico's primary election earlier this year," according to Daily Kos. An important first step in restoring the right of the franchise would be passage of the Native American Voting Rights Act. This critical legislation would expand voter registration and polling locations in Native Communities. The time has come for law makers to address the widespread disenfranchising of Native communities. An example of this disenfranchisement is when North Dakota instituted a voter ID law that excluded Native community members who did not have a state-issued form of identification. In Shelby County vs. Holder the Supreme Court stripped voting rights for communities across the board in states like Arizona with large tribal populations. Voting must be a convenient form of democracy, as easy as crossing the street. Join Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) and Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM-3) in passing the Native American Voting Rights Act. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121.
Civil Rights & Housing 1/7/2021
This Week in Washington we are writing for equal housing. According to The New York Times, Sen. Bernie Sanders plan for fair housing would: 1) build and rehabilitate 7.4 million affordable housing units, 2) build 2 million mixed-income units, 3) enact a national rent control standard, chaining rent increases to inflation, 4) end homelessness and 5) fully fund the Section 8 housing voucher program. Call Congress for Fair Housing today @ 202 224 3121
Paycheck Protection Program 12/7/2020
This Week in Washington we are writing for paycheck protection. Congress in the spring of this year passed the C.A.R.E.S. Act that included the Paycheck Protection Program according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. The C.A.R.E.S. Act allows the Small Business Administration (SBA) to make loans to businesses with less than 500 employees, capped at $10 million. The loan will be fully forgiven if funds are spent on payroll, rent, mortgage interest and utilities. PPP was re authorized for a second round of funding under the Paychck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act but funds tapered off over the summer. The program has been silent since August 8th, Small business is the heart of the American economy and nobody succeeds unless everybody succeeds. We ask Senator Mitch McConnell to re open this program with the same urgency he rammed through the most recent Supreme Court nomination. We must once more become a functioning democracy. Call the Senate at (202) 224 3121.
End the Death Penalty 1/28/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to end the death penalty. We are asking Congress for swift passage of H.B. 4052 which will remove the power of the president to use executions for political purposes. This legislation will end the death penalty and prohibit further federal executions. The Death Penalty is not swift, certain or severe and it is thus an incorrect tool in fighting crime. It takes years for the death penalty to take effect and renders it useless as a deterrent. It is not certain as multiple appeals may rescind a ruling in favor of the death penalty. It is not severe as the "justice of the streets," may be crueler than a lethal injection from the Government. Call Congress today @ (202) 224 3121 and ask for an end to the death penalty by passing H.B. 4052.
Higher Education 1/21/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to promote higher education. Congress recently passed legislation, according to Politico that would "forgive nearly $1.3 billion in federal loans to historically Black colleges and universities, deliver Pell grants to incarcerated students and simplify financial aid forms." These reforms are a beginning not an end. We ask Congress to make public university tuition free as recently reported by The New York Times. In addition, in a joint op-ed, Senators Chuck Schumer of New York and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts argued for $50,000 of debt cancellation. These loans represent a mortgage on the future of our youngest and most idealistic Americans. Starting a family, building a home, starting a business are all out of reach because of the crushing burden of student-debt. Call Congress to support debt cancellation and ask for your Representative at (202) 224 3121.
Health Care 2/1/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the American people. Amid the rancor of the Coronavirus debate important issues are being ignored. One former journalist writing for The American Prospect described how $ 4,000 in outstanding ambulance bills damaged her credit and made it more difficult to achieve economic and housing stability. Ground ambulance transport has been excluded from legislation pending before the Congress allowing hospitals and insurance companies to write the legislation that determines outcomes according to The New Republic. Kaiser Health News found that charges can run up to several thousand dollars for rides that may only last a few miles. Insurance companies are often unwilling to foot the bill saddling patients with exorbitant medical costs. No one should be forced to choose between balancing a kitchen table budget and receiving the life saving care they so sorely need. Call Congress today @ (202) 224 3121 and request that ambulatory care be covered by the Insurance Companies.
This Week in Washington
Merry Christmas 12/25/2020
This Week In Washington Happy New Year 1/1/2021
Happy Chanukah 12/10-18/2020
Women's Rights
This week in Washington we are writing to protect women's rights. There are several critical pieces of legislation pending before the Congress that must be passed "with all deliberate speed." First, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act that will "protect workers who need temporary job modifications during their pregancies" so they won't have to choose between their paycheck and having a healthy pregnancy," according to the ACLU. Second, Congress must pass the PUMP Act, (Proving Urgent Maternal Protections) for Nursing Mothers Act, to make sure that workers who need to pump on the job can do so safely, and without penalty. Third, we would like to see Congress enact the BE HEARD in the Workplace Act to make the promise of the #MeToo movement a reality and create workplaces free of harassment "in all its forms." Fourth and finally we would like to see the Federal Govnernment expunge past convictions and re sentence people with marijuana convictions. Call Congress today to make justice a reality @ ( 202 ) 224 3121
Drug Sentencing Reform
This Week in Washington we are writing for drug sentencing reform. According to Congressman Tim Ryan "the United States of America has the highest incarceration rate in the world." He continues "last year, more Americans were arrested for marijuana possession than for all violent crimes combined. 1 in 4 Americans are locked up for low level drug offenses. In addition, people of color are nearly four times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than white Americans, despite using marijuana at similar rates. Taxpayers spend over $ 80 billion every year to put Americans in prison, and in many cases, saddle them with a lifelong record that hurts their prospects for jobs, education, and starting a new life. We ask Congress to invest resources that are used to imprison low level drug offenders in different ways, to invest in education, housing, health care, drug rehabilitation and job training programs. Call Congress today for sentencing reform @ 202 244 3121.
Voting Rights
This week in Washington we are writing to protect voting rights. We ask Congress to allow election officials to process mail-in ballots before election day in a central location. Second, we ask Congress to allow election officials to count all ballots mailed by election day (for the general election only). Third, we ask Congress to provide return postage for ballots (and applications if possible). Fourth, we ask that Congress mandate that election officials 'provide more time for voter registration before elections.' According to Common Cause, in state after state last spring, we have seen beleagured election officials unable to keep up with the demand for absentee ballots. We ask that Secretaries of State mail a ballot application to every registered voter 90 days before an election. In addition, we demand that Secretaries across the country create an on-line portal where voters can request a ballot. We believe that it is critical that Congresss mandate that Secretaries across the country mail ballots to all registered voters. We ask for early central processing ballots to avoid delays and increase the strength of our elections process. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and demand electoral reform.
Ash Wednesday 2/17/2021
President's Day 2/15/2021
Martin Luther King Day 1/18/2021
Valentine's Day 2/14/2021
Google Unionization
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the right to organize. According to The Hill more than 200 Google employees announced the creation of a union. The Alphabet Workers Union, referring to Google's parent company is launching with support from the Communication Workers of America. Google software engineer Dylan Baker said "we will elect representatives, we will make decisions democratically, we will pay dues and we will hire skilled organizers to ensure all workers at Google know they can work with us if they actually want to see their company reflect their values." Google has a history of unionization. In 2018 Google announced it would end its practice of forced arbitration after 20,000 workers staged a walkout critical of the company's handling of misconduct. The National Labor Relations Board last month faulted Google for allegedly illegally firing two workers who were organizing against the company moving to hire a notorious union-busting firm. The Alphabet Workers Union has several major tasks ahead of it. Gathering support from enough of Alphabet's 120,000 workers will be a daunting task. Additionally, Google may not recognize the union voluntarily given its history of tamping down worker organizing. Call the National Labor Relations Board today and ask them to recognize the Alphabet Workers Union @ 1-844-762-6572
For the People Act 4/28/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to reform our democracy. Recently, the House of Representatives passed the 'For the People Act,' H.R. 1. We call on the United States Senate to make this legislation a reality by passing it so that it can get signed into law. If enacted it will create 15 days of voting so that people can get to the polls. It would make Election Day a federal holiday so that people could get off work in order to cast a ballot in an election. It would make voter registration automatic at motor vehicle administrations across the country so that people would have to opt out instead of opt in to increase the number of voters in elections. In addition, it would create same day voter registration so that new neighbors and Americans from all walks of life could register on the day of an election and cast a ballot the same day. We must honor the hard work of our legislators in Congress by enacting this legislation into law. Call the United States Senate today @ 202 224 3121 and ask them to pass this legislation. Ask for your Senator by State.
St. Patrick's Day 3/17/2021
Passover 3/27/2021
Palm Sunday 3/28/2021
Good Friday 4/2/2021
Easter 4/4/2021
Equality Act 5/1/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect gay equality. In America it is still lawful for stores, restaurants and hotels as well as federally funded programs like hospitals, colleges, and adoption agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ Americans according to Daily Kos. If enacted into law the Equality Act would take its place as civil rights legislation that ensures that gay Americans, who pay taxes, go to work every day, serve in our armed forces and raise children would receive the same rights acccorded every other American. This legislation would ensure that LGBTQ people "are covered by consistent, explicit, and nationwide non-discrimination protections in employment, housing, services," and public accommodations. This legislation explicitly establishes permanent protections against discrimination based on an individuals sexual orientation or gender identity. Call the Senate at 202 224 3121 and ask for your Senator by state to pass this critical and ground breaking legislation.
AFSC & Child Detention 5/7/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to unite families. Specifically we are asking the Department of Homeland Security to keep from reopening the Homestead Detention Center in the state of Florida. Imprisoning children seeking refuge is not the solution to our immigration problem. According to the American Friends Service Committee many of these children are "fleeing violence and poverty," when they seek asylum in the United States. Restoring the number of people accepted into the United States for asylum is a good first step and we celebrate the steely eyed determination of the Biden Administration. Now we ask that it goes further. We ask that the Administration prioritize uniting migrant children with families or sponsors and promote "community-based" alternatives to detention that are in compliance with the rights of children. Call Homeland Security today at (202) 282 8010 and ask for community alternatives to child detention.
Internet Access a Public Utility - 5/28/2021
This week in Washington we are writing for internet access. The coronavirus pandemic has made society more dependent on reliable internet access for school, work, health care and entertainment. Despite this 15 million Americans still do not have access to the internet while 25 million do not have access to faster broadband. Rural communities are isolated from internet access in particular. We believe that the FCC should make the internet a public utility. We cannot allow corporations to profit by offering unequal access to the web. "The FCC can help enusre all people in the U.S. can easily connect with their classmates, colleagues, health care providers and communities at large," according to Daily Kos. Call the Federal Communications Commission today at 1 (888) 225 5322
Big Pharma 12/7/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to reform our nation's health care laws. Speaker Pelosi has introduced an innovative plan that would reduce costs and save money for the American people. Her plan would save Medicare $345 billion over the course of 10 years. This plan would reduce the cost of health insurance, put money back into the pockets of the American people and give millions of Americans access to life-saving drugs. Lowering prescription drug prices will help our government and our people keep our social compact. Innovative medication like PrEP that prevents the transmission of HIV/AIDS can become an affordable reality not an expensive privilege for the few. We stand with Speaker Pelosi. Call Congress today at (202) 224 3121 and ask for your Representatives support for this innovative plan to reduce health care expenditures.
Gun Control 6/14/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to enact gun control. There are two critical pieces of legislation pending before the Congress that must be passed "with all deliberate speed. The Bipartisan Background Checks Act, H.R. 8 and The Enhanced Background Checks, H.R. 1466. H.R. 8 ensures that individuals already prohibited from gun possession, like felons and domestic abusers are unable to get firearms by closing a loophole that exempts unlicensed gun sellers from having to perform a background check before selling a firearm. H.R. 1466 addresses the "Charleston Loophole" extending the background check review period from three days to ten days. The Charleston massacre would not have occurred if the gunman had an extended background check that would have revealed his inelgibiity to possess a firearm. Call the United States Senate today and ask for your Senator by state @ 202 224 3121.
American Families Plan 6/7/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to strengthen the American Family. Recently, Jamaal Bowman of LeftNet wrote an op-ed in The Guardian explaining why President Biden's Plan must move beyond traditional definitions of infrastructure. The Executive Branch has responded. Infrastructure can't stop "at just steel, concrete and transport. It must also include education and the care economy. In The American Plan the administration includes funding for teachers, childcare workers, health care workers and home aides. The Plan includes "universal child care and pre-K, six months of paid family leave, high-quality home and community-based serrvcies for seniors and people with disabilities." The American Families Plan is a once in a generation opportunity to heal this nation while assuring that the care economy is equipped with the critical resources necessary to care for the American family. This legislation would extend the Child Care Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit to make poverty history in the United States. The American Families Plan would fund $ 200 billion in spending on child care, $200 billion to make pre kindergarten universal and free, fund $ 200 billion towards paid familu and medical leave while also funding $ 300 billion to make community college free. Finally an additional $200 billion would go towards strengthening the Affordable Care Act. Call Congress today to make this legislation a reality @ 202 224 3121.
The American Jobs Plan 6/28/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to promote the American Jobs Plan. According to The New York Times the plan proposes $ 174 billion to encourage "the manufacture and purchase of electric vehicles." In addition it would include $ 100 billion to repair the nation's electric grids. This legislation would do the following; "provide $ 16 billion to help fossil fuel workers transition to new work, $10 billion for a Civilian Climate Corps, $ 180 billion for research & development, $ 115 billion for roads and bridges, $85 billion for public transit, $ 80 billion for Amtrak freight rail, $ 42 billion for ports and airports, $ 100 billion for broadband to strengthen our internet infrastructure and $ 11 billion for water infrastructure." This plan seeks to repair 10,000 smaller bridges across the country and create electirc school buses across the country. The American Jobs Plan would restock the country's Strategic National Stockpile of pharmaceuticals, including vaccines in preparation for future pandemics. We have worked our way through a dark winter and the sun is rising and beginning to shine once more. Call Congress today to support President Biden's Plan. The Capitol can be reached at (202) 224 3121.
John Lewis Voting Rights Act 7/1/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the franchise. If passed and signed into law the Voting Rights Act would restore key provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 including the requirement of pre-clearance before a state make changes to it's voting laws. In addition, the U.S. Attorney General's office would be allowed to send observers to states that the Court's have deemed necessary. The Voting Rights Act would prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, or membership in a language minority group. The right to vote is a sacred part of our democracy and must be protected as such. No American should ever have to fear discrimination at the polls. Our country was founded to broaden the franchise and include those that have been left out in the world. Make a telephone call to Congress today to protect the right to vote @ 202 224 3121.
Memorial Day 5/31/2021
Mother's Day 5/9/2021
Ramadan 4/13/2021
Public Health & Civil Rights 5/21/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect civil rights. According to Left Net the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the grave inequalities in our public health system. African and Latin Americans are 3 times more likely to contract COVID-19 and 2 times more likely to die from it. From the African American maternal mortality rate to the health care system African and Latin Americans are dying in unprecedented numbers. Senator Elizabeth Warren, Representative Ayanna Pressley and Barbara Lee have re introduced the Anti-Racism in Public Health Act. We need Congress to support research that will develop anti-racism policies and practices in our federal health care system. The Anti Racism in Public Health Act would create a "National Center for Anti-Racism" and declare racism a public health crises. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Representatives support.
Father's Day 6/20/2021
Paycheck Fairness Act 7/21/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect paycheck fairness. Recently the House of Representatives passed the Paycheck Fairness Act to end discrimination once and for all. This critical legislation will; 1) ban retaliation against employees who disclose their salaries to co workers, 2) Require employers to prove that pay disparities exist for legitimate, job related reasons and 3) prohibit employers from using prior salaries to determine future pay. Pay inequity harms our nation's women, families and economy. Women still only make 82 cents on the dollar when compared with the earnings of men in the workforce. According to Congressman Ruppersberger over the course of a lifetime this can cost upwards of $ 400,000. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the situation forcing women to lose their jobs or reduce their hours. Call the Senate at (202) 224 3121 and ask for your Senator by state to support the Paycheck Fairness Act.
Guantanamo, Cuba 8/7/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Since 2002, the United States imprisoned 800 individuals in the naval station. The Executive Branch has taken long strides towards freedom in releasing these prisoners to their home country or bringing these men to trial. According to Daily Kos many were tortured during indefinite detention in violation of the 4th Amendment's prohibition of "cruel and unusual punishment." The law must follow the flag. If prisoners are held by the United States they must also be protected by the guarantees of the U.S. Constitution. Article 1, Section 9, Clause 2 guarantees the right to Habeas Corpus, the right to be confronted with the evidence against them. They must be charged with a crime or released. Enemy Combatant is a fictitous legal category. Men being detained have rights as Prisoners of War under the Geneva Convention. No more Kanagaroo Courts. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has charged, tried and imprisoned terrorists for decades. We ask that the Guantanamo detainees be released to the custody of the Department of Justice. Call the Pentagon @ (703) 697 1776 and ask for a just transition.
The Postal Service 7/28/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the postal service. Millions of Americans rely on this national treasure to provide medication for the sick and disabled, paychecks for workers and other services. As a method of communication the postal service is unrivaled. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has needlessly obstructed the function of this vital institution by removing mail boxes, causing intentional slow downs & threatening the pensions of our civil servants. Think of your local diligent postal worker and remember that they rely on us to keep faith with their efforts to bind the nation together. We ask the current Administration to replace Ron Bloom on the USPS Board of Governors and fire Louis DeJoy for needlessly slowing down service and harming the postal service. The Postal Service is one of the largest employers of veterans of our Armed Forces and is full of good union jobs that must be protected. Call the current Administration @ (202) 456 1111.
Nike & Fed Ex 8/1/2021
This week in Washington we are writing for equal taxation. In 2020 after basking in record profits corporations like Fed Ex & Nike paid zero dollars in federal income taxes, causing average Americans to shoulder the burden through the free rider effect. Under this system an average American pays more in taxes than some of the largest corporations in the United States. The Biden Administration has proposed a remedy to this uneven struggle in the public arena. First, the Administration proposes increasing the Corporate Tax Rate from 21 to 28 %. Second, the Administration proposes closing loopholes that have incentivized multinational corporations to outsource jobs and shift profits to offshore tax havens. Third, Biden-Harris proposes placing a 15 % minimum tax on corporations so they can't get away with paying $ 0 in taxes. Fourth, according to Daily Kos the Made in America Tax Plan will end fossil fuel tax subsidies. Call Congress today and stand with the courageous Biden Administration and demand tax equity @ (202) 224 3121.
Child Tax Credit & Poverty 8/21/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to combat poverty. A generation has passed since the reforms of the 1960's when America declared War on Poverty. Reforms like Medicare and Medicaid ushered in an era in which senior citizens no longer represent the poor. Poverty in America is disproportionately represented by children. 1 in 7 children in America live in poverty and African American children are far more likely to experience a childhood in poverty. The Biden Administration's heroic efforts in the American Rescue Plan are charting a path to a future without poverty. By expanding the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit historic reductions in poverty are now possible. We call on Congress to make these credits permanent so that we can place a floor under the standard of living of our nation's children. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of a future where children are not "judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Call Congress today and ask them to make the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit expansion permanent @ (202) 224 3121
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act 7/14/2021
No woman should have to choose between a healthy pregnancy and keeping their job. Women now make up more than half of the American workforce. According to Daily Kos two thirds of women are either the primary or co-bread winner in their household. Of these women, three-quarters will be pregnant at one point in their career. Many pregnant women will face some sort of conflict regarding their duties due to their pregnancy. Women are often forced to quit their job or work more than necessary to simply keep their job. The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, (H.R. 1065) would create a national standard for workplaces to provide reasonable accommodations for pregnant workers. Pregnant workers would not be required to take leave if another reasonable alternative is available. Women would be able to take care of their health while also keeping their job. Workplace stress has added to too many miscarriages and premature births. Call Congress to pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act @ (202) 224 3121.
This week in Washington we are writing for our nation's senior citizens and the disabled. Prescription drug prices are 4 to 10 times what they are in other wealthy industrialized countries. Enough is enough it is time for reform. The Lower Drug Costs Now Act which passed the House will reduce costs for pharmaceuticals in the United States. This legislation will first, give Medicare the power to negotiate directly with Big Pharma and second, make lower prices negotiated by Medicare available to all insured Americans. Third, this legislation will cap out of pocket prescription drugs at $ 2,000. Fourth, this legislation will reinvest savings into vision, dental & hearing so that Americans can have access to affordable quality health care. This critical legislation will make sure that the price for any medicine is commensurate with prices from other countries. In closing, this legislation will reverse years of unfair price hikes. Call Senator McConnell today at (202) 224 3121 and ask the Majority Leader to bring this legislation up for a vote in the United States Senate.
The Death Penalty 10/1/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to end the death penalty. Recently, the Biden Administration declared a moratorium on the death penalty which is a great start, but we have further to go. We ask the Administration to commute federal death row sentences. During the campaign, Biden vowed to end the death penalty. We ask that he do so by commuting the death sentences of federal death row inmates. According to Daily Kos, "the Justice Department comitted to reviewing it's policies and procedures to ensure that everyone is afforded their constitutional rights and are treated fairly and humanely," noting that obligation "has special force in capital cases." The 8th Amendment of the United States Constitution states that there should be a prohibition on "cruel and unusual punishment." In a previous case, Furman v. Georgia the Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty is unconstitutional. According to Daily Kos "prosecutorial misconduct, bias, unreliable jailhouse informants, junk science, grievous mistakes by defense counsel and more create a grave risk of wrongful conviction and sentencing." Call the Justice Department today @ (202) 514 2000 and ask for Justice to commute death row sentences.
Disability Rights 9/28/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to pass the SSI Restoration Act for Disabled Americans (H.R. 3763). This legislation according to Congress if signed into law would; 1) update eligibility for the Supplemental Security Income program, 2) update SSI benefit amounts and repeal the marriage penalty, 3) exclude support and maintain furnished in kind benefits not included as income, 4) exclude retirement accounts from resources, 5) repeal the penalty for disposal of resources for less than fair market value, 6) clarify the treatment of certain state tax credits, 7) eliminate dedicated accounts for certain past-due benefits, 8) eliminate installment payment requirements, 9) extend periods of exclusion of certain payments from countable resources and 10) modify rules to determine marital relationships. According to The Nation this legislation would "help more than 8 million disabled Americans from falling below the poverty line by simplifying the claims process and dedicating greater resources to support independent living." The pandemic has brought to light how necessary bold, public intiatives are for the health and safety of all. Call the Capitol switchboard @ (202) 224 3121 to support H.R. 3763.
Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals 10/7/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect immigration. According to Daily Kos the Democratic Party must "include a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented youth, essential workers, farm workers and immigrants with Temporary Protected Status." Budget Reconciliation requires that every single Democrat cast their votes in favor of this critical reform so we need to turn up the pressure on Congress to make sure they pass this legislation. If passed and signed into law it will create "a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants - many of whom are essential workers." Immigrants must be greeted at the border with hot soup and bread not by rubber bullets and tear gas. The Statue of Liberty reads, "give me you tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, i lift my lamp beside the golden door." The first Americans, colonists arrived here seeking refuge from religious persecution. Our history as a nation recognizes the rights of immigrants. We must extend the hand of friendship to these newest Americans and incorporate them into our lives. Many were brought here as children through no fault of their own, others fleeing religious persecution, and still others to make a new way of life. Call the United States Senate today and ask your Senator to favor immigration reform @ (202) 224 3121.
Student Debt - 9/21/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to combat student debt. For far too long student debt has weighed on our youngest and most idealistic University graduates. It prevents them from starting a business, starting a family or buying their first home. In some Western European countries students have a civil right to an affordable college education. The time has come for change. Universities in the United States should not act as enablers for predatory loan practices that shoulder a lifetime of debt on unwitting college students. Recently, the Biden Administration showed leadership in extending the student loan pause to January. We ask that the Administration follow the direction of Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York and Sen. Elizabeth Warren & Rep. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts in choosing to cancel the debt. We need the Sec. of Education to "solve the student loan crises," as Sen. Warren writes by cancelling student loan debt. Over 30 million Americans carry this debt with them it is time to lighten the heavy burdens carried by our youth. For many youngsters these payments are the size of their rent, their car payment, groceries or child care. Call (202) 401 2000 and ask Secretary Miguel Cardona for debt relief.
Paid Family & Medical Leave 9/14/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect family & medical leave. "Sen. Tammy Duckworth & Rep. Ayanna Pressley introduced the Support Through Loss Act, this legislation would require employers to provide paid family leave for people experiencing pregnancy loss or other barriers to starting a family, such as a failed adoption arrangement or a medical diagnosis that impacts prengnancy or fetility. The Support Through Loss Act would create other large scale changes by investing $ 45 million per year in the National Institute of Health for pregnancy loss and miscarriage research. The bill also requires the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to develop and share information about pregnancy loss." Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Senator's & Representative's to champion the Support Through Loss Act.
A People's Union 10/28/2021
This week in Washington we are writing for a people's union. Several months ago the House of Representatives passed H.R. 842, the Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2021. This critical and path breaking legislation would usher in the most far-reaching labor reforms since the New Deal. 47 of 50 Democrats in the United States Senate have co sponsored it including West Virginia's Joe Manchin. 3 Senators are missing from the legislation, Arizona Senators Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema and Virginia Senator Mark Warner. According to the Working Families Party a majority of voters in 13 battleground states support the PRO Act. During the Civil War Abraham Lincoln said that "their is a great invisible strength in a people's union." Let's make his words a reality. Call the Capitol Switchboard and ask for Arizona Senators Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema also ask for Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia and ask for their support for the PRO Act at (202) 224 3121.
Civil Rights & Fair Housing 10/21/2021
This week in Washington we are writing for civil rights and fair housing. Boston Mayoral candidate John Barros has released a 7 point plan that would make an affordable housing unit an equal an accessible right not just an expensive privilege for the few. Barros's plan would; 1)Protect tenants - by lifting up residents who are at risk of eviction, 2) preserve and increase the availability of affordable housing for seniors and people with disabilities, 3) focus on climate resilience by retrofitting old buildings with new technologies to create green housing to prepare current and future housing for climate change. In addition, Barros would; 4) address racial disparities and discrimination by breaking down barriers to home ownership and build wealth in minority communities. 5) Barros would work with partners to address housing shortages by bringing community leaders together to build more affordable and accessible units across the city and region. 6) The plan calls for supporting housing first for those experiencing homelessness because housing is health care and a right. 7th and finally the plan would build and support shared ownership programs to allow community members to actively shape the creation of their neighborhoods. Call Congress today @ (202) 224 3121 and ask them to consider this program for reform.
Public Safety 10/14/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the public. According to Daily Kos, "the United States relies on a flawed approach to public safety that has focused on criminalization, surveillance, and incarceration instead of care, justice and healing." Disproportionately the weight of the criminal justice system has struck the young, the disabled and communities of color. The People's Response Act advances a new direction for our country. It advances "an inclusive, holistic, and health centered approach to public safety by creating a public safety division within the Department of Health and Human Services. This legislation would; 1) Establish the Division of Community Safety at the Department of Health and Human Services to oversee grant making, research coordination, and other support for non-carceral, non punitive approaches to public safety, 2) create a federal first responders unit that will support states and local governments with emergency health crises, as well as a First Responders Hiring Grant to fund non-carceral first responders, 3) provide resources for community-based organizations to implement non-carceral, non punitive investments in community safety, and 4) fund and incentivize state and local governments to shrink their criminal-legal systems and invest in community-led non-carceral, non punitive approaches to public safety. Call Congress and ask for your Representative's support of the People's Response Act @ 202 224 3121.
Civil Rights & Fair Housing 12/28/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect housing. Change for Progress would like to see $ 300 billion allocated by the federal government to support down payment assistance, affordable home construction and several other housing programs. According to Politico this investment in housing is the "largest in a generation." According to Lisa Rice President and CEO of the National Fair Housing Alliance, "if you don't address housing...you're not going to be able to address anything else...from an equity stand point." Two provisions in particular would aid and assist people of color, "a $10 billion measure to provide down payment assistance to first time homebuyers whose parents did not or do not own a home, and a tax credit to incentivize the construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing in distressed areas, worth $ 2 billion a year." Call Congress today and ask for their support for affordable housing @ 202 224 3121.
Universal Pre-K 12/21/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect children's education. The pandemic is a historic opportunity to make investments in the care economy that have been sorely needed for a generation. With children returning to in person learning it is critical that we provide the resources needed for our youngest Americans. According to Mom's Rising, we need "a comprehensive, federally funded child care system." Estimates show this will require a $700 billion investment. "We must ensure that all families have access to high quality, affordable child care ... available when and where it is needed and invests in the education and compensation of a diverse workforce." It is critical that we build the care infrastructure that our children so sorely need and deserve. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Representative to support Universal Pre-K.
For the People Act 11/14/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect democracy. The 'For the People Act' would "fortify election security, expand mail in voting and put an end partisan gerrymandering" according to Daily Kos. This legislation would take long strides towards freedom in the areas of voting rights, election security, campaign finance reform, ethics and other areas. The 'For the People Act' would finally grant Washington D.C. statehood so that it would no longer live the life of 'taxation without representation.' A generation has passed since the reforms of the 1960's our time for change has come. We must protect the franchise and the right to vote. These are foundational to our democracy and it is on us to pass our country on to the next generation in the best shape that we can. Call the Senate today to break the filibuster that has kept this legislation from achieving passage @ 202 224 3121.
Keeping Renters Safe Act of 2021 11/21/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to keep renters safe and in their homes. The Supreme Court recently struck down the Biden Administration's eviction ban and the Court has placed millions of families at risk according to Left Net. With the rise of the Covid pandemic more urgency has been added to the struggle to survive. The Keeping Renters Safe Act will protect Americans who cannot pay the rent and keep them from being evicted from their homes. Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Cori Bush have shown path breaking leadership in cosponsoring this legislation. This law, if enacted will give the Department of Health and Human Services the permanent authority to implement eviction moratoriums during public health crises. 11 million people will be affected by this legislation. We cannot let the Supreme Court's decision of August 26th stand. We must do everything we can to secure rights that generations have struggled to achieve. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and press your legislators to do all they can to enact this law.
AARP & Medicare Expansion 11/7/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect Medicare expansion. The American Dental Association has proposed limiting the recent dental expansion in Medicare to only those earning 300 % of the poverty line or $ 39,000 a year. Progressives in Congress and the American Association of Retired People have called for a universal benefit. House Appropriations Chair Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) has called means testing the Medicare expansion divisive. Medicare would pay far less for services than private insurance and the dental lobby would lose money if tens of millions of seniors become eligibile for a government plan according to Politico. Medicare premiums are already tied to incomes with wealthier seniors paying more for Part B and Part D coverage. Lawmakers are weighing other options such as shortening the duration of benefits over the years or phasing in the rollout as was the case with the Affordable Care Act. According to Loren Adler associate director of the USC-Brookings Initiative for Health Policy, means testing could wind up limiting the new benefit to older, sicker patients and create stress on the system. Call Congress today and ask for a universal expansion of dental, vision and hearing for Medicare @ 202 224 3121.
Equal Taxation 11/28/2021
This week in Washington we are writing for equal taxation. Recently, Joe Manchin has proposed increasing the corporate tax rate to 25 % according to Politico. This would generate around $ 400 billion. "The Committee on Ways and Means seeks an increase of 26.5 % that would create approximately $ 540 billion. Both Manchin and Ways and Means would increase the top capital gains rate to 25 % producing $ 125 billion. Restoring the top marginal income tax rate to 39.6 % where it was before Republicans' 2017 tax cuts, would produce $ 170 billion." Further, "improving tax compliance by beefing up the IRS could mean $ 200 billion in savings." The Democrats in Congress appear likely to tighten tax rules on multinational company's overseas earnings which, under House Democrat's plan would produce $ 300 billion. Lawmakers are poised to "extend a rule approved earlier this year making it harder for owners of pass through businesses to use losses to offset income, which would save $ 167 billion. Democrats in Congress must also tax stock buy backs by corporations. In addition, they should treat billionaire's unrealized capital gains as taxable income. The Administration should dump provisions in the tax code allowing the wealthy to pass assets to heirs tax free. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Representative to back a just tax code.
Roe v. Wade 12/7/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect a women's right to choose. A generation of women have grown up with a safe, legal right to an abortion as the backbone of the women's rights movement. While this right has been protected in the blue states it has come under assault in the red states. Most notably in recent days in Texas where SB 8, a "heart beat bill," would prohibit abortions at six weeks, often before a woman knows that she is pregnant. In addition this legislation empowers people to pursue those seeking an abortion paying $ 10,000 dollars to bounty hunters to arrest people exercising their constitutional right. In Roe v. Wade the Supreme Court recognized the right to privacy carved out in the 14th Amendment's "due process clause." We have all grown up in the shade of the penumbra cast by this crucial right. SB 8 does not recognize the right to an abortion in instances of incest, rape or if the life of the mother is in danger. It is crucial that Congress pass the Women's Health Protection Act to safeguard the Supreme Court's recognized right to an abortion. Call your Representative today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for their support for this critical legislation.
Child Poverty & the School Lunch Program 11/1/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to combat poverty & care for our kids. According to Feeding America the "Community Eligibility Provision allows schools and school districts where many kids can't afford lunch to provide free meals to all their students. However the way the program is currently structured means that many kids who need these free meals are not getting them." President Biden has crafted a proposal to remedy this situation. Expand this program by increasing program funding and lowering the "eligibility threshold so that more schools qualify." This change to the program would provide free meals to an additional 9 million school children. Congress is set to vote on this program very soon and we need your voice to make sure that Congress understands exactly what is at stake in our democracy. Expanding this program is important because many families with children eligible for free meals don't apply for them due to stigma or difficulty with the application process.
In addition to reducing this administrative burden for families, it also helps school meal operators so they can focus on providing healthy meals. The program helps families in areas where many people face hunger, but make too much to qualify for free food. Increasing funding for expanded school meals through C.E.P. will move more schools to offer nutrition assistance for all by getting more free meals to children in the highest poverty districts. C.E.P. is currently available to schools and school districts with at least 40 % of students participating in SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The President's plan would lower that eligibility threshold from 40 % to 25% for all schools. The plan would expand automatic enrollment in C.E.P. so there are fewer barriers between kids who need meals and programs to feed them. Call Congress today to back the President's plan @ (202) 224 3121.
Child Poverty & Hunger 12/14/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to combat child poverty & hunger. According to Aditi Vasan of The Hill the Women Infant & Children program is in need of a reboot for the 21st century. "The pandemic and economic downturn have led to record high levels of child hunger. Almost one in every three families in the U.S. has been unable to afford enough food to feed their children." Four solutions are advanced for our consideration. First, the 9 offline EBT states should work towards remote reloading. Second, the U.S. Department of Agriculture should make permanent COVID-19 flexibilities that permit remote certification. Third, federal and state lawmakers should create incentives for data sharing across programs. An example of this would be sharing information about Medicaid enrollment so that new mothers and children can enroll in the WIC program and for Food Stamps, (the Supplemental Nutrition Aid Program). Fourth, the WIC program should allow for participants to purchase approved foods like formula and baby food online. Call the U.S. Department of Agriculture for reform today @ (202) 720 2791.
Christmas Day 12/25/2021
Chanukah 11/29/2021 12/06/2021
Build Back Better Act 1/7/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to secure our democracy. On December 19th Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia gave an interview to Fox News Sunday that he would be a "no" vote on the Build Back Better Act. Earlier in the year during negotiations among our country's leadership Manchin said that he would support an investment in the social infrastructure of the country for $1.8 trillion in 3 key areas education, health care and the environment. The Senator signaled that he favored expanding Obamacare tax credits to include those that had been left out of the reforms during a previous democratic administration, including some 3 million uninsured Americans. On education Manchin agreed to an expansion of universal pre-k for 3 & 4 year olds. On energy and the environment Manchin said that he would support investments in the energy sector the Senator stated he would support investments in wind farms, hydroelectric power, solar panels, geothermal energy and other renewable sources. These negotiations have been going on since at least October. Manchin wrote the section on energy and the environment. Now that the Administration has conceded on a top level amount for $1.8 trillion, the Senator should support the legislation. Call the Capitol switchboard today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for Senator Manchin's support for the Build Back Better Act.
Student Debt 1/14/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to cancel student debt. Too many of our youngest and most idealistic Americans find themselves needlessly mired in student debt. According to the Education Data Initiative, student loan debt in the United States is $ 1.75 trillion and grows 6 times faster than the economy. 43 million student borrowers are in debt at an average of $ 39,000. "The Biden Administration plans to resume federal student loan payments in May," according to Daily Kos. The pause on student loan repayments has been a crucial part of the economic recovery from the pandemic since March of 2020. Recently Sen.'s Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren joined by Rep. Ayanna Pressley co authored a letter to the President asking him to cancel student debt in the amount of $ 50,000. During the campaign the Administration pledged to cancel at least $ 10,000. This debt is a mortgage against the future of student borrowers. We must do all that we can to lighten the heavy burdens carried by our youngsters. Whether it's starting a family, opening a business or pursuing graduate education, these debts pose an obstacle for young people to achieve their full potential. Call Education Secretary Miguel Cardona @ 1 800 USA LEARN, 1 800 872 5327 and ask for loan forgiveness for $ 50,000 for our students.
Amazon 1/28/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect free markets. 120 years have passed since the great trust buster Theodore Roosevelt became President and we can only imagine what he would make of the consolidation in American business today. Too often free markets are squeezing out the little guy and this allows for the consolidation of too much power in too few hands. On that note we are writing today to break up the Big Tech giants like Amazon that have become too big and too powerful according to Daily Kos. "They are using their power to exploit workers, drive out small business, harm our environment and threaten the future of our democracy. Amazon uses it's size and ubiquity to harvest data from consumers, workers and competitors in every segment of it's business, expanding into new industries and amassing ever greater market share." Recently Amazon has expanded into grocery stores purchasing Whole Foods and runs its own delivery service. "Big Tech monopoly power directly compromises and suppresses American competitiveness and innovation. The public overwhelmingly supports antitrust reform. It's time to rein in Big Tech and give small businesses a chance." Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 to trust bust.
New Year's Eve Festivities 1/1/2022
Martin Luther King Jr. Day 1/17/2022
Fight for $ 15 2/7/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to fight for $ 15. For far too long the American worker has seen their wages stagnate while their jobs are shipped overseas. Child labor in markets like South East Asia are receiving American jobs while wages stagnate here at home. Inflation has gone up every year like clock work while wages stay steady and workers earn less because the value of a dollar has eroded with time. That is why today we are writing to lift the federal minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour. According to Daily Kos $7.25 wasn't enough to pay the bills in 2009, and it's definitely not enough now." Across the country workers are striking for a living wage, "from nurses to fast-food, from factories to universities," one common thread has run through all these protests, "better pay, union rights, dignity and respect." Together there is no limit to what we can accomplish, divided there is little that we can do. 10 states and 40 cities in the United States have raised their minimum wage. Call Congress and ask for your Representative to raise the minimum wage @ 202 224 3121.
Groundhog's Day 2/2/2022
Coronavirus Pandemic 2/28-3/1/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect people from the coronavirus. The United Nations declared December 27th as International Day for Epidemic Preparedness. We can honor the efforts of the United Nations by urging Congress to pass the International Pandemic Preparedness and COVID-19 Repsonse Act (S.2297). If enacted into law this critical and path breaking legislation will "build local vaccine manufacturing hubs internationally, leverage drug companies to share vaccine recipes and know-how, create a new global pandemic prevention fund to stop diseases from spreading and prevents new outbreaks from happening by funding developing countries and indigenous communities to fight back against deforestation and unsafe wildlife trade. This legislation will address the systematic failures that have left millions around the world vulnerable to COVID-19. Call the US Senate and ask for your Senator to back S. 2297 @ 202 224 3121.
Valentine's Day 2/14/2022
Prenatal Health Care 3/7/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect prenatal care. The United States has the worst maternal mortality rate among industrialized nations and Black women die at 3 times the rate of their white counterparts for pregnancy related issues. The good news is these deaths are largely preventable and the Build Back Better Act includes a number of investments that would make a transformative impact by providing necessary care as a priority issue for Black women. Black mothers face higher mortality rates, including after giving birth. The Build Back Better Act could save mothers' lives by providing funding for postpartum Medicaid to a total of 117,000 uninsured new mothers over ten years. This legislation also narrows existing disparities by providing 92,000 perinatal nursing students and nurses with loans, scholarships, and programmatic support over a ten year period, ensuring that health care professionals reflect the communities they serve. Call Congress & ask for your Representative to support the Build Back Better Act @ 202 224 3121.
President's Day 2/21/2022
Campaign to Ban Torture 3/14/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to ban torture. In November of last year Majid Khan testified to a military commission in Guantanamo Bay about the atrocities he was subjected to under the US government's post 9/11 torture program. This program included water boarding. Former Attorney General Eric Holder in testifying for his confirmation hearing described how it was used by the Japanese in World War II against our soldiers, it was used by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, it was used by our soldiers in Vietnam and documented that water boarding is indeed torture. The techniques we use on our opponents often become the standards against which our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines receive treatment. The late Sen. John McCain was a prominent critic of the use of these techniques on our opponents as he was a survivor of torture used on him by the North Vietnamese. The U.S. Army Field Manual documents acceptable ways that an interrogation can take place. The torture Khan documented is so horrific that seven members of the military jury called for the judge to pardon him in a letter describing the U.S. government's torture program as on par with that "performed by the most abusive regimes in modern history." Khan's trial marked the first time the U.S. government has allowed someone who was detained and tortured at a CIA black site - one of the U.S.'s secret prisons during the War on Terror - to publicly testify about their treatment. The law must follow the flag. If prisoners are held by the Federal Government, the legal protections of the United States Constitution must apply, including the 8th Amendment prohibition "against cruel and unusual punishment." There is no place in the United States for torture under the "enhanced interrogation program." Call Congress and ask for the release of the redacted information from the investigation into torture @ 202 224 3121.
A Shared Community 3/21/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for the People's Response Act. Introduced by Representative Cori Bush this legislation would "create a more holistic approach to public safety" according to Daily Kos. "Our current police first model isn't working. This legislation would provide federal funding for nonpolice first responders, mental health care, housing support and restorative justice - approaches proven to reduce harm to Americans. Communities and experts agree that public safety is a matter of public health." The People's Response Act would "create a public health agency inside the Department of Health and Human Services. This public health agency would provide grant funds to research nonpolice, noncarceral approaches to public safety that have proven to be effective." In addition, "it would also provide funding for state and local governments and nongovernment agencies to implement these policies and strategies, which could include supportive services for people re-entering society from prisons, harm reduction treatment of substance abuse, and community based mediation." Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 @ ask for a People's Response.
The Postal Service 3/28/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the postal service. "The post office belongs to the American people. It is one of the oldest most unifying and inclusive institutions in our country," according to Daily Kos. Unfortunately, "we continue to grapple with delays under Postmaster General Louis DeJoy." One service that can strengthen the postal service and also serve individuals underserved by private institutions is postal banking. Postal banking can help over 7 million American households that lack access to a checking account or basic financial services, save low income people millions of dollars in predatory fees, and generate an additional revenue source that can save the postal service. Postal banking is not a new concept. The United States had a Postal Savings System from 1911 - 1967 which in 1947 had $ 3.4 billion in assets, more than $ 35 billion in today's dollars. Postal banking would strengthen the United States Postal Service bottom line by offering low-fee ATMs, check cashing, bill payment, and remittances overseas that would generate $ 1 billion in revenue every year. Join us in calling for postal reform and call the Capitol switchboard @ 202 224 3121.
Eligible plans will only be given enough money intended to fully pay benefits through 2051, leaving them no assets to meet remaining pension promises (incurred both before and after the Act). Even lasting until 2051 can only happen if the Act's questionable assumptions hold true - which is extremely unlikely as the senators who wrote the bill are now complaining. Democrats tangled themselves in the web of multi employer union pension plans and based the bailout on optimistic hypothetical investment returns, instead of the market value of liabilities. This plan uses sleight of hand to value pensions at less than half of cost and is a key reason multi employer union pension plans, along with state and local government pensions are severely underfunded to begin with. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is leading several Democratic Senators in a letter demanding PBGC rewrite the flawed rescue to provide billions more" in pension assistance. The primary grievance is that the act's bailout is based on 5.5 percent. To prevent the pension plans from speculating with taxpayer funds, the act requires multiemployer union pension plans to invest taxpayer funds in investment grade bonds unless PBGC allows other investments. The return on such bonds is only 2-3 percent, which means the plans will need much higher returns on other investments in order to hit 5.5 percent and pay promises through 2051." Union pensions deserve the backing of the full faith and credit of the United States. Our workers deserve a pension plan second to none and we applaud the efforts of Democratic Senators to reform a broken system. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for pension reform.
Universal Pre-K 5/7/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for Universal Pre-K. Parents need a one stop shop for early education services and support. In Boston, Mayor Wu has created an Office of Early Childhood. We ask the United States Department of Education to follow the Mayor's example and allocate funding for Universal Pre K while coordinating resources to match parents with child care opportunities based on culture, income, neighborhood and driving distance. Community based organizations and family based child care programs are critical to the early education needs of our youth and we must do all we can to equip our children with the resources they will need in order to overcome any obstacle in the future. We ask that the Department of Education reallocate resources from for profit education initiatives to Universal Pre-K. Call the U.S. Department of Education @ 1 800 872 5327 to expand access to early childhood education.
Child Care 5/1/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for access to child care. "Every bit of investment in our children and families to close gaps in early education and care is an investment in our collective future," according to Mayor Wu. "The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted how a lack of affordable and accessible child care puts a strain on working families and entire communities." Many communities encounter child care deserts where they are unable to marshal the resources necessary to overcome their child care needs. Web resources must be matched with community outreach in order to connect parents with the resources necessary to raise their children to achieve the American dream. The United States Department of Education must coordinate public schools, libraries, non profits, community resources and government initiatives in order to arm parents with the tools they need to care for their children. Call the United States Department of Education today @ 1 800 872 5327.
Big Pharma 4/28/2022
This week in Washington we are calling on Congress to make prescription drugs more affordable for the average American. Senior citizens and everyday Americans shouldn't have to choose between filling their prescriptions and paying for their groceries. No one should have to ration their medication in order to save their dollars. Fortunately, their is a solution. First, we can permit Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices. Currently, the Veterans Administration, the largest health care provider in the country is able to leverage the strength of the Federal Government to negotiate lower prices by purchasing in bulk. We ask that Medicare make the same purchase policy. Second, we ask that the United States cap copays and out-of-pocket costs for benficiaries. Third, we ask that the government limit annual price increases on life saving and life sustaining drugs to the rate of inflation for all Americans. Call Congress today and ask for Senator Joe Manchin @ 202 224 3121 and ask him to support reform for Big Pharma.
Freedom to Vote Act 4/21/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to pass the Freedom to Vote Act. In Arizona we must expand and protect the freedom to vote. We must expand in person early voting while safe guarding the rights of tribal voters & voters w disabilities. In Colorado we must prohibit the carrying of firearms within 100 feet of voting. In Delaware we must eliminate barriers to absentee voting. In North Carolina we must eliminate literacy tests. In 2021, conservative legislatures across the country proposed more than 440 bills limiting the right to vote. 34 of them became law in 19 states. Republicans are in control of 30 state legislatures across the country. The solution to all these problems is the Freedom to Vote Act. It has passed the House of Representatives. The legislation has been referred out of Committee in the United States Senate and passed a vote. Unfortunately, it has been unable to overcome the filibuster. Tell Senator Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin to support a filibuster carve out @ 202 224 3121.
Child Tax Credit 4/14/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to pass the Child Tax Credit. The Child Tax Credit that lifted millions of American families out of poverty expired in December and millions of children could go hungry as a result. Millions of American children face food insecurity, homelessness and the life long consequences of childhood poverty. Child poverty affects student's academic performance, emotional well being and brain development. In the United States, there has been a dramatic decrease in child poverty thanks to the expanded Child Tax Credit. Millions of Americans, 10,000,000 children are at risk of sliding back into poverty. Poverty is the worst form of violence. Making the Child Tax Credit permanent can stimulate the economy while also caring for our children. It can put food on tables, provide formula for children, equip families with the resources they need to buy groceries, diapers, medicine and other critical resources needed. A hand up not a hand out. Call the Capitol Switchboard @ 202 224 3121 and ask for Joe Manchin to make the Child Tax Credit permanent.
Starbucks 4/7/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for a people's union. According to the Working Families Party, "there is a powerful movement brewing." Across the country, "workers in 97 Starbucks stores in 27 states have filed petitions to unionize - and the momentum behind this unionization wave is only growing. Quarterly profits have jumped 31 % to $ 816 million at the expense of workers who have experienced unsafe working conditions, understaffing, and wages that do not match Starbucks profits. Starbucks is fighting this worker led movement tooth and nail, rescinding benefits and cutting hours in peitioned stores, and directly targeting organizers." Starbucks has cut hours for workers attempting to form unions and shuttered coffee shops. In Memphis, Starbucks workers who filed to form a union were fired three weeks after an election to form a union. Call Congress and tell them to pass the PRO Act to protect the right to organize. President Abraham Lincoln in a conflict similar to ours once spoke saying "that their is a great invisible strength in a people's union." Make his dream a reality by calling Congress and asking your Representative to support the PRO Act @ 202 224 3121.
A Clean Energy Economy 4/1/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to create a Green New Deal. Climate change is an existential crises that threatens our communities across the country. Every year wildfires in the west, hurricanes in the south, tornadoes in the midwest and snow storms in the northeast threaten our communities with increasing severity. We must do all we can to meet the climate challenge. A Green New Deal can retrofit old buildings with new technologies and build a clean energy economy that puts solar panels in buildings, hydro electric dams on our waterways, wind turbines on our farms and seas and harness geothermal energy. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask them to support a Green New Deal.
Net Neutrality
This week in Washington we are writing to protect a free and open internet. The Congressional Review Act (CRA) gives Congress the ability to overturn the FCC's repeal and restore the 2015 Open Internet Order. The CRA has passed in the Republican controlled Senate and it must pass the House before the end of this legislative session if it is to have a chance at becoming law. CRA is supported by 177 Representatives in the House but still needs 41 members in order to gain passage. Whether you are a small business owner or a wall street tycoon. An American Represenative in the Congress or a factory worker on the assembly line should have free and fair access to the Internet. We've come miles in bridging the digital divide and we do not want to see that progress rolled back so we ask you to call Congress today in order to save net neurtality. One equal access pathway on the internet and no secondary status for average users like you and me. Call Congress today at 202 224 3121.
Happy Rosh Hashanah 9/30/2019
Happy Yom Kippur 10/9/2019
Comcast &
Civil Rights 11/1/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to protect civil rights. Comcast is working to strike down key provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1866. This legislation protects people from discrimination in "employment, housing, banking, consumer and business transactions," according to Color of Change. Comcast has petitioned the Supreme Court to allow racial discrimination in business transactions to deny someone a service. We ask that Comcast protect diversity and inclusion by dropping this case before the Supreme Court. Racism by itself should be enough to violate the Civil Rights Act with no need of other discriminatory practices. We stand with African-Americans everywhere in standing up to racial discrimination. Call Comcast today @ 1 800 COM CAST.
A Shared Community 7/1/2020
This week in Washington we are writing about the fever of words that has gripped the nation in recent weeks since the killing of George Floyd. In the words of Bayard Rustin we must move "from protest to politics." We ask that officers be required to wear body cameras as is the case in Maryland and Illinois. Second, we ask that officers issue a warning preceding the use of lethal force as is the case in Boston, Massachusetts. Third, we ask for renewal of the assault-weapons ban in order to protect Americans from the mindless menace of violence. Fourth, we ask that departments across the country incorporate de-escalation training so that conflicts can be resolved through the use of language and words so there isn't a spiral into violence that can take often innocent life. Fifth, we ask for the hiring of more minority police officers. Women and African-American officers are critical to resolving the challenges of law enforcement. Sixth, we ask for community policing. If members of the community know their police officer that is walking the beat they are less likely to engage in conflict with them as is the case in Newark, New Jersey. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 to support our 6 point plan today.
County v. Holder
This week in Washington we are writing to protect civil rights. According to the Brennan Center for Justice "within 24 hours of the [Shelby county v. Holder] ruling Texas announced it would implement a strict photo id law. Two other states, Mississippi and Alabama also began to enforce photo ID law's previously barred because of federal pre clearence. These regulations have a disproportionate impact on minority communities. We ask Congress to restore Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, pre clearence before changing voting laws. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121
Big Pharma 11/28/2020
This Week in Washington we are writing for equal health care. Recently, Bold Progressives Rep. Katie Porter grilled Big Pharma CEO's on Capitol Hill. CEO Mark Alles a Big Pharma CEO got paid half a million dollars from tripling the price of a cancer drug. Yearly Alles's salary is $ 13 million a year. According to Katie Porter that is "200 times the average American's income and 360 times what the average senior gets on Social Security. Porter documents in Congressional testimony that Alles received half a million dollars by tripling the cost of cancer drug Revlimid. Patients didn't get any better, the pharmaceutical didn't get any better. Alles just got better at making money. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask for equality.
Immigration Reform
This week in Washington we are writing for immigration reform. According to The New York Times Biden's plan offers a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented people. This plan would allow for "undocumented immigrants... in the U.S. before January 1st to apply for temporary legal status while passing background checks and paying taxes. A new category would be created for them, "lawful prospective immigrants." New Americans would be "authorized to work, join the military and travel without fear of deportation. After five years. they could apply for green cards." This would allow them to travel to and from the United States free of fear of being deported or not let back into the country. The Statue of Liberty quotes the immortal words of Emma Lazarus, "give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free... I lift up my lamp beside the golden door." Join us in calling on Congress to honor the pledge made on the Statue of Liberty and welcome undocumented Americans to this country. Call Congress today at (202) 224 3121.
Wealth Tax 4/21/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to support a wealth tax. Senator Elizabeth Warren, Representative Pramila Jayapal and Brendan Boyle recently announced new legislation pending before the Congress. This wealth tax would effect households with a net worth of more than $50 million dollars according to Bold Progressives. Money made from this tax could go to critical programs like child care, health care and jobs. This would tax these upper income workers at 2% for millionaires who have earned between $ 50 million and $1 billion and 3 % for billionaire households. Ten million Americans are out of work and many Americans struggle sitting around a kitchen table trying to figure out what if anything they can do to make ends meet and pay the bills. It is time to honor hard work and promote equality through a wealth tax. Call your member of Congress today at (202) 224 3121.
Equality Act 5/14/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to pass the Equality Act. If passed this legislation would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accomodation, education, federally funded programs, credit and jury service according to Congress.gov on March 5th 2021. A recent Supreme Court ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia protects gays in employment but not in other matters. Gay Americans serve in our Armed Forces, raise children, pay taxes and own homes. All they ask is to be treated with the same dignity and respect as is the right of every American. 300 discriminatory bills against the LGBTQ+ community have been passed this year alone across the country, yet there are currently no laws that explicitly prohibit discrimination against gay Americans on the books. The Equality Act has passed the House of Representatives and the Executive Branch is willing to sign it into law it must pass the United States Senate. Call the Capitol switchboard @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Senator to vote for the Equality Act.
Student Debt Relief 5/21/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to cancel student debt. During the campaign President Biden promised to cancel $ 10,000 in student debt. We are writing this week to assure that he makes good on this promise. According to Moveon "if Biden follows through this could be a historic decision that benefits the lives of millions of borrowers. "60 House Democrats have signed onto House Resolution 100 sponsored by Ayanna Pressley, that calls for President Biden to take executive action to cancel federal student debt," according to Congress.gov on April 29th 2022. The average American student borrower has $ 39,000 dollars worth of debt representing a mortgage on the future earnings of Americans everywhere. Student debt prevents people from starting a business, raising a family, buying a car or purchasing a home. Executive action is the solution to the debt crises plaguing our nation. Call the Department of Education @ 800 872 5327 and ask for student debt cancellation.
A People's Union 5/28/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the right to organize. The Protecting the Right to Organize Act would amend the National Labor Relations Act to "expand labor protections related to employee's right's to organize and collectively bargain in the workplace," according to the Williamsport Sun Gazette, October 18th 2021. This legislation would "prevent companies from holding mandatory meetings for the purpose of counteracting labor organization, and would strengthen the legal right of employees to join a labor union. The bill would allow for secondary strikes, also known as sympathy strikes where fellow unions go on strike in suppoort of one another. This legislation would weaken "right to work laws" in 27 states. Under this legislation the NLRB would be able to fine employers for violating labor law and would provide compensation to employees involved in such cases. This legsislation would allow unions to collect dues from all employees in the work place. Call the United States Senate and ask for their support of the PRO law @ 202 224 3121.
Family Planning 6/7/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect family planning. In March, the Department of Health and Human Services announced new funding for Title X, a federal program that provdes affordable birth control and reproductive health care for low income poeple. The influx of HHS funding is a direct respense to Trump's decimation of Title X. Trump crusaded to ban abortion and restrict resources or education about aboriton by any means possible, his Administration implemented a domestic gag rule in 2019 that prohibited clinics that used Title X funds from sharing information about how to access aboriton care. For years, half of the more than 4 million people who relied on Title X's life saving services, like cervical and breast cancer screenings and STD and HIV testing and treatment were impacted by the gag rule. We ask Congress to increase funding to Planned Parenthood centers and clinics that provide vital counseling on issues like HIV AND STD testing, contraception and family planning counseling so that an unwanted pregnancy doesn't stand in the way of our nation's women achieivng their goals like starting a new job or achieving a college education. Our bodies our rights. Call Congress today to ask for thriving Title X and family planning @ 202 224 3121.
School Lunch Program & Feeding America 6/21/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for our kids. During the summer months children can often go hungry because they are not in school to receive a hot lunch that provides nutrition and sustenance. To help kids get access to reliable nutritious meals all year long, Senator Murray (D-WA) and Representatives Levin (D-CA) and Hayes (D-CT) have introduced the Stop Child Hunger Act. This critical and path breaking legislation would make the Summer EBT pilot a permanent nationwide program. Eligible families would receive grocery cards during the summer months and when schools close. This legislation will keep tables, refrigerators, and bellies full. In addition, this law can decrease hunger rates among children by one third. Expanded during the pandmeic it can provide grocery cards to help families purchase breakfast and lunch during the summer when schools close. Congress must take action on this legislation to make it a permanent nationwide program so that summer months aren't hungry months. Call Congress
@ 202 224 3121 and ask them to keep our kitchens full of nutritous food throughout the summer by making this pilot permanent.
John Lewis Act 6/28/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for voting rights. According to Daily Kos, Texas is bringing back Jim Crow and Congress is doing nothing about it. In 2021, Texas and several other states passed a number of restrictive voting rights laws. Among these laws is legislation that restricts mail in voting. After the enactment of this law 30 % of mail in ballots in Houston were rejected. Across the country, similar legislation has been passed. Among those most likely to be affected include people of color, senior citizens, the disabled and impaired. Making it more difficult to vote strikes at progressives. With control of the House, Senate and Executive Branch it is incumbent upon us to do all we can to assure the protection of civil rights that generations have struggled to achieve. It is critical that the Congress pass this legislation immediately. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and demand they make the vision of John Lewis a reality.
Big Pharma 7/1/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for our health care. The American people pay more for health care as a percentage of national income than any other industrialized nation in the world. Further, we pay more for prescription medication than we should. The introduction of generic drugs would allow for cost savings for our most vulnerable Americans, senior citizens, the disabled and impaired. Asthma, COVID-19, diabetes, hepatitis c, HIV, prostate cancer, million suffer from these illneses and can't afford the medication to treat them. Taxpayers fund $ 40 billion dollars a year in research and development according to Public Citizen, through the National Institute of Health. The drug companies are making money its time for affordable health care. The FDA has found that the introduction of generics can lead to price reductions of 95 %. The Federal Government already has the authority to make these changes its time to act. Call THE FDA @ 1-888-463-6332 and ask them to introduce generic drug competition to lower prices, increase competition and protect free markets from monopolies.
Child & Dependent Care Tax Credit 7/7/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for America's children. We strongly urge Congress to extend the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit beyond one year. According to Politico this legislation can defray child care costs such as day camps and care, before and after school care, nannies and au pairs. It can also be claimed by people caring for the elderly and disabled. This credit provides a 4,000 dollar credit for care and is critical to providing the human infrastructure necessary to liberate our people. Call Congress today and ask them to make the Child & Dependment Care Tax Credit permanent @ 202 224 3121.
A Federal Minimum Wage 7/7/2021
This week in Washington we are writing for a living wage. Over 1.1 million workers make $7.25 / hour or less. Almost 10 million people remain unemployed nationwide due to the economic crises fueled by the pandemic. Congress has not voted to raise the minimum wage since the Bush Administration. The last phased increase in the minimum wage happened in 2009. This is the longest period of no increase in the minimum wage since its inception 80 years ago. Corporate profits for corporations like Amazon and Walmart are in record territory while 1 in 9 Americans still live in poverty. No one who holds a job should have to live in poverty. Today we write for the dignity of man and the destiny of democracy. Call Congress today @ (202) 224 3121 and ask for a $15 federal minimum wage.
Big Pharma 7/28/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for prescription drug affordability. For too long the big drug companies have held the American people hostage with a double barreled shotgun; high prices and short supply. Life saving medications like insulin for diabetes and other medications have cost consumers more than in other industrialized countries because the government has been unable to leverage its bulk purchasing power to lower prices and create an equitable health care system. The time has come for reform. According to Bold Progressives former Representative Donna Edwards of Maryland is an example of this system. Her prescription for Multiple Sclerosis cost $ 70,000 a year while in the United Kingdom the same medication cost $ 7,000. Free markets demand competition. It is high time for the big pharmaceutical companies to stop their oligarchical behavior and to act like Americans. We care for each other because we are good. We do not charge each other enormous sums of money and then deny care. In addition it is time to empower the FDA to authorize generics to enter into competition with name brands in order to lower costs, increase competition and save the American people. We call on Congress and Sen. Joe Manchin in particular to support the Build Back Better Act in order to reform our country and set our people free. Call the Capitol switchboard today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for Sen. Joe Manchin to support this life saving reform.
Toxics Action 8/1/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our food and drinking water from contamination and regulate chemicals that jeopardize our health. PFAS, chemicals that never naturally biodegrade in nature, or "forever chemicals," continue to contaminate our soil, food and drinking water. These chemicals are known to cause cancer while also harming immune and reproductive systems, as well as causing high blood pressure. Companies are doing nothing to regulate and stop these chemical pollutants, known to be toxic. We ask Congress to regulate PFAS. Corporations are spending billions to stop regulation but we must stand strong. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for an end to the reign of PFAS.
A People's Union 8/7/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for a people's union. We have come to live in the moments of great crises. Now that we have survived the worst days of the pandemic we are turning our attention to the moral, physical and spiritual regeneration of our country. A social and economic program that makes that regeneration possible finds its foundation in a strong labor movement. There is something percolating across the country as Starbucks all over America are forming labor unions. Following this trend is Dollar General where "moldy workplaces, lack of proper air conditioning and heating, dangerous conditions, and abysmally low wages," contribute to a downward spiral robbing workers of their dignity and creating an exploitative environment according to More Perfect Union. Working conditions are so bad that workers have gotten sick with pneumonia and shingles. One employee spoke saying " I never know when I'm gonna have my next meal. I never know when I'll be able to pay my rent... I'm constantly figuring out if I need to ask for extensions on bills, and then I'm not sure I can even hit the extension's deadline. It's a constant struggle thinking about this every single day." The health and safety of the American people are non negotiable. Wondering where your next meal can come from is not a part of the American dream. Contact Dollar General @ www2.dollargeneral.com/Customer-Care-Center/pages-us.aspx and ask for a people's union.
High Gas Prices 8/14/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to combat high gas prices. Since the War in Ukraine Americans have been feeling pressure at the pump and everyone, including Big Oil must do all we can to band together to fight high prices. As a nation we are overly dependent on fossil fuels and we need to build a clean energy economy that works for everyone. Energy security is critical to the continued prosperity of the free world. Price gouging by Big Oil like Exxon, Chevron, British Petroleum and Shell is making it more difficult for working families and we must do all we can to make the American economy more responsive to the needs of the consumer. That begins with affordable energy prices. The Energy Security and Independence Act can provide $ 100 billion to invest in the American clean energy supply chain accompanied by a lower bottom line on utility prices. Call Congress to combat high gas prices @ 202 224 3121.
Roe v. Wade 8/21/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect a women's right to choose. On Friday June 24th in Dobbs vs. Jackson the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. We knew this day was coming since the leak of the Supreme Court decision obtained by Politico several weeks ago. That doesn't make it any less painful. The Roe decision stood for fifty years and since the 1970's the right to privacy has been enshrined in constitutional law as a foundation of American jurisprudence. The 5th and 14th Amendment recognize that the state cannot deprive anyone of their right to "life, liberty and property without due process of law." The life of a pregnant mother and her liberty should not be deprived and the penumbra, the shadow of the 14th Amendment, provides shade and should protect women from having their life deprived. The Dobbs decision is especially disturbing because as Clarence Thomas wrote it calls into question decisions dealing with gay rights, gay marriage and jeopardizes access to contraception. This includes rulings in cases such as Griswold v. Connecticut. Women seeking family planning are our sisters our daughters, our nieces, our cousins, our mothers, our aunts, relatives and friends. When one women's rights are violated, all of our rights are violated and we must stand in solidarity with our sisters in the struggle. We call on Congress to support a carve out of the filibuster to support a recognition of a women's right to a safe and legal abortion. Call the United States Senate @ 202 224 3121 and ask your Senator to support a carve out of the filibuster, to reform Senate procedures to allow for a simple majority to protect a women's right to choose.
Common Sense Gun Reform 8/28/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to reform our nation's gun laws. 19 souls perished in the horrific atrocity that took place in Uvalde Texas. More perished in Tulsa, Oklahoma at St Francis Medical Center. Our hospitals and schools have becoming "killing fields" in what has become an all to common unconscionable killing of our nation's young and most vulnerable. No patient, no child should have to fear for their safety. No parent should have to wonder whether their child will be able to come home at the end of the day from school. No one should have to wonder whether their family member will come home from the hospital safely after surgery and no doctor or nurse should have to fear for their life. The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act will raise the background check age to cover the purchase of a semi automatic rifle from 18 to 21. Provide support for crises intervention and state red flag laws, specifically allocating $ 750 million to states to stop at risk individuals from acquiring fire arms to safe guard communities and prevent atrocitiies like those at Tulsa, Uvalde and Buffalo from occurring. This legislation will create federal penalties for straw purchasing and trafficking of firearms so that arms dealers face the full force of federal law in court and on the streets, to combat the mindless menace of violence. This legislation regulates ghost guns. Appropriates funding for mental health so that we can look forward to the day when their is a social worker in every school, mental health isn't stigmatized and resources are available to combat mental illness. Work remains to be done. We still need a ban on saturday night specials, small handguns that are used to commit disproportionate numbers of violent crimes. We still need an assault weapons ban. We still need universal background checks not just for those under 21. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask for expanded background checks and an assault weapons ban.
Independence Day Festivities - July 4th Celebration
Bastille Day - July 14th Celebration
Big Tobacco 9/1/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to fight Big Tobacco. We believe that harmful products should be removed from store shelves to include flavored cigars, flavored menthol and e cigarettes. We are writing for health equity, to advance bold action and to save lives. These products are used to "target and addict kids," according to Daily Kos. The FDA can and must remove flavored e and menthol cigarettes as well as cigars. 2 million children use e cigarettes with 85 % using flavored products. Tobacco companies use "fun flavors, hooking [children] with massive doses of nicotine. The tobacco industry has targeted the black community through marketing for menthol cigarettes. 85 % of Black smokers and 41 % of high school smokers use menthol cigarettes, that are "more addictive, easier for kids to start using, and harder for smokers to quit." Flavored cigars are the second most popular tobacco product among high school students and very popular among Black youth. The tobacco companies sell cheap cigars in flavors like chocolate, strawberry and tropical twist. The FDA can protect our nation's children and save lives by removing these harmful products from store shelves. Call the FDA @ 1-888 463 6332.
Kitchen Tables 9/7/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for tax reform. Every year the American people spend $ 31 billion to pay their taxes through services such as H & R Block and Turbo Tax. Change for Progress believes that filing taxes should be, easy and affordable. Treasury has the authority to create free, online, easy to use tax filing software. Employers provide the government with W-2s and 1099s and the Internal Revenue Service knows how much you make before you file your taxes. Tax filing corporations like Intuit and H & R Block have lobbied to stop the IRS from providing a way for millions of tax payers to file online for free according to Daily Kos. Many industrialized countries throughout the world provide this service, it is time for the United States to follow suit. Billion dollar corporations brokered a deal to provide working income tax filers free software as long as Treasury did not create a free filing program. These tax filing corporations then made the free option hard to use with "deceptive designs and misleading tactics" to guide low income tax filers to paid versions of their service when they are eligible to file for free. Tax filers can get service from an IRS certified volunteer for free. Call Congress today and demand that they cure this outrage @ 202 224 3121.
Labor Day Festivities 9/5/2022
Union of Concerned Scientists 9/21/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our environment. We urge the EPA to eliminate truck emissions from toxic tailpipes. Premature deaths are on the rise throughout America and the leading culprits are diesel trucks. The Environmental Protection Agency is proposing a rule that reduces toxic pollution from "heavy duty diesel trucks," according to the Union for Concerned Scientists. The proposed rule falls short of what it could be. Zero emission trucks are available now. Stronger truck pollution controls would protect the public health of Americans all over this great nation of ours. Communities that live next to freight corridors, ports and rail hubs are especially impacted by these pollutants and cleaning them up is the first step towards a stronger public health policy and towards saving the planet and with it our environment. Call the EPA today @ 202 564 4700.
Environmental Protection Agency - 9/28/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our environment. Recently, the Supreme Court ruled against the Biden Administration's ability to regulate power plant emissions. The ruling by the Supreme Court left other powers of the Clean Air Act largely intact. According to The American Prospect "the Environmental Proection Agency can adopt a national science-based cap on climate pollution and require states to come up with plans to meet that cap. Chief Justice John Roberts indicated in his majority opinion that this may be a 'sensible solution' to greenhouse gas regulation...[In addition] the EPA can also compel steep reductions in climate emissions from cars and trucks, as well as airplanes, ships and trains." The court's liberal minority spoke according to The New York Times "that the majority had stripped the E.P.A. of 'the power to respond to the most pressing environmental challenge of our time.'" Call the EPA and ask them to set state caps on pollution and compel steep reductions on climate emissions from cars, trucks, planes, ships and trains @ 202 564 4700.
Indian Country 10/1/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for Indian Country. Recently, the Supreme Court ruled narrowing the authority of Tribes in Oklahoma according to The New York Times. "The decision followed a landmark 2020 decision that said much of eastern Oklahoma falls within an Indian Reservation, limiting the authority of state prosecutors." Towards the end of it's term the Supreme Court declared that much of eastern Oklahoma "falls within an Indian reservation, allowing state authorities to prosecute non-Indians who commit crimes against Indians. The ruling left in place the basic holding of a 2020 decision McGirt V. Oklahoma, which was decided by a 5-4 vote and said that Native Americans who commit crimes on the reservation cannot be prosecuted by state or local law enforcement and must instead face justice in tribal or federal courts." Call Congress and ask them to support a carve out for neglect to allow for the prosecution of all crimes by state authorities whether they occur in Indian Country or on Federal and State lands so that the rule of law is respected. Indians can face justice in tribal courts but in cases of severe neglect and abuse we support a carve out for justice in state and federal courts to promote and protect the public welfare and to safeguard our lives and communities. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and suppoort a carve out for public safety.
A People's Union 7/14/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for a people's union. A "contract between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, which represents 22,000 workers at 29 ports from San Diego to Seattle and the Pacific Maritime Association representing the shipping terminal is set to expire," according to The New York Times. "The negotiations have centered largely on whether to increase wages for the unionized workers...and expanded automation, such as using robots to move cargo containers, to speed up production, a priority for shipping companies." Jim McKenna, the chief executive of the Pacific Maritime Association said in a recent statement that 'automation allows greater densificiaiton at existing port termianls, enabling greater cargo throughput and continued cargo growth over time.' In an open letter union president Willie Adams "attacked moving toward automation, saying it would translate to lost jobs and prioritize foriegn profits over 'what's best for America.' Adams cited the danger of getting hacked at cargo terminals as a national security risk. In May, the Port of Los Angeles had its 3rd busiest month handling a million shipping container units. Call the Pacific Maritime Association @ 503 827 4024 and ask them to support higher wages, to oppose automation to protect the American people, strengthen the economy & to secure a people's union.
United Parcel Service - 10/21/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to reform UPS. According to the Working Families party "UPS drivers have suffered from heat stroke, exhaustion, dehydration and even death during heat waves last summer - simply because UPS doesn't want to incur the expense of providing air conditioning." Heat waves will continue to occur with more frequency because of climate change. More Perfect Union has been a refreshing change from business as usual in the effort to secure reforms @ UPS. Driver safety is paramount and it will only cost $ 185 per truck as company profits run into the hundreds of millions of dollars. Comparable organizations like Fed Ex and Amazon already have air conditioning and they provide on time delivery as well as quality service. Call UPS today to secure air conditioning and water for every driver @ 1 800 742 5877.
Disclose Act - 11/14/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to keep the flame of American democracy burning brightly through campaign finance reform. Affordable housing, ending poverty, saving the environment these are some of the things we are fighting for @ Change for Progress. The change we seek is more trying because of big money in politics. 12 years have passed since the Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United, striking down the restrictions in McCain-Feingold. Television and web ads are no longer required to disclose their sources and dark money floods the political system. Accountability demands that we know where the money is coming from. We ask Congress to bring corporate contributors out of the shadows and into the light because we know that sunshine is the best disinfectant. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse reintroduced the DISCLOSE Act that would end all secret spending on political canpaigns. Money doesn't just talk when it comes to politics, it shouts. We need an equal footing between corporations with big money and regular Americans. Foreign sources of money would be banned. Caps would be placed at $ 10,000 for contributions and require notices of their funding sources. It's time for a change. Call the U.S. Senate @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Senator's support for the DISCLOSE Act.
Gay Rights - Respect for Marriage Act 12/1/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for civil rights. Gay Americans live in our neighborhoods, pay taxes, raise children and serve with distinction in our armed forces. It is time to recognize them as equal partners in this experiment we call democracy. The Respect for Marriage Act passed the House of Representatives in July. It rests in the Senate where several Republicans have crossed party lines in order to make equality a right not a privilege. In his decision affirming Dobbs vs. Jackson, Clarence Thomas, regarded as the most conservative jurist on the high court said that gay marriage was next when discussing Dobbs. Call your Senator today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for their support for the Respect for Marriage Act and protect gay marriage all over this nation of ours.
Saving the Environment 10/28/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to save the environment. We ask that Congress abstain from holding our climate & communities hostage for the oil, coal and gas industry. Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act required compromise. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, whose profits have reached into the millions from his work in Washington on behalf of the energy industry, has advanced preferential treatment for dirty sources of energy. Specifically, Manchin asked for a deal on "fossil fuel extraction projects," in exchange for his vote according to Daily Kos. After signing an agreement with Sen. Chuck Schumer, Manchin reversed himself, and fled from his pledge to support $ 1.5 trillion in new spending. This legislation would have provided universal pre K, affordable housing & lifted millions out of poverty through the Child Tax Credit. We ask that Congress honor "front line" communities in the fight against climate change. Manchin can advocate for clean energy for W. Virginia not obsolete fossil fuels. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask them to walk away from this legislation.
Student Debt 11/21/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to lift the burden of student debt. For far too long the Federal Government has held back our youngest and most idealistic Americans from achieving their full potential, leveraging their debt to extinguish their hopes and dreams. Indebted Americans are less likely to start a business, raise a family, save for their children's college education or invest in the American dream of owning their own home. The Biden Administration has shown heroic leadership in canceling $ 20,000 in student debt for Pell recipients and $ 10,000 for non Pell student debt. Biden-Harris is investing in fire fighters to protect our communities, nurses to keep us healthy and teachers to educate the next generation. We ask the Biden Administration to follow up on this incredible action by wiping out $ 50,000 in student debt. Call the Department of Education @ ask Secretary Miguel Cardona to wipe away the nation's debt @ 202 401 2000.
Roe v. Wade 11/28/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect a women's right to choose. In this Administration we are witnessing an unprecedented assault on a women's reproductive rights. Currently, there is critical legislation pending before the Congress. Sen. Graham has introduced a national abortion ban that aggravates the situation that flies in the face of polling across this great nation of ours. These surveys state that Americans support abortion rights for all free people not just an expensive privilege for the few. This legislation would cancel state laws and advocates a black hole theory of federal power, that if the Federal Government cannot do something the states are unable to as well. This upsets the balance of federalism that allows for the states to be laboratories of democracy where people can experiment with policies. Doctors and nurses should make health care decisions not bureaucrats in Washington. Call your Senator @ 202 224 3121, light up the Capitol switchboard and let them know you want to protect abortion rights.
A People's Union 11/1/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to pass the Nationwide Right to Unionize Act. There is something percolating at Starbucks across the country. Workers are asserting their rights to be treated with dignity and earn a living wage. Abraham Lincoln in a conflict similar to ours said that "their is a great invisible strength in a people's union." 27 states have "right to work" laws on the books according to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, preventing unions from "collecting dues from non-union members who benefit from union negotiated contracts." The result has been a 5% decrease in unionization and lower average wages of 3%. The Declaration of Independence says that "all men are created equal." We challenge Congress to make this statement a reality. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Representative to support the Nationwide Right to Unionize Act.
Hurricane Fiona - 10/14/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our people from Hurricanes. Puerto Rico recently received devastating windfall from Hurricane Fiona.
There has been mass flooding and power was cut off to the island. According to Daily Kos Puerto Rico "has been plagued by a failing power grid, mismanaged, lacking proper maintenance with failing infrastructure. In a previous Hurricane, Maria, Congress earmarked $ 10 billion to rebuild the power grid. Under LUMA, the Energy company tasked with fixing the grid, things have gotten worse not better. We call on Congress to exercise more oversight of FEMA and LUMA so that Puerto Ricans can enjoy the full blessings of democracy. In the 21st century no one should go without electricity. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask for relief for Hurricane Fiona.
Wealth Tax 12/14/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to establish a wealth tax. During the two years of the Covid-19 pandemic American billionaires grew $ 2 trillion richer. With this wealth billionaires are buying elections, political leaders and media outlets putting the fix on our economy and tax code. Billionaires pay little to no taxes on their income, while regular Americans face stagnating wages and the highest recorded inflation on record. When it comes to poltiical speech money doesn't speek it shouts. Economic inequality aggravates the differences between Americans and our poltiical discourse takes place on an uneven playing field. We believe that the United States must tax billionaires on their wealth increases every year. Congress can and must pass the Billionaire Minimum Income Tax Act to make our tax system more equitable and to close the wealth gap. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for them to pass this critical and path breaking legislation.
Big Pharma 12/21/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our senior citizens, the disabled & impaired. For far too long big pharmaceutical comapanies have used their power to set prices to gouge the American people. We ask Congress to stand strong in stopping this pracitce. For the first time in American history the Inflation Reduction Act restricts the price hikes that Big Pharma can pass on to consumers by allowing Medicare to negotiate bulk purchase pricing the same as the Veterans Administration does. Republicans have recently introduced legislation to end Medicare's new ability to negotiate lower drug prices and cap annual medication expenses for seniors. 71 % of Americans support this critical and path breaking reform. We cannot put special interests before America's working families. Insulin is a great example, patients pay a $ 35 copay on the life saving drug. We want to keep it that way. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121. Light up the Capitol switchboard and demand Big Pharma pays it's fair share.
Fossil Fuel Industry 12/28/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to take on the fossil fuel industry. Recently Congress introduced a bill "to loosen restrictions for fracking, tar sand oil pipelines, carbon emissions and more," according to Daily Kos. This legislation is a giveaway to a strong corporate lobby that would subject low income communities in a rural and urban area to air and water pollution. We get one chance to save the planet, let's get it right. Call Congress today and ask them to support paid time off during mandatory evacuations like during Hurricane Ian. No one should be forced to choose between protecting their health and keeping their job. Emergency paid leave would allow for workers to safely evacuate their families and keep their jobs. You can't put a price on the air that we breathe the water that we drink or safety for our families to grow and prosper. We ask Congress to pass the "Worker Safety in Climate Disasters Act, Call the Capitol switchboard immediately @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Representatives support.
DACA Dreamers 1/1/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect immigration. The Statue of Liberty reads "give me your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free," shining a beacon of hope for people across the sea. America is more than a country it is an idea. A belief that people can live together side by side peacefully regardless of where they come from. It is our responsibility to keep the flame of democracy burning brightly, so that all men can freely share in it's blessings. Some of our youngest immigrants were brought here when they were chidlren grew up here and know no other home than the United States. 600,000 of these immigrants known as dreamers have been allowed to stay through Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, also known as DACA. This week in Washington we are writing to keep this program in place so that all can share. Light up the Capitol swithcboard today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for DACA to stay in place.
Cherokee Nation 1/7/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the Cherokee Nation. 200 years ago the United States made a promise to the Cherokee Nation. In 1835, America signed the Treaty of New Echota leading to the expulsion of Cherokee and forced them to move West on the 'Trail of Tears.' One quarter of this Indian tribe perished. This same treaty guaranteed the rights of this ancient tribe to send an elected representative to Congress. Now, the Cherokee Nation is working to make good on that promise. "Like representatives from D.C., Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands, a Cherokee delegate would not have voting rights but would have the power to vote in Committee and make speeches on the floor of the House. There are 430,000 Cherokee in the United States and they are effectively disenfranchised. Call Congress today and light up the Capitol switchboard asking your Representative to support a new Cherokee Representative before the Congress @ 202 224 3121.
Social Security & Medicare 1/14/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our social safety net. In the past several months, Speaker McCarthy spoke saying that the GOP should put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block. Republicans say that they will use the must-pass debt ceiling legislation to make "massive cuts to social insurance programs" according to Daily Kos. Social Security created during the Great Depression and part of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal is a part of our social compact. It is a living promise to senior citizens that since they cared for us, we will care for them. Senior citizens, the disabled and impaired all receive cash payments from the government to combat poverty and place a floor beneath income so that retired people can live out their lives in dignity. Equally important Medicare, part of President Johnson's Great Society program provides health care so that no American should fear seeking medical care when they need it. Public insurance makes way for a more equal society. Call the Capitol switchboard and ask for Speaker McCarthy to protect Medicare and Social Security making sure they aren't part of the debt ceiling fight @ 202 224 3121.
New Years Festivities 1/1/2023
Merry Christmas 12/25/2022
Happy Chanukah 12/18-26/2022
The Postal Service 12/7/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the postal service. Recently a judge found that "Postmaster General Louis DeJoy hindered the 2020 election with intentional slowdowns - shutting down sorting machines, removing postal boxes and preventing carriers from making extra deliveries - during a pandemic when voters were relying on mail-in ballots," according to Daily Kos. In response, the judge has placed orders to prevent the repetition of this act. The solution is clear, to nominate two new board members to the USPS Board of Governors who will value every ballot cast by an American. DeJoy has had 'numerous failings, conflicts of interest, and destructive leadership.' This December ask the Administration to appoint Governors who will stand with, not against us. Call the Postal Regulatory Commission today @ 202 789 6800 and demand reform.
This Week in Washington
Cherokee Nation 4/14/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the Cherokee Nation. In 1835, the United States signed the Treaty of New Echota, that led to the "Trail of Tears," the horrific displacement of native people's across the South and West. Native Americans were forced to gather their belongings and march to their death all over this nation of ours. The treaty guaranteed the Cherokee "the right to send a delegate to Congress," according to Daily Kos. After almost 200 years the Cherokee Nation is renewing it's push get a Congressional delegate seated. In November, Congress held its first hearing about establishing a non-voting delegate seat for the Cherokee Nation. This action would right wrong and serve man. Seating a delegate has rare bipartisan support. GOP Rep, Tim Cole who is Native American spoke saying "I'm glad to see tribes advocating for their treaties with such conviction." Let's keep our promises to native people's by seating this delegate. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 ask for your Representative and tell them to seat a Cherokee delegate to Congress.
Human Rights Campaign & Gay Rights 4/1/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our LGBTQ+ community members. In the recent past "we have been facing an unprecedented onslaught of bills targeting LGBTQ+ youth in state legislatures across the country...we need your help to ensure we can fight back against every anti-LGBTQ+ piece of legislation that comes our way this year," according to Daily Kos. "The answer to discrimination is legislation calling for it's prohibition at the federal, state and local level. The Equality Act legislation if passed in the United States Congress would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 including titles II, III, IV, VI, VII and IX to prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodation, education, federally funded programs, credit and jury service. The bill would also expand existing civil rights protections for people of color by prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations, such as exhibitions, good and services, and transportation. Call the United States Senate today ask your Senator to vote for the Equality Act @ 202 224 3121.
Open Courts Act 3/28/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the freedom of information. The Open Courts Act would "eliminate the pay wall blocking access to our federal court records." It has bipartisan support and can pass Congress with your phone call."The public trusts federal courts with our rights and disputes. In turn the public has a right to inspect court records and ensure [that] federal courts administer justice fairly." Unfortunately, according to Daily Kos, "the current filing system stashes these essential documents behind a paywall, costing the public more than a hundred million dollars each year for access while costing the court pennies on the dollar to maintain." In the last Congress, the Open Courts Act S. 2614 would have modernized the "antiquated system used by federal courts to store their records and also make them available online to everyone at no cost. The legislation was favorably reported by the Senate Judiciary Committee and had 15 bipartisan co sponsors," according to Daily Kos. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 ask for your Senator by state to support the Open Courts Act.
Big Oil & Coal 2/28/2023
Last year the Biden Administration achieved a heroic victory with the Inflation Redcuation Act scoring legislation that creates a Green Jobs Bank, channels dollars to the Superfund based on the polluters pay principle and cleans up brown zones. This legislation creates historic investments in wind, solar, hydroelectirc and geothermal energy. We can harness the sun, wind and soil to remake our democracy and the Biden Administration is leading the way. Now we need reform in our broken energy program. According to the Wilderness Society "we need the Department of the Interior to institute rules that prevent oil and gas companies from calling all the shots. By durably implementing the policy changes included in the historic climate bill - as well as addressing the other core problems the agency's own review found last year - they will ensure companies can't buy up land on the cheap, shut the public out of planning or stick communities with the bill for cleaning up oil drilling sites. Call Congress today to assure a just development policy in the states of New Mexico, Wyoming and Nevada @ 202 224 3121 ask for your Senator by State to stand with the American people.
Corporate America 2/21/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to investigate corporate America. Now that the Democrats have taken full control of the United States Senate, progressives are rising to the occasion. Sen. Bernie Sanders is going to chair the Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee where he is expected to investigate price gouging by the pharmaceutical industry. Sen. Richard Blumenthal is up to become chair of the Consumer Production and Product Safety Subcommittee and wants to investigate Big Tech. In addition accoridng to Daily Kos, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse is "ready to investigate energy companies and climate change in the Budget Committee...Our senators will have no shortage of work to prioritize - nominations, legislation, budgeting." Let's remind our Senators that they are accountable to the American people. Call the United States Senate today ask for your Senator by state and remind them to stand strong against corporate America @ 202 224 3121.
Southwest Airlines 2/14/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect air travel. This holiday if you were engaged in air travel you probably couldn't help but notice the outrageous lines and the camp feel of the airport as many missed flights, canceled for hours and airplanes sat on the tarmac for hours. "Five days after severe winter weather wreaked havoc on holiday air travel across the United States, most major carriers [were] back up and running. Delta, American and United Airlines each canceled fewer than 40 flights according to Flight Aware. Delta had the fewest with only 15 cancellations. Southwest Airlines on the other hand canceled upwards of 10,000 flights over the holiday... Some passengers unable to rebook Southwest flights, rented cars or spent hundreds of dollars to buy tickets on other airlines." One of the reasons for the epic failure is the "point-to-point" model employed by Southwest. It lets passengers fly "directly from small cities and regions without having to stop at a central hub like Denver or New York. Point to point flights cut travel times by eliminating the intermediate stop - typically a big advantage for travelers who are not flying form major metro areas. Other major carriers like United and American rely on a "hub-and-spoke" model in which planes typically fly from smaller cities to a hub airport where passengers change planes. With a hub system, there [is] a ready pool of crew members and pilots who can report to work at a major airport that makes it easier to regroup after a storm. Planes also are kept closer to their home airports, rather than being spread across the coutnry. It's harder to have a reserve of standby crew members and pilots when airlines serve many smaller markets. Southwest cancellations created a giant snowball effect that rippled acorss its network, leaving planes and crews scattered across the coutnry. The only way to reset the sysmtem is to cancel a large number of flights and that is exactly what happened this winter holdiay. We ask Southwest to change from the "point to point" system to the "hub and spoke model" used by other carriers. In addition, we ask for a full refund for flights that were canceled or delayed. In addition, we ask Southwest to reimburse passengers for hotel, car rental and flight replacement fees. Call 1 800 I FLY SWA or 1 800 435 9792 and demand your refund & an updated Passenger Bill of Rights.
University of California - A People's Union 2/7/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the rights of organized labor. Recently "the University of California and academic workers announced a tentative labor agreement signaling a potential end to a high profile strike that has disrupted the prestigious, 10-campus public university system for more than a month. The deal promises to substantially increae pay for some 36,000 unionized workers, including teaching assistants, researchers and tutors, many of whom are graduate students. The lowest paid academic student employees, who currently start at about $ 23,000 in an academic year would see salary boosts of more than 55 percent over the next two and a half years, with additional increases at campuses in Los Angeles and the Bay Area, where housing is particularly expensive. They would also receive significant increases in health and child care benefits," according to The New York Times. In addition, "the University of California system has nearly 300,000 students and serves as the major research engine for a state that is crucial to the nation's most innovative sectors. The labor action highlighted the schools' reliance on the graduate students, researchers, and post doctoral fellows who lead discussion units, provide office hours, grade tests and staff research labs. Call United Auto Workers National and express support for their hard won struggle. Cause we know that power won't concede anything without a fight @ 1 800 2 GET UAW or 1 800 243 8829.
Passover 4/5/2023 - 4/13/2023
Easter 4/9/2023
Martin Luther King Day 1/16/2023
Build Back Better 6/28/2023
This week in Washington we are writing for our future. The President has introduced his budget and the American public can and must do all it can to assure that his priorities find expression in legislation that passes the Congress. According to Daily Kos, Biden's budget includes "investments in the care economy...making child care affordable, expanding universal pre-K, paid family leave, and elder care. It protects Social Security, strengthens Medicare, and makes critical needs like Medicaid, housing and food, more affordable." In addition, it restores a popular expanded Child Tax Credit that lifted millions of American families and children out of poverty during the pandmeic. This legislation is paid for by rewriting the democratic play book. Wealthy Americans are asked to pay their fair share. President Kennedy once said that "if a free society cannot save the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich." We call on Congress to make these words a reality by including President Biden's "25 % Billionaire Minimum Income Tax and increased stock buy back tax. We should tax investment income at the same rate as income from work and raise the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28% over the next decade while also investing in human capital. Call Congress today and ask for their vote for the President's budget @ 202 224 3121.
Public Housing & the Big Banks 6/21/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect public housing. Recently, the Federal Government took over Silicon Valley Bank to assure the deposits of share and stake holders. While bailing out wealthy investors can bring stability it can come at the cost of equality for our friends and neighbors who are working and middle class. We are writing today to assure that this is a people's rescue and that the FDIC compels new management to honor pledges for public housing investments in the American economy. According to Daily Kos, "two years before it's [collapse], Silicon Valley Bank entered into a community benefit agreement with advocacy organizations like California Reinvestment Coalition that includes; $ 2 billion for loans and investments to support affordable housing, $ 1 billion in mortgage lending to low and moderate income borrowers in California, $ $ 11 million to help nonprofit organizations acquire property that would otherwise likely be purchased by investors, to keep these units affordable and $ 60 million in charitable contributions to nonprofit groups working to stabilize their communities." We ask the FDIC, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to honor these promises on a yearly basis so that the good work of community organizations can be honored to create affordable housing that every American can call home. Daily Kos writes that "new buyers must honor the community benefit agreement." Federal regulators stated that they would honor Silicon Valley Bank's deposits, but that does not cover loans and investments by the bank. Affordable housing projects have already been approved and they are waiting to get funding to begin construction. Call the Capitol switchboard today and ask your Representative to make a long term investment in our nation's infrastructure by funding public housing @ 202 224 3121.
Roe v. Wade 6/14/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect a women's right to choose. Back in the Trump Administration, the United States imposed a global gag rule, cutting off American global health funding "for organizations that provide, refer, counsel, or advocate for safe abortion with their own non US funds - disrupting vital health services for women and girls," according to Daily Kos. President Biden issued a heroic veto of the global gag rule more than 2 years ago. Unfortunately, abortion-related medical aid and health services continue to be withheld. The impact of this decision is still being felt throughout the Global South as many can't commit resources to programs that may shutter in a few years. Abortion care is health care. Congress must repeal the GGR through the approval of the Global HER Act so that women and girls and the diverse people's of Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Carribean and all over this planet of ours can access services and care they need. The global gag rule; "puts the U.S. government [in] between patients and doctors with anti abortion policy controlling what they can and cannot say. We shouldn't limit the availability of vital health care beyond abortion, like maternal health care, HIV treatment, and access to clean water. Unfortunately, care organizations are forced to choose between providing abortion-related care and the U.S. government funding crucial to their operations. Progress on family planning and abortion rights has been blunted around the world with fear increasing that access to a safe and legal abortion will lead to frozen funding." Add your voice to the chorus of voices calling for change by calling the Capitol switchboard and asking your Congressional Representative to vote in favor of the Global HER Act @ 202 224 3121.
Public Citizen & Big Pharma 5/28/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to stop price gouging by Big Pharma. March 22nd Stephane Bancel the Chief Executive Officer of Moderna the pharmaceutical giant testified before the United States Senate at a hearing before Senator Bernie Sanders. Public Citizen has done path breaking work in compelling Congress to stop price gouging by some of our largest and most succesful big businesses. The cost of developing the vaccine was $ 2.1 billion and Moderna relied on government scientists to achieve it's medical breakthrough in reaching it's vaccine. Uncle Sam purchased tens of millions of these vaccines from Moderna to inoculate the American people for $ 26 a dose, even though it cost less than $ 3 a dose to make. Research and development for the miracle medication "was paid for by the American people," according to Public Citizen. Public support for the pharmaceutical company created more than $ 19 billion in profits over two years. Moderna's CEO has become a multi billionaire making it's chief the 565th richest person on earth. Despite public support and the money already made Moderna announced it's initiative to quadruple the price of the COVID-19 vaccine it sells. The health care and well being of the American people are not for sale. We paid taxes to develop this vaccine we shouldn't be held hostage at the barrel of a gun to support billionaire CEO's who quadruple the cost in the name of profiteering. Call the United States Senate @ 202 224 3121 and demand your Senator pledge to protect American health care from profiteering.
Protect & Expand Social Security 5/21/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our social safety net. In recent days, attacking social security has become a Republican talking point. Decreasing benefits by raising the age at which our senior citizens can receive benefits, reducing benefits paid out, and cutting taxes that go towards paying for the program are the new vogue for conservatives. Thankfully our heroes in the Democratic Party are fighting back. Sen's Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Rep's Jan Schakowsky and Van Hoyle have introduced the Social Security Expansion Act of 2023. If signed and enacted into law this critical and path breaking legislation would guarantee, according to Daily Kos, "that we don't have to reduce benefits or raise the eligibility age, keeping millions out of poverty." Protecting and strengthening social security is popular with members of both political parties. 78 percent of likely voters are in favor of the Social Security Expansion Act, "including 85 percent of Democrats, 75 percent of Independents, and 72 percent of Republicans." 88 percent of Democrats, 69 percent of Independents and 60 percent of Republicans support imposing taxes on the wealthy to cover the expenses of the Social Security Expansion Act. This legislation would protect the program for the next 75 years. The wealthiest Americans among us should pay their fair share into the trust fund, currently social security is funded through the payroll tax and is regressively funded, this shift would create a progressively funded program with the wealthiest paying the most. Social security has a $ 2.85 trillion surplus and can cover Americans through the year 2035. Social Security Expansion Act would fully fund social security for 75 years while increasing benefits by; "1) creating a wealth tax with 93 % of households exempt from a tax increase, 2) increasing Social Security benefits across the board for current and new beneficiaries, 3) increasing cost of living adjustments, (COLA) for seniors who spend predominantly on health care and medicine & 4) restoring student benefits up to age 22 for children of disabled or deceased workers, if the child is a full time student." Senior citizens have a poverty rate of 10 % let's keep faith with our senior citizens, the disabled and impaired by expanding Social Security. Call the Senate and ask to support the Soc. Sec. Expansion Act @ 202 224 3121.
Gay Rights are Civil Rights 4/28/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our LGBT+ neighbors. We have come a long way since the nineties when Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act outlawing gay marriage in the 50 states. The 117th Congress, in the words of the immortal Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. took "long strides towards freedom," when red state Republicans joined with Democrats in revoking DOMA. Gay marriage is now the law of the land in many states and equal partner benefits are spreading from state to state. Gay Americans are not our enemies but our friends, they pay equal taxes, serve in our armed forces, buy houses and raise children. It is time to pass the Equality Act so that discrimination ends in public accommodation, employment, housing, education and jury service. The Equality Act would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make the dream of equality a reality. We worship an awesome God in the blue states and we have some gay friends in the red states. We are one country, it is time to have one standard within which we honor the dedication and sacrifice of our diverse people. Call Congress at 202 224 3121 and ask them to pass this Amendment to the Civil Rights Act.
Earthquake 4/21/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to shelter people struck by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Aftershocks have struck as far South as Lebanon and Jordan. According to Politico & Hans Kluge, the World Health Organization director for Europe the quake that struck Feburary 6th is "the worst natural disaster in the WHO European Region for a century." More than 44,218 people are confirmed dead in Turkey and nearly 5,000 lost their lives in Syria. 26 million people across both counties are in need of humanitarian assistance. An estimated 80,000 are in hospitals putting an enormous strain on the health care system. Millions are on the move and no one can count the dead. Cobntribute to WHO here https://earthquakeresponse-turkieyesyria.who.foundation/ to provide for the internally displaced people of the Near East. Additional resources can be found at https://www.rescue.org
& https://donate.unhcr.org/int/en/turkiye-syria-earthquake-emergnecy-vl.
Gun Control 8/28/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the American People. Last month we acknowledged two very grim milestones. It's been five years since the Pulse night club shooting in Florida, one of the worst hate crimes to impact the LGBTQ community in recent memory. In addition, six years have passed since the shooting in Charleston, South Carolina. Unfortunately, crimes like these are increasing. The law only prevents felons convicted of hate crimes from purchasing or possessing a firearm. This leaves the door open for misdemeanor hate crime perpetrators to purchase a gun. The Disarm Hate Act, H.R. 2708 prohibits anyone convicted of a misdemeanor-level hate crime from buying or possessing a firearm. This legislation includes anyone who received an enhanced sentence for a misdemeanor crime after a judge determines that they acted with hate or bias motivation. This hate crimes law includes many threatening kinds of conduct such as assaults that do not result in physical injury, damage or destruction of property and threats or harrassment of members of a protected class. Call the Capitol, contact your Senators & Representatives and ask that they support this critical legislation @ 202 224 3121.
Gun Control 6/1/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for gun control. President Biden has nominated former U.S. Attorney Steve Dettelbach for Director of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). If confirmed, he would be the first Senate confirmed Director since 2015 according to Daily Kos. Highly respected in his time as a U.S. Attorney and career prosecutor he spent over two decades at the U.S. Department of Justice and has received bipartisan praise for his work. In 2009, he was uananimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate for his position as U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio. In his time as U.S. Attorney he fought violent crime while also combating domestic violent extremism and religous violence. He worked with the ATF prosecuting complex cases and taking down violent criminal gangs. He possesses the skills and know how to aggressively and creatively address ATF's most pressing issues especially the nation's gun epidemic. Call the United States Senate and ask for the confirmation of Steve Dettelbach @ 202 224 3121.
Federal Communication Commission & Big Telecom 3/7/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect free communication. After being nominated over a year ago. Gigi Sohn is still waiting to be confirmed by the United States Senate and the FCC is still split 2-2. With the FCC gridlocked, Big Telecom is exacting a high price. Americans pay more for "fixed line broadband than peer nations thanks to telecom industry consolidation," according to Daily Kos. "Telecom companies, including Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile have been repeteadly caught throttling consumers' access to competitors services and Big Telecom firms are among American consumers most hated companies." Internet access in the 21st century is not a privilege it's a necessity. Call the United States Senate today and demand the confirmation of Gigi Sohn to the Federal Communications Commmision @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Senator by state.
Fight for $ 15 3/14/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to fight for $ 15. When workers organize justice is done. In California, food service workers recently went on strike when the A/C in their store broke, with temperatures in the kitchen reaching as high as 115 degrees. Wokers went on strike for their safety. Days later they got their A/C fixed and a new manager. Acrsss this country, all over this nation of ours workers have been organizing. In Wisconsin, according to Daily Kos where nurses were ready to strike after 3 years of fighting for their union, they won a seat at the table and a groundbreaking agreement that put patients before profits. In San Francisco California fast food workers & kitchen staff won huge raises, better health care, and more after going on strike. Organizers are building from the bottom up and from the middle out to rebuild the middle & working class. Something is percolating at Starbucks across America where workers have voted to unionize at hundreds of stores. Amazon workers are holding union elections and in California, labor won a landmark bill AB257 that will require fast food corporations to collaborate with workers to address issues like low pay, workplace safety and more. Call Congress today and for a federal minimum wage of $ 15 dollars an hour @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Senator's support.
Railway Workers 3/21/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our nation's railways. On December 3rd legislation became law blocking a pending railway strike and forcing workers to accept an agreement which did not include the desired amount of paid sick leave. Congress and the Executive Branch offered only one day of leave instead of the seven days desired by unions. "Railway workers commonly work 80+ hour weeks and are away from home for 120 + hours due to travel. Freight rail operators often work 12 + hour shifts a day alone with no sick time or leave for medical issues or emergencies. In 2015, President Obama signed an executive order requiring federal contractors to offer at least seven days of paid leave, but the order excluded railway workers. President Biden has the authority to extend paid sick leave to railway workers. We ask the Administration and Pete Buttigieg specifically to draft an executive order extending paid sick leave to 7 days so that "justice can roll down like a mighty stream." If one man's rights are violated all of are rights are violated. We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the labor movement and railways workers in particular. Call Secretary Pete Buttigieg @ 202 493 0116, light up the switchboard for railway paid medical and sick leave.
Roe v. Wade 5/7/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect a women's right to choose. Roe v. Wade was decided by the United States Supreme Court over 50 years ago and a generation of women have grown up with the right to a safe and legal abortion. Since Dobbs vs. Jackson in June of 2022 the battle has moved to the states. Recently, in Kansas the electorate voted in favor of protecting pro choice women in exercising their constitutional rights. The due process clause of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution provides a fundamental "right to privacy," protecting abortion rights. The Supremes ruled incorrectly in Dobbs. According to the Guttmacher Instute, "18 states have banned abortion and six more are attempting to do the same." An abortion is a decision that should only be made by medical professionals and patients. The government does not belong in the bedrooms of the American people and decisions must be made by women across this nation of ours. Walgreens recently decided to stop dispensing abortion medication in 20 states, including 4 states where abortion is still legal. Walgreens is the nation's 2nd largest pharmacy according to a March 2nd article in Politico. Mifepristone is a safe and affordable option for millions of women and the United States Postal Service is in the fight providing this medication to women everywhere in the United States. 5 states recently considered abortion on the ballot, strengthening its legal standing. Call Congress and ask your Representative to pass the Women's Health Protection Act @ 202 224 3121.
Meals on Wheels & Head Start 5/14/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to combat hunger. To many senior citizens and children, those at the beginning and in the twilight of life suffer from hunger. Head Start, the program for children that provides breakfast and the school lunch program are on the chopping block for the Republican Congress. Meals on Wheels, the program providing a nutritious meal for senior citizens, the disabled and impaired delivered to the homes of eligible patients and the infirm are under threat from the Republican Congress. Every five years with a new Congress a new Farm Bill finds expression. These programs would benefit red states the most because our agricultural community and farms are predominantly in rural areas. Food stamps are also effected and millions could go hungry without a robust Farm Bill. Make no mistake, a good Farm Bill is a win for conservatives representing farm states. We oppose the demonization of minorities for asking for help and getting food stamps. The Farm Bill includes the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) which sends food from farms to food banks for families facing hunger according to Kristina Kus of Feeding America. With record demand and declining donations Food Banks are on the ropes and we need to come to their aid as quickly as possible. In addition, the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), which sends boxes of nutritious food to seniors can help them stay active and healthy. Call the United States Senate today and ask for your Senator by state and ask for them to vote for a robust Farm Bill @ 202 224 3121.
Gun Control 7/1/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to enact gun control. We have come to live in the moments of great crises. Newtown, Uvalde, Tulsa, the Pulse night club all of these places had meanings before they were eclipsed by mass shootings. We must do all we can to prevent another mass shooting. Apollo Project asks Congress to ban Saturday Night Specials, small hand guns that are disproportionately used in violent crimes. We ask for an assault weapons ban so that weapons of war are not flooding our streets. We ask for a universal background check so that guns will remain out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. No parent should have to fear that their child might not return from school at the end of the day. Our communities have become "killing fields." We must do all we can to combat the "mindless menace of violence" that plagues our streets. Straw purchases must be heavily regulated to keep weapons from flowing freely between individuals. Call the Capitol Swithcboard today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for their support for common sense gun reform.
Equal Rights Amendment 7/14/2023
This week in Washington we are writing for equal rights. Decades have passed since the 1970's when the Equal Rights Amendment was first introduced in Congress. We have waited for decades to throw off the chains of inequality. Your gender should not determine what your income is. A free society begins with the recognition that all are owed an equal opporuntiy in the market place and as our pledge of allegiance states "justice for all." According to the Working Families Party, the Equal Rights Amendment will help combat generations of gender-based disparities and enshrine equality in the Constitution. Congress must lift the time limit for ratification of ERA. 38 states have ratified the Equal Rights Amendment but because of an arbitrary deadline established in the 1970's it is not law. The Constitution should not stand for second class citizenship. Women are our mothers, sisters, daughters and grandmothers. Would any of us deny equal rights to those who we love the most? We call on Congress to extend the deadline for the Equal Rights Amendment and assure justice in the immortal words of Brown v. Board of Education with "all deliberate speed." Call Congress today at 202 224 3121.
Medicare for All 7/21/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our health. One out of every 11 Americans does not have health care. Our neighbors, parents, classmates and friends. The people that bind our lives together are often living without health care. In addition, many others are living with what Public Citizen calls "bare-boned coverage." Now, "with the federal government no longer classifying COVID-19 as a health emergency - millions more are losing coverage they had received through Medicaid during the pandemic." The United States is the richest country in the world and we spend more on health care per person than and other major country on Earth. Despite spending the most, we have the worst health care outcomes with the "highest levels of infant mortality and the lowest life expectancy." As a system the United States aggravates instead of reducing economic and racial inequality. Even for those with good health insurance, medical bills are the # 1 cause of bankruptcy. We are the only industrialized country on Earth that does not guarantee health care as a right. Make no mistake, health care in the United States more often than not is an expensive privilege for the few. Sen. Bernie Sanders is introducing a Medicare for all bill in the United States Senate with Rep. Pramila Jayapal and Debbie Dingell introducing their version in the US House of Representatives. This legislation would create a "Medicare for All, single payer, national health insurance program to provide everyone in America with comprehensive health care coverage - no networks, no premiums, no deductibles, no co-pays, no surprise bills." Call the Capitol switchboard today @ 202 224 3121 ask for your Senator and Rep. support for this critical and path-breaking legislation.
Save our Wild Forests 7/28/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our wild forests. According to The Nation "America's mature and old growth forests - natural climate solutions that remove and absorb large amounts of carbon from the atmosphere - could win stronger protections if enough people weigh in to urge federal agencies to act. Expanding and safeguarding these carbon rich woodlands on Forest Service and Bureau of Land Managment habitats is one of the most important, cost effective and immediately available strategies to fight the climate crises. Older trees accumulate and store enormous amounts of carbon over dacades or centuries while providing vital wildlife forests, clean water, clean air and mitigation for floods and droughts," according to Blaine Miller-McFeeley Senior Legislative Representative for Policy & Legislation @ Earth Justice. We join Blaine in calling for the United States Forest Service to issue a rule protecting climate forests. The United States needs and deserves a forest service as good as it's people. We ask the United States Forest Service to issue a national rule protecting mature old growth forests from logging. E mail the Bureau of Land Management @ BLM_Press@blm.gov and ask them for a people's protection of our country's forests.
Big Banks 8/1/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our economy from the Big Banks. On March 10th, according to Daily Kos hours before federal regulators swooped in to save Silicon Valley Bank it's executives gave themselves huge bonuses. This was possible because we are living through a second gilded age in which the top 1 % gets richer and the middle class gets the short end of the stick. Our Banking regulatory policies are hollowed out shells of what they once were in the 1930's during the New Deal when the government spoke for the people. "3 of the 4 largest bank failures in U.S. history have all happened this year while CEO's made obscene profits. First Republic Banks head made $ 17.8 million in 2021. Silican Valley Bank executive made $ 13.6 million in 2022, while at the same time Signature Bank's chief got $ 8.7 million." These banks gambled with the money of the American people and when things went wrong they flew away out with their golden parachutes while the rest of us foot the bill. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask for passage of the Failed Bank Executive's Clawback Act "requiring the FDIC to claw back from bank executives all or part of the compensation they received over the five year period before a bank failure." We say no to the culture of corruption and it is time for a government as good as the people.
The Supreme Court 8/14/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the United States Constitution. The American people have come to live with the moments of great crises. We are writing today because the Supreme Court can and must be the last line of defense against disrupting our constitutional way of government. According to Daily Kos "the Supreme Court has relentlessly chipped away at voting rights, eroded reproductive freedom, and dismantled key protections for marginalized communities. Their rulings have favored corporations over workers, billionaires over ordinary citizens, and partisan interests over the principles of justice and fairness." We have a process problem. "The secretive nature of the shadow docket, where important rulings are issued without proper public scrutiny or transparent deliberation, denies Americans the opportunity to participate in shaping our laws." We ask for the Supreme Court to disclose what gifts and expenses they have had paid for by members of the public. Unlike Congress and other judges, the Supreme Court is not bound by the Code of Conduct for U.S. judges and can accept gifts from people and corporations they may rule in favor of. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for a judicial code of ethics for the Supreme Court.
A Wealth Tax 8/21/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our future. When the founding fathers wrote the Constitution things were simpler. There were only 13 states. There was no filibuster. The Bill of Rights took its place alongside the French Declaration of the Rights of Man. Our founders could not anticipate the Industrial Revolution was coming. They did not imagine that their would be such an enormous concentration of power from the vast sums of wealth garnered by the Robber Barons. Indeed, we are are living through a second gilded age. The technological revolution, the personal computer, the internet and the cell phone have fundamentally altered the American way of life. In order to combat the maldistribution of power in our society we need a wealth tax as strong as our people on the top 5 % of the country and a stronger wealth tax on the top .01 % of the nation. On a 10 year time horizon a wealth tax of 25 % on top earners could provide enough money to wipe out poverty through an expanded Child Tax Credit. We must reflect on what's fair. A child born into poverty didn't make the wrong life choices that plague so many of us. In the interest of fairness we ask you to call the Capitol switchboard and ask for your representative to support a Wealth Tax & the heroic Administration that introduced it @ 202 224 3121.
Screenwriter's Guild 8/28/2023
This week in Washington we are writing for a people's union. "On May 2nd the Writers Guild of America went on strike," according to Daily Kos. "Online streaming services and companies continue to rise as writer's pay has fallen and they are being forced to produce content faster." The result, "for 10 years writers have not been compensated accurately for their work. The decision to strike has come after weeks of negotiation for increased wages and better labor practices with no agreement. The negotiation has revealed the lack of respect that studios hold for the creative minds that make Hollywood possible. It reveals the old narrative of lining the pockets of billionaires at the expense of just labor for workers. Hundreds of productions have shut down. It is upon us to remind the studios that without writers they don't have the shows that make them rich." In a conflict not different than ours Abraham Lincoln said their is "a great invisible strength in a people's union." Make his words a reality by signing this petition, here. Call Warner Bros. @ 818 954 1260 and ask for a people's union today.
Immigration 9/7/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the American Dream. Every year hundreds of thousands cross our nation's border, some seeking refuge from oppressive regimes, others searching for a more prosperous way of life. The hymns and prayers of protest have reached the corridors of Washington and we finally have a government that is willing to act. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and President Biden are stemming the humanitarian emergency that is the crises at the border. Hundreds of thousands of new immigrants are now entering the country lawfully according to Miriam Jordan in an April 23rd article in The New York Times. According to Jordan, the Biden Administration has expanded "humanitarian parole programs for people escaping war and political turmoil around the world. As of mid April, some 300,000 Ukrainians arrived in the United States under various programs - a number greater than all the people from around the world admitted through the official U.S. refugee programs in the last 5 years. By the end of 2023, about 360,000 Venezuelans, Nicaraguans and Haitians are expected to gain admission through a similar private sponsorship initiative introduced in January to stem the unauthorized crossings at the border. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask them to support legislation formalizing this new and innovative policy for humanitarian parole and temporary protected status.
Farm Bill 10/1/2023
This week in Washington, we are writing to combat hunger in the fifty states. According to Daily Kos, "the Farm Bill sets the standard for our food and how we grow it." It also provides for the Food Stamp program benefiting more than 41 million people a month. "The 2023 Farm Bill is a critical opportunity to improve food security and nutrition for people [while] promoting climate resilience" all over this nation of ours. "As Congress working on this important legislation, we must urge [it] to prioritize the needs of our communities and climate, not corporate profit margins. The Farm Bill "is an opportunity to expand Food Stamps and other nutrition assistance programs." In addition it [can]; "fund small scale farmers, regenerative agriculture, climate-friendly practices, eliminate food waste and invest in urban agricultural projects that allow all people access to locally-grown, sustainable fresh food, fund international programs that train farmers to adapt to climate change and provide emergency and developmental support to more than 4 billion people. Meals on Wheels the program that provides nutritious meals to senior citizens, the disabled & impaired is funded through the Farm bill, so is Head Start and the school lunch program. Head Start provides nutritious breakfast programs to children in school and is essential to combating hunger. Sign the petition here Call Congress to combat hunger @ 202 224 3121.
Public Housing 9/14/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect public housing. According to Daily Kos, "there is an update regarding the situation from Silicon Valley Bank's demise, the Feds authorized the sale of its assets to First Citizens Bank but did not require that the new bank honor an $ 11 billion commitment to affordable housing. We ask First Citizens to keep promises made for affordable housing. First Citizens bought Silicon Valley at an $ 18 billion discount, so it can afford to keep this promise. The United States faces an affordable housing shortage and it is critical that we build to house the next generation of Americans. Silicon Valley Bank committed to an $ 11 billion agreement to provide loans for more affordable housing. When Silicon Valley Bank collapsed in March the Feds did not condition the sale on honoring these commitments. First Citizens Bank has grown more than tenfold since the subprime mortgage lending crises in 2008 by scooping up failed rival banks at discount prices. Sign the petition to First Citizens to keep it's promises here. Call First Citizens @ 919 716 2716 and ask to keep the faith.
The Postal Service 8/7/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our postal service. Under the leadership of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, the postal service has "enacted longer delivery times, cut post office hours, closed plants and increased prices," according to Daily Kos. We ask our government to nominate U.S. Postal Service board members who will fire DeJoy and save the post office. DeJoy's 10 year privatization plan for the postal service" is a 'clear and present danger' to the mail, "threatening workers, consumers and the entire mail delivery system. Mail prices have gone up and mail service has slowed down. Mail carriers are seeing their pay slashed and are losing their livelihood. DeJoy's plan will inevitably raise prices, crushing consumers who depend on the mail to send packages to loved ones and small businesses who rely on the postal service for the center of their operations. Rural and indigenous people use the mail as a lifeline to connect to the world and they along with seniors, the disabled and impaired will suffer the most under these "reforms." All it takes is two new members to the Postal Board of Governors to fire DeJoy we ask the Administration to nominate 2 pro-expansion Governors of the Postal Board. Sign the electronic petition here
Equality Act 9/1/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to protect civil rights by passing the Equality Act. Gay Americans are our friends and neighbours, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins and parents. We must honor their membership in our community by passing this legislation. Gay Americans face discrimination in education, employment, housing, health care and public accommodations. This is abhorrent. Gay Americans serve in our Armed Forces, pay taxes, raise families and abide by our system of Government. All that they ask in return is that they be treated as equals before the law. Inequality reins in 29 states in the Union and the Equality Act is the cure to this illness of inequality. Gay Americans can get fired or denied housing just for who they are according to Daily Kos. Many years have passed since the Stonewall rebellion in 1969 and several years have passed since marriage equality came like a lightning flash from the Supreme Court. We must keep up the momentum by passing the Equality Act in the Senate. Call the Capitol switchboard @ (202 224-3121 and ask for your Senator by State.
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 1/1/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our pension system. According to Aharon Friedman of The Hill "Democrats now assert their balilout of multi employer union pension plans in March's American Rescue Plan Act was deeply flawed. They are demanding the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation,(PBGC), rescue multiemployer union pension plans from the Act's botched rescue." According to The Hill "the American Rescue Plan provided an $ 86 billion 'taxpayer bailout' to some multi employer union pension plans," according to the Congressional Budget Office, but not enough to make them solvent.
Community Policing 1/7/2024
This week in Washington, we are writing to protect our communities. An emerging consensus has sounded the alarm that the time has come for comprehensive law enforcement reform. The People's Response Act is the cure to the ill of the "mindless menace of violence" pervading our communities. We need a health centered approach to public safety that Daily Kos has described as inclusive and holistic. The People's Response Act would "create a new public safety division within the Department of Health and Human Services focused on non-carceral and health centered approaches to public safety." 2) This legislation would "develop a Federal First Responders unit to support localities and states with emergency health crises." 3) People's Response Act would "provide $ 7.5 billion in grant funding to improve crises response." In addition it would "set up a $ 2.5 billion First Responder Hiring Grant." It can "create thousands of jobs for emergency first responders - including licensed social workers, mental health counselors, substance use counselors and peer support specialists. Sign the petition here.
A People's Union 12/14/2023
This week in Washington, we are writing for a people's union. Since 2009, the federal minimum wage has stagnated at $7.25 per hour. Since then, it has lost 27 percent of it's purchasing power making it more difficult to make ends meet for working families while Wall Street has tallied record profits. Senator Bernie Sanders & Congressman Bobby Scott have proposed a $ 17 minimum wage. According to Daily Kos, "if the minimum wage had increased with productivity over the last 50 years it would stand at $ 23 an hour. If it [had] increased at the same pace as Wall Street employee bonuses it would stand at $ 42 an hour." Raising the minimum wage would provide a lifeline to families struggling to work their ways out of the darkness of poverty into the bright sunshine of prosperity that so many equate with the American Dream. We are the wealthiest country on Earth and we call on the generous nature of the American spirit in asking you to sign this petition raising the minimum wage. Sign the petition here.
School Lunch Program 11/14/2023
This week in Washington, we are writing to protect the free school lunch program. Conservatives in Congress are proposing a rollback of the program that has been there since 1946. "Federal aid expanding the Supplemental Nutriton Assistance Program, (SNAP) during the pandemic expired earlier this year." This is "despite worsening food insecurity and a rise in hardship for millions of families," according to NBC News on February 3rd as cited by Moveon.org. "Public schools offer free or reduced-price lunches through the National School Lunch Program (NSLP)." This program "promotes an equal opportunity for education since hunger and food insecurity are linked to academic performance." Fighting child hunger and promoting education is a responsibility in our Democracy. The proposal by the GOP could have devastating effects and "targets our country's most vulnerable population: children in low-income areas." The Republican party is calling for the elimination of the Community Eligbility Provision (CEP) from the NSLP. CEP provides free breakfast and lunch to all children in schools and districts of low income areas without applications. "21 % of schools and districts across the country participate in CEP. Taking it away would negatively impact nearly 20 million children," according to Allison Johnson of Parents Together. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and let them know we stand with America's children in the fight against childhood hunger and poverty.
Big Pharma 11/1/2023
This week in Washington, we are writing to protect our seniors, the disabled and impaired. Medical expenses in our Democracy fall overwhelmingly on the disabled. In fact, 1 in 6 Americans are disabled and they find shelter and protection under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Biden Administration has kept faith with those struggling to afford the critical medication that protects their health and keeps them going. In the last Congress, lawmakers passed the Inflation Reduction Act mandating that Uncle Sam leverage buying power as the largest customer by delivering savings to patients the same way the VA negotiates cheaper prices for medication. Now, patients can get insulin to combat diabetes for $ 35 / month. Those on Medicare according to Bold Progressives will have out of pocket costs capped at $ 2,000. These reforms will save millions for Americans on Medicare. The Negotiation program is projected to save the Government an estimated $ 98.5 billion over a decade. Call Congress today and ask them to continue to support the Inflation Reduction Act, ask for your Representative and Senator @ 202 224 3121.
Allies in Afghanistan 10/21/2023
This week in Washington, we are writing to shelter our Afghan Allies. We all remember where we were on 9/11, the day that changed everything in America. After the attack, Afghans rose to our defense and fought Al Qaeda and the Taliban culminating in the succesful killing of Osama Bin Laden. When we evacuated our forces from Afghanistan after America's longest war we left behind thousands of Afghans who still need our assistance. Opening the doors to America for these Allies is a critical step in keeping faith through our immigration policies. According to the International Rescue Committee, "the United States has welcomed over 78,000 Afghans under Operation Allies Welcome through a special process called 'humanitarian parole.' While this process was implemented to bring Afghans to the U.S. safely and quickly, this was simply a temporary solution. Afghans who arrived in the United States under humanitarian parole are allowed to legally remain in the U.S. for up to two years." DHS, Department of Homeland Security has recently announced that it can extend the program for two more years but this still will not open the gates to a legal pathway to becoming an American. Ask Congress to pass the Afghan Adjustment Act to open a pathway to citizenship with a call to Congress to pass S. 2327 @ 202 224 3121.
A People's Union 10/14/2023
This week in Washington, we are writing to protect the right to organize. We have endured a long hot summer before the chill of autumn and winter's return. According to the Working Families Party, "we've seen a groundswell of action from people fighting for safe working conditions, a living wage, and their right to organize." Nurses, screen writers, hotel workers and librarians have all heard the call to action to protect their brothers and sisters in organized labor. UPS employees recently won an agreement increasing pay and creating more full time positions and members have voted for a New Deal. "11,000 Los Angeles city employees staged a 24-hour strike in response to "vacant positions, severe staffing shortages, and forced overtime that shortchanges city services for residents. Nurses at Rochester General Hospital in New York and Robert Wood Johnson Hospital in New Jersey went on strike demanding more staffing so that nurses can provide quality care. Hotel workers in Southern California staged a walk out "for a living wage, improved conditions and support for policies to address the housing crises. All across the country workers are striking for a people's union. In a conflict similar to our's Abraham Lincoln once said "there is a great invisible strength in a people's union." Call Congress to pass the Protect the Right to Organize Act by calling the Capitol Switchboard @ 202 224 3121 and make his words a reality today.
Yom Kippur 9/24-9/26 2023
Inflation Reduction Act 10/7/2023
This week in Washington, we are writing to protect our environment. The Inflation Reduction Act is a revolutionary piece of legislation that requires our support and affirmation. We are writing to support the largest investment in protecting our environment in American history. The Renewable Clean Energy Tax Credit provides households with 30 percent towards total annual expenses related to clean energy improvements. This 30 percent credit applies to the purchase and installation costs for solar panels, solar water heaters, fuel cell property expenditures, small wind turbines, geothermal heat pumps, and battery storage systems. The legislation expands and extends the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Tax Credit. Homeowners can claim a credit of up to $ 2,000 for heat pumps, heat pump water heaters or biomass stoves. Additionally, they can claim up to $1,200 for weatherization projects and other energy efficient improvements including $ 150 for a home energy audit, $ 250 for a new exterior door ($ 500 for all exterior doors), $600 for new exterior windows and skylights, $ 1,200 for insulation and $ 600 for an upgraded electrical panel. In addition, Inflaton Reduction Act contains a tax credit for electrical vehicles for up to $ 4,000 for vehicles under $ 25,000 for families with incomes between $ 75,000 - $ 150,000. If you install an electric vehicle charging stations you can claim a tax credit up to $ 1,000. We call on Speaker McCarthy to stop trying to rescind this critical and pathbreaking legislation. Call the Capitol switchboard @ 202 224 3121 and ask for the Speaker's support.
Christmas Day 12/25/2023
New Year's Day 1/1/2024
Thanksgiving Day 11/23/2023
Labor Day 9/4/2023
Halloween Day 10/31/2023
Hawai'i 1/14/2024
This week in Washington, we are writing for a just Hawai'ian Recovery. In trying times it's important that we open doors for the internally displaced people of natural disasters such as the wildfire that took place in Hawai'i. Many have lost their homes and source of employment. Emergency aid organizations like the Hawai'ian Red Cross are working around the clock to bring relief to Americans impacted by the fires. One of the organizations taking "long strides towards freedom" is Aina Momona. Financial contributions have been used by the organization to provide laptops in Maui according to Daily Kos. These computers are used by families to apply for relief and much needed protective gear. Aina Momona sent electricity generators for kupuna, (elders), who have been living under tarps since the beginning of this crises. Contribute to Maui Restoration effort here www.secure.actblue.com/donate/aina-momona or google Aina Momona for a secure contribution.
Rosh Hashanah 9/15-9/17/2023
Free Speech & Banned Books 5/1/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect free speech. America is unique among the nation's of the world for our Bill of Rights and commitment to free speech. Recently, curriculums across the South, West and in red states have come under attack for teaching controversial ideas. There will always be ideas with which we disagree taught across the country. The answer to ideas that we disagree with is good speech. In Abrams v. United States (1919), Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes a Civil War veteran for the Union was joined by Justice Brandeis in writing "time has upset many fighting faiths...the ultimate good desired is best reached by free trade in ideas, the best test of truth is the power of a thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market...that is the theory of our Constitution, it is an experiment." In this decision Justice Holmes articulates his "marketplace of ideas" theory. If an idea is wrong, it can be defeated in the "marketplace of ideas," through competition. No idea is so dangerous that it cannot be taught. Every student should have the freedom to walk into their school library to find books, even controversial books all across America. Between July 2021 and June 2022, according to Daiy Kos, lawmakers passed 2,500 + book bans in 138 school districts. There "is no end in sight to these continued efforts to ban books across the country unless we join together to stop them." We join Becky Pringle President of the National Education Association in calling to revoke the ban of ideas in our nation's classrooms. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask your Representative to oppose banning books.
Earthquake Japan 5/21/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect Japan. Recently Japan experienced an earthquake that was a 7.6 on the Richter scale according to the Associated Press,
leaving at least 48 dead and damaging buildings. Prime Minister Kishida said "we are fighting in a battle against time." Japanese media said tens of thousands of homes were destroyed. Half sunken ships floated in bays where tsunami waves had rolled in. Water power and cell phone services were still down in some areas. The plight of internally displaced people strikes at the heart of what it means to be an American. Our Statue of Liberty reads "give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" quoting Emma Lazarus The New Colossus. The first Americans in the colonies in Jamestown, Virginia and Plymouth, Massachusetts arrived here with pennies in their pockets and hope in their eyes. We ask that you make a contribution to fund the on going recovery in Japan by making a contribution to www.globalgiving.org/projects/emergency-response-to-noto-peninsula-earthquake/
Israel & Gaza 1/28/2024
This week in Washington we are writing in the fight for human rights. According to The New York Times, Hamas kidnapped 242 people taking them hostage, their brazen assault killed 1,400 people. At least 33 children are among the hostages seized from their homes October 7th, as well as from military bases and an outdoor gathering. The hostages include civilians and soldiers, people with disabilities, children and grandparents and a 9 month old baby. According to The Washington Post the Gaza Health Ministry states that the Israeli incursion has killed 11,000 people as of November 15th and that number is set to rise. Nearly half of Gaza is under the age of 16 according to Moveon.org and 65% are under the age of 25. Apollo Project call for an immediate cease fire and the long term opening of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt. Israel has the right to defend itself but not at the expense of civilian casualties. Hamas fighters should be apprehended and tried the way Eichman the architect of the final solution, the Holocaust was. Four Charities stand out for their excellence in dealing with the crises you can give to IRC at rescue.org, the United Nations @ donate.unrwa.org, World Central Kitchen wck.org and brothersandsistersforisrael.org.
Women & Children First - The Farm Bill 2/1/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to pass the Farm Bill. Women and children first isn't an outworn sexist slogan, it is a recognition that women and children carry the future of humanity with them wherever they go. The late Congressman Elijah Cummings of Maryland said that "children are the living message we send to a future we will never see." What kind of message will the future receive from us, if we send our children tired and hungry to the future. The House Appropriations Committee has voted to cut WIC funding by $ 800 million. With this cut every 4 year old would see their monthly fruit and vegetable allotment cut from $ 25 to $ 11 according to the Action Network, for those that are nursing they see a cut from $ 49 to $ 15. Thankfully, Congress has a choice, the Senate Appropriations Committee has passed it's Department of Agriculture Bill which would increase WIC funding by $ 615 million. While this still would not be enough to avoid waiting lists it stands in stark contrast to the House Bill. No American child should have to grow up in poverty and this is outrageous. Call the Capitol switchboard @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Representative to increase funding for WIC. Sign the petition here actionetwork.org/forms/sign-the-petition-to-congress-aid-to-parents-and-children-4
G.I. Bill & V.A. Expansion 5/1/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to expand G.I. Bill benefits. The G.I. Bill has been a cornerstone of government benefits for a generation and the time has come for it's expansion. In addition to extending benefits we must expand eligibility. 3 examples stand out as noteworthy when expanding eligbility; Teach for America, Firefighters & the Peace Corps. All serve our country, yet, are ineligible for the benefits accorded to our nation's G.I.'s. We propose expanding the G.I. Bill to all federal employees. In addition to stimulating the economy, this would reward those who have taken the oath to "protect the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic." The V.A. health care system in particular should be expanded to federal employees and more. Veteran's families should be able to employ the V.A. although they are not currently eligible. National guardsmen and reservists should be able to use the V.A. not just active duty service members. The V.A. is the largest provider of health care in the United States and we believe that it should be able to compete with non & for profit health care providers. By providing health care through fee for service, or charging for public healthcare the V.A. can provide an affordable alternative to private healthcare while generating revenue for the government. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask to expand the V.A. home loan program, education benefits and health care to federal employees. Loan forgiveness should also be included for our idealistic civil servants, call today.
Indian Country & the Sioux Tribe 4/21/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the American Indian. The Sioux Tribe has stood with the environmental community and a coalition of groups fighting to stop the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline. After years of struggle and protest the Army Corps of Engineers has been ordered by the courts to conduct a new environmental impact analysis of the Dakota project and accept public input according to the League of Conservation Voters. This is our chance to "take action and finally shutdown the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline once and for all." Further, "the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline is nearly 1,200 miles long and carries 1.1 million barrels of crude oil per day from the Bakken oil fields of North Dakota for export. Despite being one of the largest oil pipelines in the U.S. it was built without adequate environmental analysis or consultation with the Standing Rock Sioux and Cheyenne River Sioux Tribes. The pipeline is at cross purposes with the Biden Administration's climate and environmental justice goals, and a public process should reflect the Administration's commitment to honor Tribal sovereignty. Support the Standing Rock Sioux and sign the petition today @ change.org/p/jo-ellen-darcy-stop-the-dakota-access-pipeline.
Planned Parenthood 4/14/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect a woman's right to choose. Throughout the country, the pro-life movement has sought to curb the use of safe and lawful abortion through the creation of Crises Pregnancy Centers. These "health centers masquerade as healthcare providers but exist to confuse pregnant women with the goal of preventing them from learning about or accessing abortion services. They engage in manipulative tactics to prevent people from making informed choices," according to Planned Parenthood. These centers "prevent pregnant women from receiving abortion healthcare. Worse still, at least 16 states devote hundreds of millions of dollars (taxpayer money) to fund them. Following the overturning of Roe, there was a surge in funding fake clinics, much of which came from federal money intended to help low-income people and families access REAL, needed health care. Our state governments should be promoting public health, not funding manipulative tactics to disrupt reproductive health care access." Call Congress today and ask them to make Crises Pregnancy Centers history by pulling the plug @ 202 224 3121.
End the Death Penalty 4/7/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to end the death penalty. According to Daily Kos, "capital punishment is a flawed, unnjust and outdated practice. At its core, it is a discriminatory practice, plagued by systemic biases, inadequate legal representation, and junk science. The likelihood of receiving a death sentence is higher for individuals who are black or economically disadvantaged. Those facing the death penalty often have backgrounds marked by severe trauma, mental health issues, or intellectual disabilities. It fails to serve as a deterrent to crime and does not aid in the healing process for victims. Rehabilitation, not punishment should be the cornerstone of our penal system." The death penalty is not swift it takes the court system years and many appeals to be enacted. It is not certain, there is no guarantee that a suspect will receive the death penalty. It is not severe enough, criminals face a harsher brand of justice on the street than from the justice system. For all these reasons the death penalty doesn't work. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Representative to vote in favor of H.R. 4052 and sign the petition here @ dailykos.com/campaigns/letters/petition-your-us-rep-ban-the-federal-the-deathpenalty-cosponsor-hr4052.
Wealth Tax 4/1/2024
This week in Washington we are writing for a wealth tax. When the Republic was founded there was no intercontinental railroad, and the Industrial Revolution hadn't happened yet where huge sums of money materialized. There was no automobile, internet, smart phone or personal computer. We can only imagine what Thomas Jefferson would make of the Republic today. Times change and we need a tax system that reflects the new America. According to Daily Kos, "the tax system in America is fundamentally unfair, letting the super wealthy get away with little or no taxes. It been this way for decades. Billionaires like Elon Musk of Tesla and Jeff Bezos of Amazon have paid $ 0 in federal income taxes in some recent years." According to Pro Publica, "Senator Ron Wyden has a solution. The Democratic Chair of the Senate Finance Committee just introduced the Billionaires Income Tax. Billionaires in the United States are now worth a whopping $ 5.2 trillion. Their wealth has grown 78 % since the Trump tax cuts passed the Congress in 2017. The Billionaires Income Tax would raise $ 557 billion over 10 years and only apply to taxpayers whose net worth exceeds $ 1 billion or whose income exceeds $ 100 million for three consecutive years according to the United States Senate. Sign the petition @ dailykos.com/campaigns/petitions/sign-the-petition-we-need-a-billionaires-minimum-tax-now-more-than-ever
Citizens United 3/14/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to end Citizens United. In this decision the Supreme Court ruled that the government cannot limit money spent in political campaigns and that money is speech. According to Public Citizen, for 14 years "billionaires and Big Business have been free to spend literally as much as they want influencing our elections. People sense, accurately, that America is becoming a plutocracy - a nation of, by, and for the rich, the rest of us be damned." We call for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. 22 states, and over 800 cities and towns have passed resolutions or ballot initiatives in support of an amendment. McCain-Feingold placed limits on how much money could be spent by an individual in a federal campaign and was a good first step in regulating what could be spent. Sunshine is the best disinfectant and compelling 501(c)(4)'s to publish who is giving to their organizations is the best way to keep them honest. We must strengthen the Federal Election Commission and reform our democracy. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask your Representative to support a constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United.
United States Treasury 3/7/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our treasury. According to Daily Kos, "for years resources at the IRS led to a significant drop in auditing the super rich, shifting the focus to low income and black taxpayers who faced disproportionately higher audit rates. This shift arose partly because auditing the wealthy is resource intensive; their complex returns and legal defenses present greater challenges than auditing the average taxpayer. With improved funding from the Inflation Reduction Act, the agency has now collected $ 160 million from millionaires with outstanding debt. Fully funding the IRS is essential for achieving a fair tax code, actively eliminating" bias against the working class "from the implementation of our tax policy and ensuring the wealthiest," pay their fair share. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Representative to make millionaires pay their share. Sign the petition here.
The Postal Service 3/1/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our postal service. Seniors, the disabled and impaired often rely on the United States Postal Service to receive life saving medication. The postal service is a lifeline for Indians on reservations that are at risk for social isolation. Two spots have opened on the USPS Board of Governors and we ask that the Administration appoint Sarah Anderson, (an expert on how the post office helps Americans), and former Rep. Brenda Lawrence (a 30-year postal worker) to the USPS Board of Governors. Dejoy, the Postmaster General has presided over unprecedented service cuts, shorter hours and increased privatization of the postal service. DeJoy is implementing plans that will slow delivery as well as raise postage rates. DeJoy's former company, the contractor XPO Logistics, will get $ 120 million over the next 5 years from the USPS, and DeJoy could net as much as $ 23.7 million from the company in the next decade, as his family businesses still have four office buildings in North Carolina that they lease to XPO Logistics. That's where DeJoy will get those millions, from lease payments. DeJoy stands to profit at the public's expense. We urge you to call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Representative to support Anderson & Lawrence for the USPS Board of Governors. Sign the petition here.
Bankruptcy Law 2/28/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the public through reformed bankruptcy law. According to Daily Kos, "at the center of the Purdue Pharma case in front of the Supreme Court is the question: can corporations use bankruptcy law to shield their negligent owners from accountability ? Clearly the answer shoud be no, especially when it comes to the Sacklers fueling the opiod crises in America. They must be held accountable for their actions. The Administration brought this action against Purdue because of it's belief that corporations and wealthy individuals should not be able to abuse the bankruptcy system to avoid liability for their actions. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has led the charge to reform bankruptcy law to ban people like the Sacklers from escaping accountability in corporate bankruptcies. Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, is facing a lawsuit from the Biden Administration questioning the legality of a bankruptcy settlement that would shield the Sacklers from lawsuits for fueling the opiod crises in America." The importance of this case comes from the fact that the Sacklers should not be shielded from "accountability for fueling the opiod epidemic and ruining so many lives." Sign the petition here. Call Congress and ask for reform of our nation's bankruptcy laws @ 202 224 3121.
Judiciary Reform - 2/7/2024
This week in Washington we are writing for Supreme Court reform. According to Daily Kos "our justice and equality find themelves under attack and need courts that will defend our freedoms, apply the law fairly, and advance equality. Structural, systemic and meaningful court reform is the only way to ensure that federal courts uphold the law and protect our rights. Court reform is essential to restore abortion rights, strengthen hard-won civil rights, and protect our environment." Our courts must work to protect our rights and freedoms, not take them away." Daily Kos writes that "for years, lawmakers have used their positions to fill our federal courts with judges hostile to our rights attacking not just abortion rights but racial equality, LGBTQ+ liberation, voting rights, and more. We all deserve judges committed to protect our democratic institutions, our rights, and the future of our country but time and time again, the courts have been used to actively strip us of our dignity, constitutional, and civil rights." Call Congress and let them know you stand for court reform @ 202 224 3121.
A People's Union 5/14/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the right to organize. In 1935 Congress passed the Wagner Act creating the National Labor Relations Board guaranteeing the right to form and join a union. The right to strike enabled an entire generation of Americans to build the middle class. At it's peak unionization in the United States hit 35 % of the work force. In the late sixties, the Supreme Court decided in the Boys Markets Cases that unionization could only occur during window periods when workers were outside of a contract, banning 99 % of strikes. The Protecting the Right to Organize Act would return us to the New Deal standard. In addition, it would create card check unions, where a worker could join a union by simply signing the back of a card as is the case in Canada and other Western countries. Captive sessions where employers meet one on one with workers in order to dissuade them from forming a union would be banned. A unionized workforce would be more likely to win struggles creating safer working conditions and higher wages as is the case in the fight for a $ 15 minimum wage. The Strategic Organizing Center has opened the eyes of a generation to a social condition present in every city and state in the Union. S.O.C. comprised of the Service Employees International Union, the Communication Workers of America and the United Farm Workers is taking what the Rev. Dr Martin Luther King Jr. called "long strides towards freedom." We must do everything we can to assist and protect our brothers and sisters in the labor movement. We do not shrink from this responsibility we welcome it, until workers are protected from getting fired for forming a labor union. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask your Representative to vote in favor of the Protecting the Right to Organize Act.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day 1/15/2024
St. Patrick's Day 3/17/2024
Easter 3/31/2024
President's Day 2/19/2024
Ash Wednesday 2/14/2024
Good Friday 3/29/2024
Passover Holiday 4/22-30/2024
Palm Sunday 3/24/2024
Affordable Housing 5/7/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to build affordable housing. Since the nineties is has been unawful for the Federal Government to construct public housing projects causing a nationwide shortage of affordable housing because of what has become known as The Faircloth Amendment. Luckily, there is a possible solution. According to Move On we should convert existing unused office space into housing. People who should receive assistance are; very low income residents who are displaced or at risk of displacement, residents who are paying more than 40% of household income for housing and utilities, residents who are low and moderate income defined as incomes below 80% of area median income and very low income area median income below 50 %. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask for a just redevelopment policy.
Labor Day 9/6/2021
Civil Rights 10/7/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the franchise. In July the Justice Department filed a lawsuit challenging an Arizona law requiring voters "in presidential elections to show proof of citizenship," according to The Washington Post. State Republicans say that the measure is a protection against voter fraud. Democrats have attacked the bill as an effort to restrict voting and "make it more difficult for some residents, including naturalized immigrants to take part in elections... The bill requires voters to provide proof of citizenship on a federal voter registration form. It also mandates that county officials cross check voter registration rolls with citizenship records and disqualify those who are not listed citizens. Voting rights experts say the safeguards are not necessary saying it would disenfranchise tens of thousands of voters especially the poor." Call Congress and ask them to protect voting rights @ 202 224 3121.
Grocery Trust Bust 1/28/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the American taxpayer. Since the economic recovery began everything in the grocery store has cost more, partially because of inflation but also because of price gouging. According to Public Citizen, grocery giant Kroger is trying to buy rival Albertsons for $ 24.6 billion. This new single corporation would have enormous leverage over the market leading to skyrocketing food prices. Market consolidation means that some 5,000 grocery stores would fold into the new Kroger-Albertsons behemoth. According to Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, "further corporate consolidation would result in higher prices, employee layoffs, and weaker supply chains." We ask that you urge the Federal Trade Commission to reject the anti consumer merger between grocery chains Kroger & Albertsons. We are living through a second gilded age and the capacity for misplaced market consolidation persists. Call FTC now and ask them to deny the merger @ (202) 326 2222.
Afghan Adjustment Act 3/1/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect Afghan refugees. According to Amnesty International "the clock is ticking for Afghans living in the United States, families who fled their homes when the Taliban seized power last year only have 10 months left until they face possible deportation back to Afghanistan. They know, [and we know], what's waiting for them if they are forced to go back to Afghanistan - oppression, violence and retribution for leaving. In the last Congress, the Afghan Adjustment Act was introduced, "if passed it would create a way for Afghans in the United States to apply for permanent legal status, this is a bipartisan bill with a serious chance of passage." Many of these Afghans are translators who worked side by side with Coalition Forces in the hunt for Osama Bin Laden. Many are Afghan forces who took the fight to the Taliban. They stood with us in the dark days after September 11th, we all remember where we were on that day. We can never forget that there were those who sought to lend America it's assistance and we must keep faith with them. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 ask for your Senator by state and ask them to vote yes on the Afhgan Adjustment Act.
Campaign Finance Reform & the Disclose Act 4/7/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our democracy. In America when it comes to elections money doesn't speak it shouts and that is why we are writing today for passage of the Disclose Act. First, this legislation would require that covered organizations like 527's, 501 (c)(4)'s and super PACs disclose expenditures of $ 10,000 or more to the Federal Election Commission within 24 hours and to disclose the sources of all contributions. Second, this legislation would require leaders of corporations, unions, and other organizations to identify themselves as the source of political ads. Internet, television & radio ads would be required to disclose in order to facilitate increased transparency and regulatory responsiveness. In addition, this legislation would repeal earlier legislative provisions prohibiting; "(i) the SEC from requiring public companies to disclose their political spending to shareholders, (ii) the IRS from issuing needed regualtions of 501 (c)(4) social welfare organizations; and (iii) the government from requiring federal contractors to disclose their political donations as part of the bidding process. Call Congress and ask for your Representative's support today @ 202 224 3121.
Debt Ceiling 6/7/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our democracy. According to Bold Progressives, "federal agencies are warning that the spending cuts proposed," by the House of Representatives "would have devastating impact on nearly all government services." According to The Hill, "cabinet secretaries have warned Rep. Rosa DeLauro, the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee that among other things, the Republican proposal could; 1) eliminate health care access for 2 million vulnerable people relying on Community Health Centers, 2) cut WIC [Women Infant and Children] nutrition assistance for 250,000 families and Meals on Wheels for 1 million seniors, 3) evict 430,000 families from Section 8 housing, 4) cut Head Start slots by 170,000 children and 5) shutter 125 air traffic control towers impacting a third of all airports." Axios reports that there are even Republicans in the House calling these cuts a prerequisite for their support to raise the debt ceiling," even though in previous Administrations conservatives have approved clean resolutions raising the debt ceiling. These cuts include delays in processing Social Security benefits, critical to aiding the elderly, disabled and impaired. Previous debt ceiling fights have resulted in the downgrading of the United States borrowing rating making it more expensive for the Federal Government to borrow money to cover expenses. The Republican Party is holding the nation's fiscal health hostage and government is the solution to many of the social problems we face as a nation. Call the Capitol today and ask Speaker McCarthy to support a clean debt ceiling @ 202 224 3121.
Crises in the Holy Land 6/1/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to end the crises in the Holy Land. According to The New York Times, on October 7th, Hamas kidnapped 242 people taking them hostage and their brazen assault killed 1,400 people. At leat 33 children are among them seized from their homes as well as from military bases. The hostages include civilians, soldiers, people with disabilities, children, grandparents and a 9 month old baby. The hostages include people from 40 countries. The Israeli incursion into Gaza has killed 33,000 people according to the Gaza Health Ministry. The United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has called the response in Gaza 'mass punishment.'" Apollo Project calls for an immediate ceasefire and keeping the Rafah border crossing with Egypt open. Israel has the right to defend itself but not at the expense of civilian casualties. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Representative to keep the Rafah border crossing open to allow for the flow of humanitarian aid and consider contributing to World Central Kitchen https://wck.org.
Memorial Day 5/27/2024
Taiwan Earthquake 6/7/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the people of Taiwan. On April 3rd @ 8 a.m. Tawian was struck by the strongest earthquake it has experienced in 25 years. Taiwan's National Fire Agency found 9 people killed in the quake that struck. According to the Associated Press, more than a thousand poeple were injured and seventy seven people were stranded. "The quake and the aftershocks caused 24 landslides and damaged 35 roads, bridges and tunnels...Taiwan's earthquake monitoring agency gave the magnitude as 7.2 while the U.S. Geological Survey put it at 7.4." The Statue of Liberty reads "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore," making the case for mercy for the displaced. Consider making a contribution to the Red Cross of Taiwan at https://www.redcross.org.tw/english/.
The Price at the Pump 6/14/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the American consumer. According to Public Citizen "dirty behemoth Exxon Mobil is buying a Texas oil company called Pioneer Natural Resources for $ 60 billion. In approving the deal - the largest oil industry merger in two decades officials at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have barred Pioneer's former CEO, Scott Sheffield, from serving on the board at Exxon." He has been banned "because he allegedly tried to collude with OPEC - the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to inflate oil and gas prices harming millions" of American consumers. "Congress must not only investigate Pioneer's role in conspiring with OPEC but whether there existed a broader conspiracy by U.S. oil companies to collude with OPEC nations. Big Oil miust be held accountable for any conspiracy by or among American oil companies and OPEC members. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask for an investigation.
Roe v Wade 6/28/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect a women's right to choose. MSNBC legal analyst Dahlia Lithwick "thinks the media got it wrong on March 26th...She doesn't think the Supreme Court sounded skeptical about attempts to ban the abortion pill. She told MSNBC's Nicole Wallace what she heard was the conservative justices saying "come back when Donald Trump is elected and the Comstock Act becomes the law of the land ... the 1873 law Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito brought up repeatedly, suggesting a Republican President could use it to ban the abortion pill nationwide - without Congress even getting a vote." Elizabeth Warren commented saying that "Republicans are marching us toward a full on nationwide abortion ban. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask to protect a women's right to choose.
Juneteenth Festivities 6/19/2024
A Fair Share on Taxes 7/1/2024
This week in Washington we are writing for equal taxation. "The wealthiest Americans (the top 0.1% - or the richest 1 out of every 1,000) end up owing barely more than 3 % of their fortunes in federal, state and local taxes," according to Public Citizen. These super wealthy Americans could afford to pay a good deal more. All this while families in the bottom 99 %, millions of us end up paying 7 % of our total wealth. A majority of Americans end up paying a rate that is double what the millionaire class get away with. A Wall Street CEO for example pays a lower tax rate than the janitor that cleans his office at night. Fortunately, there is a solution. Rep's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman along with Sen.'s Bernie Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren are introducing the Ultra Millionaire Tax Act of 2024 which would increase taxes on those whose net worth exceeds $ 50 million and would give the IRS resources to go after the wealthiest taxpayers. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 today to go after these delinquent tax payers.
July 4th Independence Day Festivities
Affordable Housing 7/28/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to build affordable housing. According to Daily Kos, "our nation is experiencing a severe shortage of affordable rental homes, with a deficit of 7.3 million units accessible to extremely low-income renters. This crises affects every state and major metropolitan area" in the Union. Nationally, a worker needs to earn $ 28.58 per hour to afford a modest two-bedroom, rental home, yet this is far beyond what most can earn, particularly those at or below the minimum wage. This gap makes it nearly impossible for low-income individuals to find affordable housing without significant financial stress or the risk of homelessness. We must shift our approach from punishment to empathy. We must choose humanity over hardship and do what we can to assist those that are the most vulnerable among us. Sign the petition to pass the Housing Crises Response Act here.
Freedom of Information Act 7/21/2024
This week in Washington we are writing for the Freedom of Information. This 1967 piece of legislation has been "instrumental in revealing information about corporate and government corruption, unsafe foods, medicines and more. In 2019, overturning 45-years of precedent and siding with corporate interests the Supreme Court "opened a gaping hole in FOIA by expanding the kinds of information that corporations can insist be excluded from FOIA requests. The Supreme Court made it easier for Corporate America to hide government documents and medical and food safety information, pollution and the wasting of taxpayer dollars. It is Congress's responsibility to close this loophole in the Freedom of Information Act. "The American People are counting on Congress to close the FOIA loophole that the Supreme Court opened with it's misguided Argus Leader ruling. We urge Congress to pass legsialtion that will restore the definition of confidential that had been in place for 45 years before the Supreme Court expanded it beyond all reason. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Representative's support. Sign the petition to Congress here https://act.citizen.org/page/65112/petition/1.
Big Pharma 8/1/2024
This week in Washington we are writing for American Medicine. Accoring to Public Citizen, Big Pharma lavished $12.1 billion dollars on American doctors from 2013 to 2022 according to a new study, for things like travel, meals, drinks, honoraria, consulting and outright gifts. About 826,000 physicians received such pay outs from drug or device makers over that ten-year span. Some orthopedic surgeons raked in as mcuh as $ 4.8 million. Yet even something as seemingly innocent as a luncheon sponsored by Big Pharma has been shown to influence the decisions doctors make. TINSTAAFL. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Big Pharma invests over a billion dollars a year - which it can easily afford to due to its relentless fleecing of the American people due to influence our nation's doctors. Congress must change the law so that the American people know we're getting the medicines and devices we need rather than what Big Pharma happens to be influencing doctors to prescribe. Sign the petition here.
Boeing 8/7/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our skies. In 2018 and 2019, two Boeing 737 Max airplanes crashed claiming 346 lives. According to Public Citizen "despite evidence of misconduct by the company, federal law enforcement officials agreed not to prosecute Boeing if it promised essentially not to do it again. These...slap on the wrist corporate leniency deals are known as deferred prosecution agreements, and the Department of Justice has become far too dependent on them...The result is that corporate criminals - even flagrant and repeat offenders - go unpunished time and time again. If new investigations stemming from the malfunctioning Boeing 737 Max 9 door plug on Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 expose criminal misconduct, we urge you to hold Boeing fully accountable. Boeing should be prosecuted both for its original and its subsequent misconduct. Boeing should be charged as aggressively as the facts and the law support. Sign the petition here.
Indian Country 8/14/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect Indian Country. "Bears Ears is the first national monument proposed by a coalition of Tribal Nations. This area, rich in culture and natural heritage, saw its protections reinstated under President Biden, affirming the dedication to preserve these sacred lands for future generations. We ask the Bureau of Land Management to; 1) "uphold the sovereignty of the Tribe's and honors Indigenous people's personal, traditional, and cultural connections to [the] land, 2) reflect time-tested best practices for land management passed down over centuries from the original, and ongoing, stewards of this land, 3) protect the habitat, wildlife, and resource biodiversity, 4) responsibly manage access and use of the Monument in a way that allows current and future visitors to recreate, hunt, and fish, while also responding to the needs and health of the land. It is time to align our standards for managing public lands with time-tested practices." Traditional Indigenous Konwledge and Traditional Ecological Knowledge are critical to protect the biodiversity and health of the Bears Ears for generations to come Sign the petition here.
Summer EBT, Head Start & the School Lunch Program 8/21/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect children. Every summer school lets out and children do not know whether they will pass the summer on an empty stomach. Fortunately, there is Summer EBT, a program for children to get nutritious meals from Congress. Unfortunately, there are some red state governors blocking the program. Summer EBT offers better food and more choice. The new $2.5 billion program passed Congress with bipartisan support according to The New York Times. Republican Governors are split, with 14 in, 13 out "and no consensus on what constitutes conservative principle. The program provides families $ 40 a month for every child who receives free or reduced--price meals at school - $ 120 for the summer. Red state refusal will keep aid from about 10 million children about a third of those potentially eligible nationwide. Like the school lunch program, it serves families up to 185 percent above the poverty line meaning a family of three would qualify with an income of about $ 45,000 or less. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 ask for your Representative to support Summer EBT for every eligible child.
Civil Rights 8/28/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect civil rights. According to Common Cause our right to vote by mail is under attack. Louis DeJoy the Postmaster General has slowed down mail delivery, cut thousands of jobs, and raised postage prices. There are those who don't want to fund the postal service because they don't want funding for mail in ballots. Last year, 11 states passed laws making it harder to vote by mail and extremists are pushing for even more restrictive laws through state legislature's before this November's election. One example is the state of North Carolina that axed there 3 day waiting period for absentee ballots - instead imposing a strict 7:30 deadline on election day for votes to be counted - even though they knew mail service had been slowed down. The result ? One North Carolina voter mailed their ballot nearly two weeks before the deadline, but their ballot still arrived late and was thrown out according to The Washington Post. Call Congress today to pass the Freedom to Vote Act @ 202 224 3121.
Labor Day 9/2/2024
National Service 9/7/2024
This week in Washington we are writing for national service. In the state of Maryland, Gov. Wes Moore has established a Department of Service and Civic Innovation which according to The New York Times "includes a public service program with two arms, the Service Year Option, for Maryland residents within three years of high school graduation, and Maryland Corps, which is open to a range of applicants. Each provides access to entry-level positions at nonprofits and state agencies, as well as a small number of businesses with a strong service component, such as public health or community development. Participants are paid a minimum of $ 15 per hour and provided help with transportation and child care, which could otherwise keep out those with fewer support systems. At the end of the minimum nine-month term, all participants get a $ 6000 stipend towards college or to cash out for a down payment on a car for example or a home." This is a program that "gives people hope and inspirarion" Gov. Moore said. The goal of the program is to inspire people. "I believe in the idea that service will save us, especially at a moment like now," the Gov. said. We ask Congress to follow Gov. Moore's lead and establish a Department of Service and Civic Innovation. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121.
Immigration Reform 1/14/2021
This week in Washington we are writing to reform our nation's broken immigration system. We ask the Congress to reform our nation's immigration detention system to make it more humane. We ask that the Federal Government stop separating migrant children from their families. In addition, we believe that it is critical that we stop depriving refugees seeking asylum from a welcome as they enter the United States. Change for Progress requests that the new Congress "impose a moratorium on deportations, new arrests and detentions; and to work with Congress on legislation that creates a roadmap to citizenship," as recently requested by Move On.org. Call Congress today at 202 224 3121.
Native Americans & Indian Country 6/14/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for Indian Country. Native Communities encounter many challenges in life. Among them are high rates of diabetes, heart disease, chronic illnesses and inadequate infrastructure such as running water and electricity. These challenges were exacerbated by the COVID 19 pandemic. Despite these challneges, tribal nations are still unable to apply for the CDC's Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Cooperative Agreement Program. State and local public health departments have relied heavily on this program during the pandemic but tribal nations are excluded from accessing these funds. The exclusion of tribal nations from this program has led to their inability to receive funding for staffing, planning, training and supplies. The solution to this is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Tribal Public Health Security and Preparedness Act. This legislation would ensure that Tribal nations have equal access to prepare for public health emergencies. Call Congress today and ask for your Representative to vote for this legislation @ 202 224 3121.
Child Tax Credit 6/1/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to expand the Child Tax Credit. After passage of the American Recovery Plan during the pandemic the Federal Government came to the aid and assistance of working families, providing $ 300 a month in assistance for 12 months totaling $ 3,600 for the year, lifting millions of Americans and families with children out of poverty. This can and must be a floor not a ceiling when it comes to combating poverty. Many of these families had a bread winner and the credit rewarded work as much as it provided sustenance for families. During the New Deal in the 1930's President Roosevelt and Congress enacted Social Security and the "Wagner Act," protecting workers and the elderly when 1 in 3 Americans lived in poverty. In the 1960's President Johnson waged "War on Poverty," passing Medicare and Medicaid so that health care for those in the twilight of life would not break the bank. We have a social democracy with a compact that we will not break faith with the elderly and keep seniors healthy. In the sixties, 1 in 5 Americans was ill housed, ill clad and ill nourished. Fast forward to the present. Some 40 million Americans live in poverty. Generations of reformers have accomplished a great deal and now as few as 1 in 9 Americans live in poverty. Poor people are more likely to be women and children and we have a sacred obligation to care for those who have the least among us. Poverty is the worst form of violence. The Child Tax Credit can put a floor under American incomes and we must do all we can to care for our nation's children. Call Congress today and ask for your Representative to renew the expired Child Tax Credit so that no child grows up hungry and no family is indigent. The Capitol can be reached @ 202 224 3121 ask for your Congressman and Senators by state to renew the Child Tax Credit.
Gay Rights & the Equality Act 9/1/2023
This week in Washington we are writing for equality. There is a great deal to celebrate in America these days. The pride flag is waving beautifully over spring and summer festivities proclaiming that we are are here and we are not going back. Decades have passed since the Stonewall Riots when Gay Americans declared independence from an unjust legal system that punishes people for who they love. We have come a long way, achieving marriage equality and equal partner benefits across this nation of ours. Unfortunately, red states have reacted passing over 400 bills restricting the rights of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Americans. The cure to the inequality plaguing this land is the Equality Act. Books about gay life are being banned across the country censoring the coming out stories of million of our neighbors. Gay Americans are our sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, grandparents and friends. When we turn our back on them we turn our backs on our community. "The Equality Act would ban federal discrimination amending the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodation, education, federally funded programs, credit, and jury service," according to Rep. David Cicilline in H.R. 5 in Congress.gov. Sign our petition here to make equality a reality all over this nation of ours. Call Congress for equality @ 202 224 3121.
Dreamers 10/28/2023
This week in Washington, we are writing for new Americans. According to Daily Kos, "over one million youth face an uncertain future... Congress has failed to pass comprehensive immigration reform and their legal status is in limbo. The Dream Act of 2023 could provide DACA recipients, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, and individuals with Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) a 'conditional permanent resident' status, valid for up to ten years. This legislation is a lifeline for an estimated 2.3 million undocumented individuals, nearly 580,000 DACA recipients, almost 400,000 TPS and DED holders and an additional 170,000 'Documented Dreamers,' safeguarding them from deportation and providing a pathway to permanent legal status." The Statue of Liberty is chiseled with the immortal poetry of The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus, "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore." The first colonists in Plymouth, Massachusetts and Jamestown, Virginia were immigrants fleeing religious persecution. We must honor our tradition as a nation of immigrants and welcome new arrivals with open arms. Sign the petition telling Congress to pass the Dream Act here.
Public Citizen & Citizens United 11/7/2023
This week in Washington, we are writing to protect our Democracy. The Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United is authoritarian and undemocratic. Since the decision, corporations have spent as much as they like funding candidates and altering election outcomes. When it comes to Democracy money doesn't speak it shouts and the 1st Amendment was drafted before television and the internet were invented. The Framers of our Constitution could not anticipate the technological revolution that has brought us the internet, the personal computer and the smart phone. If the Founders were around today they would side with the forces for reform. They would rule that money is speech and that First Amendment rights are not threatened by regulating big money contributions. McCain-Feingold, legislation managing political speech was a floor not a ceiling. We can and must do more to tame political speech. The United States needs a Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United. Government agencies, corporations and shareholders must disclose corporate political spending. Public Citizen has shined a bright light on this challenge to our Democracy founding the Corporate Reform Coalition. Make no mistake it is not a violation of free speech rights to want to know how much Big Business is spending to influence our decision makers in our Democracy. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask your Senators and Representatives to support a Constitutional Amendment overturning Citizens United.
Affirmative Action 11/21/2023
This week in Washington, we are writing to protect affirmative action. For too long Ivy League institutions have been a resource that only the wealthiest and well connected have had access to. In addition, public university systems like the University of California have operated under an affirmative action ban by the voters, notably under Proposition 209, barring the consideration of race in admissions policies. African-Americans are not our enemies but our friends and we must welcome them with open arms into the middle class. According to the Associated Press on June 29th of this year, the Supreme Court struck down consideration of race in admissions. Writing for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts carved out an exception for military academies. If it's good enough for the Armed Forces it's good enough for the Ivy League. U-C Davis in California offers an example of where America is going on race conscious admissions. U-C Davis employs a "disadvantage scale," with questions such as whether a student is the first in their family to attend an institute of higher education. In addition, adversity scores take into consideration socio-economic inequality, whether a student is working class. U-C Davis is one of the most diverse medical schools in the country. Our heroes in higher education are fighting back, expanding economic opportunity and including families that are Hispanic and African-American without considering race and in keeping with the Supreme Court. Call Secretary Miguel Cardona Secretary of the Department of Education and ask for federal funds from the Department of Education to be tied to socio-economic disadvantage scales @ 202 296 4242.
Navajo Nation & Indian Country 12/1/2023
This week in Washington, we are writing for the American Indian. According to Daily Kos "uranium mining, an ongoing practice for over 75 years, poses a significant threat to our environment and the health of our Tribal communities. Multinational mining conglomerates have established thousands of uranium mines and mills in the Grand Canyon area." This includes "the surrounding Colorado Plateau, representing most uranium mining in the United States. The consequences of this mining are far-reaching and alarming. Nearly one in five uranium mines exist within six miles of a Native American reservation," while "more than three-quarters are within 50 miles of a reservation." According to Daily Kos "this proximity has resulted in a toxic legacy on the land of Tribal communities. Infants in this region exhibit higher levels of uranium in their body than people in other parts of the country." Upwards of "a quarter of Navajo Nation residents participating in one study recently tested positive for high levels of uranium." Recently, Congress stood with Native Americans by passing the Grand Canyon National Monument Act to protect the land and water of our environment and the American Indian. "Uranium mining threatenes the Colorado River, a vital water source for 40 million people in seven states and a lifeline for 1.8 million acres of agricultural land. On August 9th, President Biden protected the Grand Canyon and many existing mines are not be effected by the designation. Call the National Park Service @ 202 426 6841 and ask to ban uranium mining in the Colorado Plateau.
Car Safety 12/14/2024
This week in Washington we are writing for car safety. "In 2021, 42,939 Americans were violently taken from us by traffic violence. Preventable crashes happen everyday all over the United States and the number of pedestrians killed by drivers just hit a 40 year high. Our vehicle safety rating system only applies to the safety of those inside the vehicle and does not take into account those outside. Vehicles on our roads are 24 % bigger than they were in the year 2000, and they have bigger hoods and worse visibility. It is no surprise that they are also disproportionately deadly for pedestrians, cyclists, and those driving smaller vehicles. Their 'five star' safety ratings tell a dangerously one-sided story." Join change.org in asking NHTSA, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to 'include a vehicle's risk of killing a pedestrian within their five-star safety rating system.' SUV-related injuries rose 91% and fatalities increased 75 % between 2016 and 2019. For every 1,000 pounds a vehicle weighs crashes are 46% more deadly. Sign the petition here.
Education FAFSA 12/1/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect a college education. Every year in the fall, Americans apply to college and as the leaves change color, assistance in college affordability through programs like Federal Work Study, the Pell Grant, the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, the Perkins Loan, the Stafford Loan and the G.I. Bill insure that Americans ars able to pay for college. We welcome the Education Department's full scale review of it's financial aid office after the recent FAFSA debacle. A slew of technical issues has caused months of delays and errors with the newly overhauled form according to Haley Messenger of MSNBC News with this year's overhauled Free Application for Federal Student Aid. We ask the current administration to appoint a FAFSA Czar to over see all aspects of the college application financial aid application process. The Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona is conducting "a full-scale review of FSA's current and historical organization, management, staffing, workflow, structures, business processes, and operations." The Office is bringinig in a team of information technology experts to help with FAFSA next year. Call the Department of Education @ 1 800 872 5327 and ask for a Czar to oversee all aspects of the Financial Aid process.
Big Oil & Union of Concerned Scientists 10/21/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protest Big Oil. According to Daily Kos a recent Senate Budget Committee hearing put the industries "denial, disinformation and doublespeak" on display. "Evidence of the fossil fuel industry's harmful climate deception only continued to grow. The fossil fuel industry has known for decades that their products are dangeorus to a stable climate and human well being; yet they continue to lie, deceive, and delay meaningful action. It's time for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to look into the significant evidence of deceptive behavior from Big Oil. We urge Justice to launch an investigation into the fossil fuel industry's coordinated effort to mislead the public and policymakers just like it did with Big Tobacco. We need action at the highest level of government to hold this powerful industry accountable for the harm it has caused to people and the planet. Given the immense harm that this industry has already caused and the rapidly worsening climate crises, the DOJ must act urgently to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable, and seek to force it to change its business practices and make restitution for the damage it has caused." Sign the petition here.
Occupational Health and Safety Administration 10/7/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to beat the heat. According to Public Citizen, "some 50 million employees in America are exposed to extreme heat on the job [including] laborers in agriculture and construction...indoor workers in factories, warehouses, industrial kitchens, and more. [2] Heat killed more than 2,000 workers in the U.S. last year and injured 170,000." [3] Similar to many other problems "poor people and people of color suffer disproportionately. [4] On top of all that, the combined failure of OSHA and Big Business to protect workers costs our economy nearly $ 100 billion, which impacts all of us, whether or not we or anyone we know works under extreme conditions. Tell officials at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration: It's getting hotter and hotter. Workers are dying every day. And not only have you so far failed to issue national standards to protect workers from extreme heat on the job, but in the absence of action you should have already [taken], some MAGA governors are signing draconian, inhumane laws that prevent local communities in their states from instituting even the most basic protections. Issue an interim rule now, in time to protect millions and millions of workers throughout what could be another record breaking summer." Sign here.
Call to Action @ Immigration 9/28/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our nation's immigrants. We must act now to "strengthen DACA and protect undocumented people." While the outcome of the 2024 election remains uncertain, the stakes could not be higher - Project 2025 has vowed to conduct the "largest deportation effort in American history. The MAGA Republican playbook, Project 2025, outlines a plan to roll back immigrant rights including: Mass family separation: Elimination of protections for unaccompanied children and transferring their care from Health and Human Services to Homeland Security. Weakening DACA - Eliminating the Staff needed to process DACA renewal applications. Eliminating Sanctuary States - Forcing states to share driver's licenses and taxpayer identification information with federal authorities or risk losing critical funding. Mass Deportation: Creating an extensive national police network to conduct mass deportation and detention. Sign United We Dream Action's petition to demand that the current Administration use every tool at its disposal to strengthen DACA and provide protection to undocumented people." Sign our petition here.
Rosh Hashanah October 2 2024
Yom Kippur October 12 2024
Columbus Day October 14 2024
Halloween Day October 31 2024
Diwali November 1 2024
Election Day November 5 2024
Armistice Day / Veterans Day November 11 2024
Indegenous People's Day October 14 2024
Vote by Mail 9/14/2024
This week in Washington we are writing for our right to vote. According to Daily Kos "it is under attack. Legal challenges are threatening to turn back the clock on voting accessibility, targeting mail ballot deadlines that are essential for ensuring every voice is heard. Mail-in voting offers a secure and accessible way for all Americans to participate in our Democracy, including those who cannot make it to the polls on Election Day due to health concerns, disabilities, work obligations, or other barriers. Limiting mail-in voting undercuts the inclusivity and fairness of our electoral process, disproportionately impacting those already marginalized in our society. The consequences of conservative legal challenges extend nationwide. A precedent could lead to a domino effect, jeopardizing mail-in voting across the country and disenfranchising countless voters. Your voice shouldn't expire on Election Day. Sign the petition: Stand against these efforts to undermine our democracy. We believe in a system that is accessible to all, where every vote is counted, and every voice is heard." Sign here.
Child Labor 9/21/2024
This week in Washington we are writing for our nation's children. According to Daily Kos there has been "an alarming increase in child labor violations - with cases soaring by 283% since 2015 - and heart-wrenching stories of young lives lost in preventable workplace accidents[,] highlighting the critical need for child labor reform. Yet, GOP lawmakers are attempting to dismantle essential safeguards, posing a grave risk to the safety and well-being of our children. There has been a concerning trend among the GOP, with more states introducing bills aimed at rolling back safeguards that have long shielded our children from harm. The exploitation of children not only revives images of a bygone era devoid of basic worker protections, but also disproportionately impacts children of color and those from low income families, exacerbating existing racial and income inequalities." Sign the petition here.
Gun Control 10/28/2024
This week in Washington we are writing for gun control. According to Move On "just a few weeks ago the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) updated a policy to close a loophole that made it easy for people to purchase guns without a background check. Now if you want to sell a firearm, whether at gun shows, at a shop, or online, you must become a licensed dealer and run background checks on all buyers." Move On has described the rule change as "simple, sensible and will save lives. But it's at risk of being overturned because the notorious gun lobby is intensely pressuring Congress to stop it. In 2019, a person purchased an AR-15 from an unlicensed gun dealer without a background check and went on to kill 7 people and wound 25 in Midland and Odessa Texas. The background check loophole also enables people with domestic abuse restraining orders and with violent histories to buy guns unquestioned. Tens of thousands of guns are sold each year by unlicensed sellers who do not perform background checks." The time has come for change. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask your member of Congress to support reform.
Community Policing 11/21/2024
An emerging consensus has sounded the alarm that the time has come for comprehensive law enforcement reform. The People's Response Act is the cure to the ill of 'the mindless menace of violence' pervading our communities. We need a health centered approach to public safety that Daily Kos has described as 'inclusive and holistic.' The People's Response Act would 1) create a new Public Safety Division within the Department of Health and Human Services focused on non-carceral and health centered approaches to public safety. 2)This legislation would develop a Federal First Responder's Unit to support localities and states with emergency health crises." 3) People's Response Act would provide $ 7.5 billion in grant funding to improve crises response. In addition it would set up a $ 2.5 billion First Responder Hiring Grant." It can create thousands of jobs for emergency first responders - including licensed social workers, mental health & substance abuse counselors and peer support specialists. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Representative's support.
John Lewis Voting Rights Act & Freedom to Vote Act 11/28/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to protect voting rights. According to Daily Kos, "Congress can act decisively to safeguard our freedom to vote. This means endorsing the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act - two pieces of critical legislation aimed at rejuvenating and updating the protections offered by the original Voting Rights Act. These laws propose establishing nationwide voting standards to improve ballot access, eliminate both partisan and race-based redistricting, shield elections from external influences, enhance campaign finance transparency to deter the influence of undisclosed donations" and other reforms. Sign the petition here.
This week in Washington we are calling on the National Highway & Traffic Safety Administration to get recalled cars off the road. Most Americans drive cars and we ask that they be allowed to drive in safety. Automobile accidents with Takata airbags have turned deadly when airbags explode during collisions and we would like NHTSA to get these recalled cars off the road immediately. In addition, we would like car dealers to be prohibited from selling the more than 57 million cars that have been recalled. We ask that cars that catch fire, with sticking acccelerator pedals and brake failure be taken off the road. Call NHTSA at (202) 366 4000
A Safe &
Secure Border 1/7/2019
This week in Washington we are writing to promote a safe & secure border. We ask that the United Nations send observers to protect new immigrants from harm. New arrivals should be greeted with warm blankets, food and shelter not tear gas and rubber bullets. International law requires America to review every application for asylum. This is a clear violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which the United States is a signatory. The Statue of Liberty reads "give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." E-mail UNHCR today to keep this covenant https://www.unhcr.org/en-us/contact-form.html
Ash Wednesday 2/26/2020
Education Equity 8/14/2021
This week in Washington we are writing for education equity. We call on Congress to make larger investments in public education. It is not enough to put money into our schools. We need to create a seamless nationwide network of support and enrichment for our young people that starts at birth and continues into adulthood. We must do the following; 1) create an affordable universal early care and Pre-K system, 2) we must scale American efforts to achieve digital equity. Too many schools are competing for fewer resources even though we know that the internet is the future. We need an education policy that recognizes this and make the critical investments in our children's future that will build a bridge to prosperity as we enter the 3rd decade of the 21st century. 3) We must expand student's ability to access college courses through dual enrollment. 4) America must create an integrated, supportive system that guarantees American students a path to post-secondary completion. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask for a 21st century education system.
Federal Communications Commission 7/21/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to confirm Gigi Sohn nominee to the Federal Communications Commission. Daily Kos has called her a "fierce advocate for open, affordable and democratic communication networks. Sohn has worked on behalf of consumers and her efforts have won her plaudits on a bipartisan basis from civil rights organizations, progressive leaders, consumer advocates and privacy and rural watchdog organizations. She has even garnered support from some industry advocates. Unfortunately A T&T, Comcast & Verizon are working to stop her confirmation dead in its tracks. The FCC has been deadlocked 2-2 since 2020 and Big Telecom doesn't want a robust regulatory agency. We want net neutrality restored and an expansion of broadband in underserved and rural communities. Fixed line broadband should be affordable. We need a strong public advocate at the FCC & Gigi Sohn is our voice. Call the U.S. Senate @ 202 224 3121 and ask for your Senator by state to confirm Sohn.
A Fair Share Tax 9/14/2022
This week in Washington we are writing for a fair share tax. Wealth disparities have reached an alarming proportion in the United States and we are living through a second guilded age. According to Daily Kos, "over the last two years during COVID, America's 700 billionaires grew their fortunes by $ 1.7 trillion. They are now worth a collective $ 4.6 trillion, one third more than the bottom half of American society." During this time 4 million children have slipped back into poverty with the expiration of the Child Tax Credit. Basic needs are going unmet and are not being provided for by our society. Working families are suffering. Money is lacking for child care, housing, education, transportation and paid family leave. The Babies over Billionaires Act, introduced by New York's Jamaal Bowman would require people with assets of more than $ 100 million to pay a fair share. Investment value would be taxed like wages and could raise a $ 1 trillion in 10 years. This legislation would tax 30 % of unrealized gains of super millionaires from publicly traded capital assets like stocks, "at the prevailing long term capital gains rate and invest the revenue through programs run by the U.S. Department of Education and Health and Human Services. It is time to reinvest in our children." Call Congress today and ask for your Representative to support this legislation @ 202 224 3121.
Immigration 11/7/2022
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the American Dream. The Statue of Liberty is inscribed with Emma Lazarus's immortal words, "give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." Since the conclusion of the War in Afghanistan, tens of thousands of Afghans who supported our conflict have been exposed to danger because of their choice to cooperate with us. We must always keep faith with our allies even when things do not go as expected. According to Daily Kos, "unless Congress acts quickly 76,000 Afghan refugees could lose their legal right to remain in the United States. With the conclusion of the Afghan War, "thousands of refugees [have been] welcomed through humanitarian parole, a 2 year fast track live and work law. Now thousands of Afghans are ineligible for a green card and must apply for asylum. S. 4787/H.R. 8685 provides a legal pathway to citizenship." This legislation would also provide relief for the backlog of 70,000 applicants for asylum and the 1.4 million cases on the register. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask for Afghan Asylum.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 1/21/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the American consumer. Sometime ago there was a federal ruling finding that the way the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CPFB) is funded is "unconstitutional" despite the fact that Congress intentionally created the Bureau independent of its annual, corrupt appropriations process. Following the federal ruling in the courts, the credit reporting agency TransUnion cited the case in order to argue that a voluntary agreement it came to with CPFB in 2017 over it's deceptive marketing practices is invalid. In the event that this ruling is upheld, this could starve the Bureau of funding making it impossible to function. All of us remember the subprime mortgage lending crises, the Great Recession and the economic fallout that resulted. Honest brokers like the CPFB are here to make sure that free markets operate in a transparent fair way. Big banks need a strong watch dog, a good cop on the beat to insure that the fundamentals of our economy our strong. Call Consumer Protection Financial Bureau today and let them know we have their back @ (855) 411 2372
Wealth Tax 7/7/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to enact a wealth tax. President Kennedy once said that "if a free society cannot save the many who are poor it cannot save the few who are rich." We only need to look to economics when looking for what a just distribution of wealth could be. "Diminishing marginal returns" illustrate that every additional good, for example cars yields a diminishing return to the purchaser. There are many in our country who go hunry not knowing when they will get thier next meal. There are many who are thread bare without new clothes or shoes. There are many living on our nation's streets. 1 in 9 Americans live in poverty and that is one too many. Senator Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax would levy a 2 % tax on wealth above $ 50 million and a 3 % tax on wealth over $ 1 billion. This would have raised over $ 224 billion in 2022 alone. President Biden's Billionaire Minimum Income Tax would have raised $ 360 billion over the next decade by taxing wealth not work according to Daily Kos. Now that the debt limit has been raised it is time to build a more just and equal society. Call Congress today @ 202 224 3121 and ask your Representative for a fair tax code.
Save our Environment 9/21/2023
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our country by declaring a national climate emergency. This measure would "unlock the tools and resources to tackle this crises head on and safeguard our planet including the ability to; 1) halt crude oil exports, 2) suspend offshore oil and gas drilling, 3) restrict international trade in fossil fuels, 4) order the construction of renewable energy systems in climate vulnerable communities, and 5) leverage Defense Production Act (DPA) funds to manufacture clean energy tech," according to the Working Families Party. Recently, "98 million people in the United States were under "code red" air quality alerts after hazardous smoke from over 400 Canadian wildfires drifted south, blanketing parts of the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Ohio Valley and Midwest in a thick orange haze." Overnight New York City had the worst air quality of any city on earth and looked like something from a science fiction film. We call on the EPA to declare a climate emergency. Call to combat climate change @ 617 918 1055.
Gun Control 12/7/2023
This week in Washington, we are writing to oppose permitless carry. According to Daily Kos, "twenty-six states do not require a permit, training, or background investigation to carry a loaded firearm." The statistics speak for themselves, "states that have embraced permitless carry have witnessed a 13-15 % surge in violent crimes and an 11 % rise in homicides involving handguns. This isn't about constitutional rights, it's a crises. We must prioritize public safety over gun manufacturers and act now to reject permitless carry...no permit, no safety training and no background check: that's what's needed to carry a loaded gun in over half the country!" Florida has now become "the 26th state to allow adults to carry handguns without a permit or license," while "gun violence is now the # 1 cause of death for children. There is nothing in the Constitution requiring unvetted, potentially dangerous, and untrained people to be allowed to carry a gun in public," this epidemic is a 'mindless menace of violence.' If it takes a permit and training to drive a car, it should also take a permit and training to carry a gun. Sign the petition here, oppose permitless carry of firearms.
Universal Child Care 12/21/2023
This week in Washington, we are writing to care for our nation's children. In recent days, Sen. Elizabeth Warren unveiled a plan for universal child care. Her plan would; 1) "cap costs for every family in America (with half paying no more than $ 10 a day), 2) ensure access by funding child care centers across the country, and 3) give child care workers a raise by making sure they receive wages and benefits comparable to public school teachers with similar credentials." We need 'all hands on deck' for the future of America's children. $10,000 is the national average spent on care for one child every year and is over half the median income of a single mother. Mothers working their hearts out for the future of their families and country are handing over half their paycheck for child care. If enacted into law "more families would be able to make ends meet by not straining to cover child care, they would be able to finish their education or start new jobs." In addition, "more small businesses would be able to fill open positions with new workers in the mix - lifting our whole economy." Further, "more child care workers would be able to stay in their field instead of needing to switch industries because of low pay." Lastly, more "kids would start their education with a solid foundation." In exchange, we could see "increased graduation rates, higher incomes and reduced health risks." Sen. Warren teaches that "every dollar spent on quality education is an investment in America's future." Call the Capitol switchboard and ask for your Senator by state to support universal child care @ 202 224 3121.
Bastille Day Festivities 7/14/2024
Social Security 12/7/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to expand Social Security. According to Daily Kos, Social Security "is the most important source of retirement income for a vast majority of Americans. Nearly half of Americans do not have access to or have [an] acquired retirement savings account otherwise making Social Security even more essential to retirement security. Even as Social Security remains a successful program, millions of seniors and some people with disabilities contnue to struggle." We are facing a retirement crises over the horizon. We must expand and insure equal access to the program, not reduce benefits. Social Security, as the heart of the American retirement system, provides guaranteed income to workers in retirement effectively boosting Americans income security. Congress can expand Social Security benefits for millions of Americans, and extend the lifespan of the program and pay for it all by making the wealthy pay their fair share. Sign here.
Child Tax Credit 5/14/2025
This week in Washington we are writing to combat poverty. The United States is the wealthiest country in the world, yet, according to Daily Kos, 1 in 7 live in poverty. In 2021, child poverty went from 12 % to 5 % because of the expansion of the Child Tax Credit. Wealth inequality is at an epidemic level with 34% of the United States owned by the top 1%. The American Rescue Plan expanded the Child Tax Credit and it grew to $ 3,600 while removing income requirements. Some families received as much as $ 300 per child every month for 12 months. 3 million children were lifted out of poverty as money became available for groceries, rent, bills and everything needed to make American families whole. Since the sunset of the American Rescue Plan in 2023 economic inequality has returned with 13.7% of children living in poverty. According to recent Institute for Policy Studies research, last year's child poverty rate would have been just 8.6 % if the same expansion had remained in place. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask your Member of Congress to back an expanded Child Tax Credit.
Affordable Housing 5/7/2025
This week in Washington we are writing to protect public housing. A recently penned op-ed in The New York Times shines a bright light on where we can go in terms of housing policy all over this nation of ours. Rep. Cortes backs a repeal of the odious Faircloth Amendment that prohibits public housing authorities from building new units. "Instead of treating real estate as a commodity, we can underwrite the construction of millions of homes and apartments that by law must remian affordable." Co-op City in the Bronx is an example of what is possible when we imagine a future brighter than the one we are in. The solution to the public housing shortage is the Homes Act, that would create a new federally backed development authority to finance and build homes in big cities and small towns, built by union workers and then turned over to entities that agree to manage them for permanent affordability such as: public and tribal housing authorities, cooperatives, tenant unions, community land trusts, non profits and local governments. Rent would be capped at 25 percent of a household's adjusted gross income. Homes would be set aside for lower-income families in mixed-income buildings and communities. Call Congress today and ask for your Representative's support for the Homes Act financed by Treasury bonds and Congressional spending @ 202 224 3121.
Affordable Care Act 5/1/2025
This week in Washington we are writing to protect health care. We ask the new administration to honor the reforms that progressives have struggled for a generation to achieve. In a recent Op-Ed for The New York Times, Sen. Warren went to bat for the ACA pointing out that Project 2025 would "toss tens of millions off [of] their health insurance, jack up premium costs and slash benefits for those with ongoing health problems." Project 2025 illuminates what conservative plans are for health care, "repeal the ACA, cut Medicare benefits, end $35 insulin, stop Medicare price negotiations, cut health care access for poor families, restrict contraceptive care, jeopardize access to IVF and ban abortion medication. Biden-Harris in contrast delivered Medicare price negotiations on 10 pharmaceuticals, capped monthly insulin costs at $35 for seniors and limited out of pocket spending for prescription drugs under Medicare to $2,000 per year. Call the Capitol switchboard and demand that Congress do all it can to protect the Affordable Care Act @ 202 224 3121.
Immigration 4/28/2025
This week in Washington we are writing for our nation's immigration system. The Statue of Liberty is enscribed with the immortal words of Emma Lazarus's New Colossus, "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore." New immigrants must be met with warm blankets and hot soup not with bullets and tear gas. The New Administration's plans as described in Project 2025 are not a dream but a nightmare with family separation accompanied by camps to house families before deportation. In addition, immigrants work in jobs that many Americans simply won't take including construction and other positions. All Americans have family that came from a different country and we must remember that when crafting a just and merciful immigration policy. The Biden Administration heroically accepted 300,000 Ukrainians and 78,000 Afghans during it's Administration into the United States. It is our responsibility to keep faith with the words of the Statue of Liberty through temporary protected status and humanitarian parole. Join us in calling Members of Congress to craft a progressive immigration policy @ 202 224 3121.
Senior Citizens & Hunger 12/21/2024
This week in Washington we are writing to combat inequality. According to Daily Kos, "high grocery prices, increased costs for housing, health care and other necessities, and the expiration of pandemic era benefits mean seniors with low or fixed incomes across the country are paying more for the food they need on top of paying other bills, and doing so with fewer resources. The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) provides seniors with healthy foods through monthly food boxes, but this program can only serve as many seniors as funding provides. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, 7 million seniors faced hunger in 2022. CSFP connects seniors with the nutritious food they need to thrive. The program provides packages filled with fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, meat, cheese and other foods that help older people stay healthy. Feeding America is able to serve more than half a million seniors through the CSFP program, making a difference for seniors citizens. Tell Congress to include this critical and path breaking program in the Farm Bill H.R. 8467 sign here.
A People's Minimum Wage 4/21/2025
This week in Washington we are writing for a fair minimum wage. For 15 years the federal minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 an hour. Millions of workers, domestic caregivers, farmworkers, student workers, tipped wage workers and workers with disabilities among others - are excluded from the minimum wage. The stagnant minimum wage has resulted in an economy where nearly 1 in 4 Americans are stuck earning low wages, (less than $ 17 per hour) and struggling to make ends meet, with women, workers of color, and women of color disproportionately impacted. We ask you to support a $ 17 minimum wage because we know that the light of our dreams can drive out the darkest of our nightmares. To throw the darkness of poverty and inequality back into the night. Sign Oxfam's petition here.
Christmas Day 12/25/2024
New Year's Day 1/1/2025
Chanukah 12/25/2024 - 01/02/2025
Martin Luther King Day 1/20/2025
Valentine's Day 2/14/2025
President's Day 2/17/2025
Kwanzaa 12/26/2024
Groundhog's Day 2/2/2025
Ramadan 3/01/2025
Ash Wednesday 3/05/2025
St. Patrick's Day 3/17/2025
Malawi 4/14/2025
This week in Washington we are writing for Malawi because according to Daily Kos, it is one of the poorest countries on Earth with more than half of it's 18 million residents live in poverty. That's why for 30 years, FINCA, the financial services company has been proud to work in communities there to help people overcome difficult conditions to create thriving businesses by ending the cycle of poverty. FINCA has established traditional bank branches and a network of banking agents, working out of small shops in local communities, including the rural areas where most people live. FINCA has worked with nearly 180,000 Malawians and with support from ordinary Americans the organization has helped more than 32,000 clients grow their businesses allowing them to reach a new level of financial success and stability. 25,000 Malawians have been able to improve their homes and quality of life while more than 235,000 people are employed by FINCA-funded businesses. Success stories are incredible and are proof that the solution to global poverty resides with unleashing the wisdom, talent and work ethic of the world's most disadvantaged people. Sign the petition to help people break the cycle of poverty and assist small business here.
International Energy Policy 4/7/2025
This week in Washington we are writing to unleash the Earth's energy potential. According to Rajiv Shah writing for The New York Times, the world needs to focus on the 700 million people who don't have energy and the 3.1 billion more who don't have enough. Shah once worked as head of the United States Agency for International Development. Unfortunately, aid from First World countries has slowed and decreased with time and leaders in developing countries and the United Nations face a daunting task. 48 countries are spending more on debt interest than on education and public health. The Oxford Poverty and Human Development Institute cites how solar panels, batteries and other breakthroughs make it far easier to provide reliable, clean electrification to everyone. The Institute has highlighted the correlation between a lack of electricity access and education, poor health and malnourishment. Fortunately, the World Bank and the African Development Bank partnering with the Rockefeller Foundation have committed $ 30 billion to connect 300 million Africans to electricity by 2030. This electricity can light homes and power health care facilities that serve 90 million people and avoid 65 megatons of carbon dioxide, while allowing 2-3 million people to improve their education and create millions of jobs according to Sustainable Energy for All an international organization that works on electricity access. Call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and ask them to fund this initiative by the World Bank to "undue the heavy burdens" set people in the developing world free.
National Popular Vote 4/1/2025
This week in Washington we are writing to establish the National Popular Vote. Many of us are still in shock at the result of the recent election. As shocking is the idea that despite winning a majority of the popular vote a candidate can still lose because of the Electoral College, like in 2000 & 2016. Campaigns spend all of their times in swing states; Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia. A majority of people do not live in these states. If the election was winner take all candidates would spend their time in the vote rich states such as California, New York, Texas, Florida and Illinois. When the Electoral College was created by the Founding Fathers there were only 13 States and the Constitution itself was a compromise giving small states an amplified voice in national affairs. Frustrating the will of the majority has given us a Senate dominated by the filibuster and an Electoral College that plays to small groups in swing states. The state of Maine and Nebraska alot their electoral votes based on their popular votes as it should be. Call Congress today and ask them to reform our election system by creating national popular vote @ 202 224 3121.
Non-Profit Organizations 3/28/2025
This week in Washington we are writing to protect the non-profit sector. Nov 20th the House of Representatives voted on H.R. 9495 that gives the Treasury Department and the new administration unilateral power to designate non profits as terrorist supporting organizations and strip them of their tax-exempt status according to the publication Non-Profit Quarterly. The new legislation would require "no proof, or burden of evidence and no due process" according to The Intercept on Nov 10th. More than 150 religious, reproductive health, immigrant & human rights, racial justice, LGBTQ+, environmental and educational organizations have spoken out about this awful legislation. The House of Representatives passed the legislation with an assist from 15 Democrats. Originally this legislation targeted Palestinian organizations but the umbrella covers any organization that opposes the new administration. Call Congress today and ask them to oppose Speaker Johnson's attack on the 3rd sector @ 202 224 3121.
Don't flush our Forests Charmin 3/21/2025
This week in Washington we are writing to protect our wild forests. Evergreen trees are being cut down in North America's Boreal Forest to become tissues, toilet paper and other paper products. The Boreal is the largest intact forest in the world and we join Daily Kos in urging Procter & Gamble the parent company of Charmin, Bounty & Puffs to commit to using forest-free materials for its products. According to Environment America, "the forest is our planet's green crown, blanketing mountains and lining the shores of crystal clear rivers and lakes. The Boreal Forest is precious, sheltering animals and keeping our planet cool. Unfortunately, every year 1 million acres of Boreal Trees are cut down to stumps. The toilet paper industry uses trees logged in the Boreal to make softer tissue. We can't let them flush this forest down the toilet." Thanks to the heroic efforts of Environment America, Procter & Gamble has started creating forest friendly products, like the Charmin Ultra Bamboo toilet paper line. Call Procter & Gamble and demand they stop flushing our forests @ (513) 983 1100.
Farm System Reform Act 3/14/2025
This week in Washington we are writing for our nation's farms. Industrial scale farms are putting health and the food supply at risk by polluting drinking water and the environment, wrecking rural communities and fueling climate change while increasing corporate control over the food supply according to Food & Water Watch. Our heroes in Congress are fighting back, most notably Sen. Cory Booker and Representative Ro Khanna that introduced path breaking and critical legislation to immediately stop new factory farms with a phaseout of large facilities by 2040. The Farm System Reform Act would assist farmers, rural communities, the climate and the welfare of animals. This law would: put a moratorium on new and expanding large factory farms, phase out existing large factory farms by 2040, enforce environmental laws on existing factory farms, include holding Big Agriculture companies responsible for the pollution they create, provide support for people operating factory farms to transition to more sustainable forms of agriculture and bring more fairness to agricultural markets through antitrust enforcement. For a generation Con-Agra and Iowa Beef Packers have dominated Big Agriculture. We must become a nation of small farmers again the Jeffersonian dream of the Founding Fathers. The Industrial Revolution does not need to come at the price of the American farmer. Call Congress today and ask your Representative and Senators to vote in favor of the Farm System Reform Act @ 202 224 3121.
Gun Control & the Assault Weapons Ban 2/28/2025
This week in Washington we are writing for gun control. Recently, two students and two teachers were killed at Apalachee High School in Georgia with an AR-15 military grade assault rifle causing death, injury, terror and trauma according to MoveOn. Mass shootings like these can be prevented if we ban assault rifles as was the case in the early nineties. Weapons of War have no place on our streets and in the United States there are more arms than people in the country. We must address the public health crises that is our policy towards the carrying of arms. Our children, teachers and administrators should be able to go to school in peace without fear for their lives. Historic gun legislation was passed and signed into law by President Biden and it's time to finish the job because thoughts and prayers are not enough. The sunset provision of the assault weapons ban expired during the Bush Administration and the time has come to bring it back because commonsense gun laws are a must. Duck and cover and live shooter drills should not be a mainstay in our national elementary and secondary schools or on college campuses. Our hospitals and universities have become killing fields and we must do all we can to combat the 'mindless menace of violence.' Call Congress and ask your Representative to ban assault weapons @ (202) 224 3121.
Homelessness in America 2/21/2025
This week in Washington we are writing to shelter the least among us because poverty has become a crime in America. A person with no place to sleep at night can be ticketed, fined and even jailed for sitting on the street and closing their eyes. In addition, a person unable to pay a traffic ticket could face spiraling debt from interest and late fees and even lose their Driver's License. The criminal justice system makes it a crime to be poor according to the Vera Institute for Justice. According to Daily Kos, poverty takes a devastating toll on our nation's poor in fines, fees, court fees and bail. This is especially true for Black people and other people of color, as well as people living in poverty. 3 million Americans are homeless sleeping on our nation's street and in shelters. While 1 in 12 Americans are Veterans 250,000 are homeless. The HUD-VASH, Veterans Affair's Supportive Housing Vouchers are woefully inadequate to supply our nation's Veterans. They protected us when needed and it is time to answer the call to serve our displaced Americans. We are calling on you to call Congress @ 202 224 3121 and make poverty history.
Africa & the International Rescue Committee 2/7/2025
This week in Washington we are writing for Africa. Make no mistake, climate change is an existential threat and the recent flooding in Chad, Niger, Nigeria and in Mali are a reflection of the worsening climate crises harming the Earth. Internally displaced people are shouldering a dramatic burden because of the exaggerated burning of fossil fuels and the failure of industrialized countries to mobilize behind policies that will combat climate change. One of the first organizations to respond to the crises in Africa is the International Rescue Committee. IRC serves people whose lives have been upended by war, conflict and natural disasters. It works in countries where people don't have the suppport that they need to recover from crises. A leading non-governmental organization IRC respods within 72 hours, staying to help countries stabilize and enabling people to rebuild their lives. Contribute to IRC here.
Save Darfur 1/28/2025
This week in Washington we are writing to Save Darfur. Many Africans are victims of ethnic cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity and have fled violence in Darfur in the Sudan to neighboring Chad because of the sectarian violence present in this African nation. 10 million have been forcibly displaced because of the Civil War there and have been victims of pogroms. In addtion, there is a famine and Black Africans are in a race against time to secure the resources they need to survive. The Civil War between the Sudanese Armed Forces and rival Arab militia needs to feel pressure to allow humanitarian access to civilians on the ground. More than half of Sudan's 25 million people are acutely malnourished according to The New York Times and as many as 13 million people could starve to death. We have an obligation to our fellow men to look out for one another and the Sudanese are our brothers and sisters. In addition, we must do whatever we can to stop the onset of famine. Call the United Nations at (212) 906 506 and ask for a humanitarian pause in the fighting to allow the delivery of much needed aid in Darfur.
Senior Citizens & the Farm Bill 1/7/2025
This week in Washington we are writing to protect nutrition for Senior Citizens. TEFAP, the Emergency Food Assistance Program and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) help hardworking families keep food on the table during tough times. Many Seniors have to make tough decisions on whether to spend their scarce dollars on either food or medicine and in the wealthiest country in the world no American should have to choose between a full stomach and staying healthy with enough medication. Our heroes at Feeding America are in the good fight working to assure that seniors have enough food to put on the table but Congress ultimately decides what resources they receive. To end hunger in America we all have to do our part including our elected officials in Congress. Feeding America and Daily Kos have set the goal of taking one million actions to stop hunger in the United States. More than 47 million people including 1 in 5 children face hunger in America. Combat hunger in our most vulnerable commmunities by signing here.
Community Policing & the Drug Epidemic 1/14/2025
This week in Washington we are writing to combat the drug epidemic. According to The New York Times expanded treatment, prevention and education are making an impact on communities hit hard by drug use. Addiction experts say that there are interventions contributing to the decline in fatalities, including wider distribution of overdose reversal medications like Narcan. In addition, there has been an uptick in some states in prescriptions for medication that suppresses opiod cravings and are having an impact as are campaigns warning the public about fentanyl-tainted counterfeit pills. Harm reduction programs that offer sterile syringe exchanges and fentanyl test strips are also saving lives. Many treatment and support services that were shuttered during the coronavirus pandemic have become more accessible. "They are all part of a health response to substance use that is bending the curve" according to Dr. Brian Hurley the President of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Non-carceral approaches to law enforcement have emerged as a way of combating the Opiod Epidemic. A public health approach to law enforcement is the ticket to combating the 'mindless menace of violence' plaguing our streets. The People's Justice Guarantee Act would place a cop on the beat so that officers are ingrained in the fabric of our communities. Sending social workers on 911 calls and de escalation training can work wonders and so can keeping the number of people in prisons down while protecting our officers and civilians alike. We are not enemies but friends and we must do what we can to keep faith with one another. Call the Capitol switcboard @ 202 224 3121 and ask your Representative for passage of the People's Justice Guarantee Act for non-carceral apporoaches to law enforcement.